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Everything posted by KenBrace

  1. Neigong Forum is back online!

    Again. Please only initiate arguments if you do it on MPD, Neigong Forum, or email. I'm tired of us derailing threads.
  2. I've gotten a meditation that gives correct instructions and has been leading exactly where it says it will. I've only been at it the correct way for about 6 months though so I don't have long term experience. I'm doing the same mediation as MPG so you might want to ask him to see exactly where it leads after a few years of practice as opposed to 6 months.
  3. Yep. It's also good to slowly bring yourself back to reality. Wiggle your toes and fingers, then start moving your arms, etc. Once you've moved your whole body around it's good to stretch and massage your muscles to help "wake" them back up and get rid of the stiffness.
  4. I think that the spirit and physical body intereact in a way that we don't really understand. How the physical brain interacts with the spirit is something that baffles me.
  5. I agree with the software, hardware annalogy. A spirit is physical though so you still have hardware. I know where you're coming from with the talk about the brain, but I don't think that the brain is the ultimate source of consciousness.
  6. (edited due to Apech's post)
  7. What is the longest you've ever meditated?

    I don't think so. One time after focussing back in like I mentioned earlier, I saw an image of my body about 5 feet away. The room was super dark but I could still see myself. I figured it was just my imagination though. I often see weird things like that when I enter light, light trance. I don't really know anything about astral projection so I can't say.
  8. What is the longest you've ever meditated?

    Well I don't exactly listen to music. I use the Centrepoint Dive and Immersion tracks which are 30 minutes each. 'The Dive' track consists of rain and gongs. 'Immersion' is just rain. I meditate in complete silence with HQ ear muffs sometimes as well. I'd like to find a block of time to do some 10+ hour sessions. Might try that this weekend. Just hope that no one plans any family events, etc.
  9. What is the longest you've ever meditated?

    LoL well there's a difference between regular sleep and conscious sleep.
  10. What is the longest you've ever meditated?

    Ahh nice to hear something past 30 minutes to an hour lol. What was the session like?
  11. What is the longest you've ever meditated?

    That's hard to say. If you are talking about the true borderline state, then I have yet to reach it. If you mean "asleep while awake" then yeah I get there everytime although it's hard to calculate times. What happens with me is that I dose off and forget what is going on. I have no idea how long I stay in this state but evntually I focus back in and realize I'm about to plunge deeper. At this point I am completely aware like normal consciousness except I have no connection to my physical body or the external world. Other things happen too but I don't really want go that far. Sometimes I'm unable to make it past this point and after a time, start to wake up. That's when I start regain hearing and feeling of my body. Only once was I able to make it past this stage and go even deeper. That was by far the strangest thing I've ever expereinced in meditation. I would kill to have recorded EEG data during that. So yeah. I can tell how long I've been there because the two tracks I listen to are 30 minutes long. So if I remember listening to 3 or 4 of them, then I was out for close to 2 hours. It isn't until I stop the session and get up that I check my stopwatch to see exactly how long I was out. I can make a rough estimate of how long it took before I dosed off by remembering roughly how many tracks I rememebr listening to before I lost hearing.
  12. What is the longest you've ever meditated?

    I've noticed that I somewhat loose awareness at a certain point, but I focus back in and realize I've entered a deeper state.
  13. What is the longest you've ever meditated?

    I experience this right before I plunge into a deeper state. It's not really what Mo Pai refers to as the 'borderline state' though. Depending on how you look at it, it could be said that it's inbetween waking and sleeping since you're awake while asleep though.
  14. What is the longest you've ever meditated?

    Half-lotus. I got to a point where I could no longer feel my body but I half-way awoke at some point and realized my legs were hurting. I straighten them out and finished the session that way. Not really sure how far in that was. Maybe 3/4 of the way. I can't really remember to be honest.
  15. What is the longest you've ever meditated?

    It was around 7 hours. That was last week.
  16. LOL How old are you joeblast?
  17. I agree with Tongkosong as far as Jim missing a few points. He actually somewhat missed the most important part.
  18. What is the longest you've ever meditated?

    Well I guess I was referring to the borderiline between waking and sleeping. Unless you are in this state, you're ability to work with chi and make significant progress will be limited. I suppose that you can still have quality mediation without this state depending on your purpose for meditating though. Image Streaming doesn't require the borderline state and it is quality in my opinion. I've been able to heal headaches with a 2-3 hour session due to the relaxation and clear-headedness that it causes, so I guess that could be considered quality for healing headaches.
  19. Neigong Forum is back online!

    That's kind of off topic. Might be best to discuss it over there on the 'What exactly is neigong?' thread.
  20. You're sure right about there being many. There aren't many real one's that actually get you somewhere meaningful though.
  21. What is the longest you've ever meditated?

    Yep. 100% correct. That's why long sessions are important. 20 min + 60 min + 30 min etc. isn't near as good as one long session. What really matters is the quality of meditation. Otherwise it's pointless really. However, unless you are a master of meditation it's going to take you many hours of straight mediation to get there. If you never train for longer than a few hours at the most, you're not going to get to quality meditation, which is what's important.
  22. What is the longest you've ever meditated?

    Try using a recliner or some other reclined surface so you can rest your back, neck, etc. During even light trance your body will completely relax since you completely loose connection and feeling of it so as long as you have something to support you, that shouldn't really be a problem from. That's my experience anyway.
  23. ChiDragon trademarks: ...? ...!!! ...
  24. I've only really training correctly for about 6 months and even then I haven't been able to train consistently the entire time. The longer I go though, the easier I'm albe to go deeper in meditation. The deeper I go, the stranger this start getting. Once I get an EEG I'm going to measure my brain waves while in the deepest states that I'm currently able to achieve to see exactly how deep I am. I've been training off and on for 6 months and I haven't been disappointed yet. I doubt that after 2 years I will still be in the same position I am now.