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Posts posted by FokusFyre

  1. Vegetarian misses no nutrients plants have plenty of protein. Plants fruits nuts grains milk eggs honey all kinds of wonderful stuff. But you know what, its alot more complicated than I first thought. First of all fish are much lower conciousness entities than other animals and also are healthier to eat. Something else to consider, plants feel a certain kind of pain. Another thing to consider, eating only things where nothing has to die to eat it, thats the true humane way, a diet of most kinds of vegetables without killing the plants, fruits, obviously, beans, nuts, milk, and possibly eggs. But then I realized these animals are only alive because we farmed and grew them, if we didnt want to eat them they wouldnt have been alive, therefore its sort of our right to be able to kill them and sure dying might hurt for a minute but they got a whole life, and maybe some places the animals are treated pretty bad, but they still got to live. They wouldnt be alive without the farm and famers. So think about that. Its like giving someone a 1000 bucks and saying OK in 10 years you have to give me back 500. Its a pretty fair deal. So I realized eating plant and meat is moral. In a way, its less moral to eat food that you didnt explicitly give life too, aka the wlid, but that food is so much healthier cus its fresh and local :) ... food for thought.

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  2. Sorry had to post more!

    This is going on even as we speak 2013!

    Yummy Tapas, Aioli! :D

    Though maybe a more accurate word would simply be disciplines or practices. Im sure it was very difficult though to meditate 6 years straight without a moments deviation...


    A boy has begun mediation since 2005 for many years straight without food or water, his goal... nothing less than saving the world.

    He was documented without food or water for 4 24 hour periods straight. Most would die after 3 24 hour periods from lack of water.




    AND his message upon completion of his Tapas!!!^^^


    Most holy of messages!

    Watch out guys!

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  4. Hello all,


    I posted a few months ago in regard to Zazen practice and slightly open eyes that somewhat cross. I thank all that participated as now I feel that I have benefited greatly from the experience :D


    I have recently been practicing a chi/soul finding exercise that I found on Youtube from the Wudang guys. I was happy to see that the Zazen practice prepared me well for I am to use visualisation...something that I find difficult if my eyes are slightly open and I can see that I am still in my front room!


    But this isn't my problem...I know I will overcome this with practice.


    The real issue arose last week. I am prone to anxiety and almost bi-polar type behaviour but I have had this fairly under control in the last year or so. But recently, panic attacks have been regular, and I often find myself waking in the night. I have had some family issues in the past and they have resurfaced recently so I'm certain this has rocked the boat along with some added financial stress as of late.


    But last week I found myself in a very bad way. I spent a week with one of my old school friends. He stayed with me for a couple of days then I stayed at his for a few days in preparation for a big barbeque party. All started fine but as the days went by, I noticed that each chi meditation I did in the morning became more and more disrupted to the point where on Monday, the day I was set to travel home, I sat there freaking out for the whole 30 minutes! I was agitated, my lower back felt stiff, and there were negative voices everywhere. I felt too week to watch and control my breath and I just couldn't focus at all...I was just submitting to all the horrible words and scenarios that were in my head.


    Ok, so the week leading up to this did include a lot of weed, tobacco, energy drinks and alcohol. Sleep deprivation and some junk food (I tried my best to be good here! For the best part my diet was ok) ... so I guess I really do know the culprits (along with my family situation for me to nicely dwell on) BUT at the same time, what can I do? My old friend knows me too well...and I feel I would be alienating myself if I didn't keep up with the partying.


    A different (and wise) friend of mine told me that tobacco, alcohol and energy drinks would mess with my chi (not weed though, he likes the odd smoke) but I never really thought about it until this happened.


    All I know is that after last week, it has made me pissed at myself. I have been really moody since and I've upset my girlfriend only because I couldn't find a way to smile or be happy. I've literally been wallowing in some state depression for a week now and gradually I'm getting out but shit - I feel like I've destroyed myself just by hanging out with old school mates for a week and being "me".


    Sorry for the long post, I just need some advice on where I should go from here. I have a gut instinct, but I would like to see what y'all say first...


    Many thanks in advance for those that have read this and want to reply.

    Weed makes you prone to schizophrenia. Switch to Spring Forest Qigong or Kunlun would be my advice. Stay away from Kundalini stuff. Could be neg attachment. Check out Robert Bruces pyschic self defense.

  5. In reality we are actually a result of everything that has happened to us before and during life. Not only that, but the level of health, energy, and happines that we had throughout our life determined the scopes of conciouness we were exposed to and formed our personality. There are forces, many forces, which actually create thoughts that are not our own! They try to impose their identity upon your identity and you eventually identify with that identity! What parts of yourself have you accepted that aren't actually YOU? And how can you blame anyone for anything, how can you not forgive anyone, knowing they are the result of everything outside of them? Stunted by lack of energy and happiness, impressioned by the outer lessons, sneakily hypnotized by forces of uncertain origin imposing thoughts onto their intention and identity...

  6. No, this is an observation which i am sharing. i lack the level of self control to actually force my mind to not focus on my body and experiences.


    It's either i ejaculate, or i murder. which is it? there's no middle ground yet. if im not getting off, i need something to "replace" getting off. and since i am extremely frustrated- conflicted between biology and intent, maybe?- i become swiftly angry, and then swifter still violent.



    im not willing to become COMPLETELY USELESS. no sleep, cant sleep, too horny. fuck that shit.

    I have a friend just like you. I know your type. You are a warrior. Learn to control your emotions, harness your immense creative, emotional, pyschic, and physical abilites, or you will be consumed by emotional problems, addicition, and pyschosis. Your life will slip through your fingers like sand. The jaws of the unkown with grasp you like a bear trap. Use it or lose it lol. Then again I could be wrong about what kind of person you are.

  7. Lol... Well I'll start from the bottom up.

    1. Believe you are intelligent and pay honest attention to things. Think more and more. Research more. Open mind more. Stop being lazy. Prioritize. Do all those good things you should be doing. Diet, sun, walking barefoot, exercise (walk, run, play, hike, sports, high rep resistance training low rep high weight resistance training), drinking water. Best diet is large amounts of raw vegetarian hybrid with TCM/ayurveda theories. Certain herbs help boost the brain. Ashwaganda, Gingko Biloba, Ginseng, Acetyl-L-carnitine, etc. Also the Haritaki herb very good. Seriously thats the best herb I could recommend. Its a semi-common Indian herb in a common formula called Triphala, which has three herbs in it. Best to order it in bulk pure as possible. (honestly some herbs like Turmeric you can just eat on your food)

    2. Learn to photoread and read all kinds of stuff including dictionaries. (Photoreading is very real and can be learned by anyone)

    3. Do lots and lots of energy work. SFQ Microcosmic Orbit or Kunlun or Sadhguru's course or Nithyananda's stuff. Each one has a differnt way of activating the potential energy in the human and the brain. This is as close as you will get to "Limitless", actually it will be better. Nithyanandas course is a super simple/effective way of opening up Kundalini which will do all kinds of stuff for your "geniusness" this is a more dangerous explosive path but Nithya's techniques are safer than most Kundalini. Increases of your ATP (cell energy) will allow all chemicals in all systems to increase their balance and efficency, acetlycholine will skyrocket, etc. Kundalini will go in to activate genes and the genius in your brain. Sadhguru works similarly he emphasizes when you disconnect from the body and mind your ability to do anything increase 10x so you disconnect and he has lots of personal experience and tips and claims to make anyone be able to eat only very little and sleep only a couple hours a night with a few simple tips and a few weeks. Kunlun may be the fastest way and the safest way and the easiest way to unlock the inner potential, it utilizes the downward water path, allowing your body to do as it pleases, which is much easier than forcing it, it utilizes Red Phoenix which is specific techinque to open up the dormant brain potential. Finally there is the Microcosmic Orbit by far the most powerful Daoist meditation and one of the best mediations in the world, (the others are also some of the best in the world: Unclutching/void meditation, 7-steps of En-Kriya/Kundalini/3rd eye, Kunlun, Shambavi Sadhna) one of the best forms of this this Orbit, (the best that I've found) is the one taught by Chunyi Lin, his SFQ MCO involving the two primordial yin/yang sounds, calling on the universal energy/love, and the points. Also use self-hypnosis as explained by Seth and many others. Its one of the most ultimate practices truly. Just repeat a certain phrase for no more than 5 minutes, or concentrate on that idea for no more than 5 minutes. It will manifest because you will have become "self-hypnotized" simply a build up of message. Whats important is the quality of awareness/attention/energy/concentration you have when you do the "self-hypnosis" or "prayer". Its basically manifestation, hypnosis, prayer, and acessing the akashic records all at the same time!

  8. what is this high pitch frequency? I hear it randomly, sometimes in one ear, sometimes both, doesn't happen everyday but it happens infrequently and randomly and last for a few seconds 3-8 seconds


    it sounds like those dog whistles i guess, but more sharper and clearer


    i can feel my ear "pop" not really pop but i feel a slight change in my ear, i dont know how to describe it

    Trace it to its source and find the Tao.

  9. I would think few in the Qigong field would follow a raw diet.. Chinese medicine warns against the implications of too much raw/cold food :)


    Right. I am aware of this debate. However one yogic master claims raw vegetarian is the way to go, even though he is raised up in traditional ayurveda. Sadhguru.

    Hes a good guy.

  10. Im pretty convinced we retain our personalites and make a long journey to either become reborn or to live in the astral realms and continue increasing in Density and rejoining with our otherselves and higherselves until we make it all the way back to the source. Thats basically what everyone who has talked about OBE's has said. Seth, Ra, Robert Bruce, Robert Monroe, etc. Id reccommend those authors, they explain in vivid detail the afterlife.

  11. Maybe you were a Buddhist monk in your past life that took on the path of the Bodhisattva. The resemblance is there, and a very honorable and admirable thing to dedicate yourself.

    Thank you. Thats one of the highest compliments you could have given me. I know in my bones I have had many past lives as qigong masters, yoga masters, monks, etc. Freedom from pain. Nothing else like it. I have just had the experiences in this life that have taught me what they taught me. I dont expect others to react like me because they have not had the same experiences as me.

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  12. Hi Im sorry about your ordeal Clarice. Some of these responses to this thread have been good, some not so much. I understand that you have been practicing SFQ for 2 years. May I ask how long and of what meditations you were doing? I would say that for serious blockages the Small Universe meditation should be done at least 30-60 minutes a day.


    A good tip would to start taking a good form of colloidal silver.


    I would recommend eating a vegetarian diet with at least 70% raw/live food. Live food has more life energy in it. Plants have more nutrients in them. I see you are already eating a partially or fully vegetarian diet, but Im not sure how much is raw. Just a tip.


    Chunyi Lin has said that even if someone is healed if they still have the same emotional blockage the problem will continue. Is there some chronic negative emotional pattern in your life? Or possibly an old and severe emotional trauma that you havn't let go of? Chunyi's own wife died of lung cancer because should could not let go of the greif from the Chinese Revolution. He is a very powerful Qigong master and could have kept her alive longer but he knew that it was time for her to go. He knew that if he healed her it would just come back over and over and over.


    Also our beleifs create our reality. Beleifs are the most powerful form of mind and our mind creates the rest of our reality. If you truly believe something (like: "I am sick") then it just wont change.


    Also sometimes sickness is so severe nothing can cure it. This is the case with very late stage terminal patients. This is not the case with you however.


    All that being said I truly beleive in the power of energy healing. I see the results in my own life. Chunyis Small Universe is causing me much bliss, strenght and energy. WIll keep you guys updated to see if more happens.


    Also - Have you tried Kunlun? Its supposed to be a pretty fast method to success. Also Sadhgurus Isha Yoga he promises good results in just 21 days 21 minutes a day! Theres also this shaktipat transmission video online that I could send you several people said they had real and major results! Also there is Nithyanandas En-Kriya which supposedly rose cell energy by 1300%!


    If you respond to this maybe I can help you out more along this path.

  13. Hi Everyone :)

    Steve had asked me to show him my custom meditation seat that I built.


    I built this myself because I was tired of having painful legs during 1 hour meditation sits. I could not find anything like it on the net..






    My goal was to be able to sit with crossed legs, like easy posture, but with absolutely no pressure points, no parts of the legs mashed on each other.


    It took me three tries. I made the seat out of 1/2 inch plywood. The frame is made from 2 X 6's. I wanted a very solid seat that wouldn't move around. Also, when you screw on the 2 X 6's, leave an inch of clearance so that the leather or seat covering can be wrapped around and stapled (don't make the frame flush with the edges of the set).





    I also wanted to be able to keep the easy-posture cross legged formation so that is why is the front is indented. Also, I wanted to be able to have little or nothing digging in to the muscle just before the knees so I made the depth exactly the length of the distance of the back of my butt to where the lower legs start to bend, so, I can also rest the lower butt on the wall if I have to.





    The seat is made of 2 inch high density foam covered with black leather. After I built the seat, I brought it to a local upholsterer and had him cover it with the leather. Funny, everyone in the shop wanted to know what it was for. I told them it was for meditation. The cost of getting the top upholstered was $200.00 including labour. I watched him build it.





    I also purchased a layer of 2 inch high density foam for the bottom piece, which goes on to the ground. This is invaluable for padding the ankle bones. Finally, I put some sheep skin squares on that foam on the bottom.. heaven.. It is so comfortable!




    I have been using this seat for around 1 year now and I love it. I have no pain whatsoever, even during extended meditation sessions. I used to hate that so much, having pain from blocked circulation in the legs.. Now, I never even think of it anymore.



    Anyway, the thought had occured to me to patent my design and try to make money off of it. I just can't do it. In my heart I feel I should share it freely in hopes of helping others to benefit their meditation sessions.





  14. This post is intended to give information to those who need it and those who don't or shouldn't I encourage to not follow it.


    This is information for people to pick out what works and throw away what doesn't.


    1. Realize that greatest good is greatest good. See your life as a timeline present and future. See how small the present is compared to the future. Realize truly that there is only one path of greatest happiness. Happiness is happines end of story. Past Present Future its all the same. You are either self destructive or your not. Work will always equal a much greater output than what was input.

    2. Only do what you want to do. Never do what you don't want to do. Say you are fat and want to eat another burger. Its good to want that burger. That burger brings you bliss and that is good. But want even more and with the same and greater happiness to fast. To be empty of it. Sense that goodness.

    3. This is a hard world. We can all agree on that. Sometimes one misstep is all it takes to destroy your entire life. Unawareness is not something you can afford. When you ride a bike is it OK to close your eyes? No. No it's not. All of our life matters. Its dumb to do certain things. Its dumb to be irresponsible. If you look at a man getting arrested for stealing something you may feel sorry for him and feel its unfair, yet you still realize hes getting what was coming to him. Thats how the world is. He was simply and totally negligent. We cannot afford mistakes like that in a world with consequences like this. Take this philosophy to the rest of your life. To responsiblity. You can't afford to ignore reality. You can't afford to let your emotions take over your mind. One of the big lessons of life is to learn to use your mind and logic over your emotions and body.

    4. Have awareness of reality. Think about all your goals and consequences that you really will get if you do a certain action. Think about your goals in full detail, savoring each delicious emotional moment of them. Think about all these things a feel them fully, be with the bliss of it. This action DOES = this reward. Simple.

    5. Not following greatest good (whatever your mind has calculated that to be) is self-destructive. How can you complain of pain in your life if you are purposely destroying yourself? You are the master of your destiny and we create our own demons and angels. And how can you say you are logical? Not following the greatest good is not logical. Logic is a basic priority for all beings. And how can you say your are smart? And how can you say you are good? Choose to be smart choose to be good choose to be strong not weak choose to be logical choose to be self-helping.

    6. Be happy. Think of ways of thinking and perspectives that bring you bliss. Have confidence and optimism. Look at every little thing in life and see how much you love it. What if it didn't exist? That would suck. Remeber books you've read or dreams you've had where you saw reality in a more happy and optimstic way. Like attracts like. Start with feeling like a winner and life will follow that. Good things happen more often to happy people. The universe has deemed they have learned the lesson of appreciation. Beleive you have suceeded already.

    7. Believe you can do anything you set your mind to. Ghandi said "First you dreams are impossible, then they are improbable, then they are inevitable."

    8. It is a simple equation. The universe gives you more pain until you learn your lesson. When you learn your lesson you dig your own self out of that hole and no more pain is had. Realizing this helps you learn faster.

    9. Beliefs and thoughts create your reality through action, perspective, and manifestation.

    10. Accept pain. When you make a sacrifice for the greater happiness accept the pain and let go. Just let go. Just accept. At the same time if the pain is truly great don't just sit back and let it overtake you sometimes a simple remeberance of a goal or something that makes you happy makes all that pain go away.

    11. A person is only truly judged on how great or good or socially(in relation to other entities) successful they are by three things: How good they are. How intelligent they are. How responsible they are. These three ingredients equal perfection in motion. They are all different sides of the same coin. All divisions are false and all divisions are true. But goodness intelligence and responsiblity will create all goodness and all greatness in a human's life. Responsiblity is hard working-ness. The ability to sacrifice for the greater happiness. Intelligence is wisdom, cleverness, experience, smartness. Goodness is the greater good principle in relation to self vs others. The ability to work for greatest happiness not just in your own life of present vs future, but in self vs others. Skill is the result of intelligence and responsiblity.

    12. Its so simple, so obvious. You may be asking yourself "How did I not realize all this before" You didn't see it because you didn't see it. Thats the nature of unawareness in our reality. Unawareness is the biggest human problem. Your body is the ultimate commander of your actions. It has many old messages in it that keep you in your old self-destructive ways, your non-greatest-happiness ways. You confused and lazy ways. The way to fix this is simply repeat the new messages strongly and often. One day I promise you it will all change like the straw that broke the camels back. You will truly see it all. Happiness is happiness.


    I love you all.