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Everything posted by KenBrace

  1. Space Panda Qigong banner ad

    If you want to believe that you can absorb yin chi in outer space while wrapped in fiberglass insulation then go right ahead. You are also welcome to believe in Paul Bunyan, Cinderella, or Odin as well. On the other hand I'm going to stick with reality and focus on what's real.
  2. Space Panda Qigong banner ad

    I've followed almost every Mo Pai related thread on here (and therefore what that MPG posted) since I've been a member, and I've also read many posts from past years while browsing older threads. I don't need the "search" function.
  3. Space Panda Qigong banner ad

    Please link posts where he spammed and directly insulted other members before I joined.
  4. Space Panda Qigong banner ad

    Who can resist pi pie?
  5. Space Panda Qigong banner ad

    Look. I don't know what all went on between him and the mods so I can't rightfully judge the situation, but there was nothing wrong with the way he posted publicly imo. It seems to me that most of the people on here just didn't like the way that he persistently defended Mo Pai so they wanted him banned. I think he should have been a little more respectful to the mods but as far as his posts go, there was nothing wrong with them.
  6. Space Panda Qigong banner ad

    I wasn't comparing MPG to the Jews who suffered under Hitler's rein. I was simply saying that people's misfortunes are always their own fault. Not talking about MPG or anyone else here. Just disproving a statement.
  7. Space Panda Qigong banner ad

    You obviously missed my point. I wasn't comparing the Jews sotuation to MPG's. I was simply showing that people's misfortunes aren't necessarily always their fault like MO was implying. Sometimes it is their fault, sometimes it isn't.
  8. Space Panda Qigong banner ad

    So the Jews shouldn't have blamed Hitler for their misfortune?
  9. Space Panda Qigong banner ad

    Yeah a bit too harsh imo but when you get restricted, banned, etc. for expressing your opinion you tend to explode when you finally have the chance to speak your mind.
  10. Space Panda Qigong banner ad

    The way MPG acts is probably the result of being suffocated in so much BS over the years.
  11. Space Panda Qigong banner ad

    That depends on your definition of nonsense.
  12. I Sense a Coming Change At This Forum

    No it's best for the metal to come into direct contact with the perineum point.
  13. I Sense a Coming Change At This Forum

    I wonder why @ThePrisoner got banned. Everytime I turn around someone's been banned lol. EDIT: Nevermind I just read Brian's post.
  14. I Sense a Coming Change At This Forum

    My thoughts exactly. Very well said.
  15. I Sense a Coming Change At This Forum

    What do you mean by nature "intending" us to always be grounded? Natural selection? The will of nature as a God?
  16. I Sense a Coming Change At This Forum

    You could also just sit on the ground.
  17. I Sense a Coming Change At This Forum

    I don't want to derail this thread so I posted a reply to your post here...
  18. DON'T DO IT, when your penis says yes

    No comment.
  19. I Sense a Coming Change At This Forum

    I'm sure you could absorb yin chi on mars. However in outer space, flying in a jet, inside an insulated house, etc. your access to yin chi would be 99-100% cutoff.
  20. I Sense a Coming Change At This Forum

    I sense the change as well.
  21. What would you ask a master?

    Honestly Randi is doing much more good than he is bad. 99.99999% of people who claim to be able to talk to the dead, have psychic powers, can tell the future, etc. are a bunch of retards and complete frauds. Randi does an excellent job in my opinion of weeding these frauds and deluded people out of the public so that everyone knows they are fake and there is no longer a risk of them misleading people and scamming them out of their money.
  22. Anyone know of any natural flu remedies that they have tried and actually work? Any suggestions in general? I've had a flu virus off and on for over two weeks now I'm really getting tired of it.