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Posts posted by Mal

  1. Cool ... I use to hang out at the local new age bookstore. As well as the people coming to the shop it had a notice board where I found the local Buddhist group that I once meditated with.


    It is FUN when you are together with like-minded people, so I'm sorry to hear the sanga disbanded, are you still in contact with any of the group? They might have some leads towards other groups and if there seems to be nothing else then why not have a go yourself :)

  2. To the ordinary being, others often require tolerance. To the highly evolved being, there is no such thing as tolerance, because there is no such thing as other. She has given up all ideas of individuality and extended her goodwill without prejudice in every direction. Never hating, never resisting, never contesting, she is simply always learning and being. Loving, hating, having expectations: all these are attachments. Attachment prevents the growth of one's true being. Therefore the integral being is attached to nothing and can relate to everyone with an unstructured attitude. Because of this, her very existence benefits all things. You see, that which has form is equal to that which is without form, and that which is alive is equal to that which rests. This is the subtle truth, not a religious invention, but only those who are already highly evolved will understand this.


    Walker's HHC 15



    The master continued, "Kind prince, tolerance is a necessary virtue

    in everyone's daily life, but for a universal integral being there is

    nothing that needs to be tolerated or labeled as tolerance. Tolerance

    exists only in the relative sphere.

    "Why is this? If someone does something unpleasant to us, we need

    to gather our strength to bear it; it is a difficult and disagreeable

    situation. However if you have risen above the relative concepts of the

    mind, there is no self and others, no longevity or brevity, no life or

    death in your mind, so there is no hatred or resentment. What then is

    the necessity for tolerance?

    "Kind prince, a person who is highly evolved leaves behind all

    concepts of individuality and extends impersonal love to include all

    existence. Dissolving individuality enables one to free oneself from the

    entangling discriminations of form, language, sense perception, feeling

    and all other relative conditions. It allows one*s true being to grow

    freely without hindrance of attachment. When the mind is attached to

    something, it can hold little more than self-created pain. One who is

    highly evolved, therefore, is attached to nothing and does not depend on

    any particular mental concept of form in his relations with people or in

    serving them. His very being benefits all life."

    "To a universal being all form is equal to that which is formless.

    All life is equal to non-life. Kind prince, this is the reality of the

    universe, it is the subtle integral truth and not a religious invention.

    There is no need for further commentary, for the instruction of

    transcendental, central reality is beyond the realm of truism and

    falseness in ordinary logic. Only the individual who has already evolved

    to a high level may receive this precious instruction."


    Ni's HHC 15

  3. Good luck ROZ

    I'm sitting in my doctors waiting room with new x rays to see if we can work out what it's going on :-) Been a few months :-(


    My physio taught me the lying down and scanning exercise outlined above and it can help (as long as it's not so painful that I can't relax)

    • Like 1



    Do you get it now?

    I think I can see your perspective, although you do not know what I am thinking btw


    But the girl will die, perhaps if she lives her life differently. It will be from different causes than her parents / siblings. But life starts and life ends, Duality it's like that

    so all we can really do is look after living while alive and death while dead.


    It would be like a book on celibacy written by a virgin.

    I disagree because a virgin has some experience of an aspect of celibacy, but no experience of sex.


    How can we "know" something, like death, without any experience of it?

    • Like 1

  6. While thinking about this thread (which I enjoy {both the thread and thinking about it}) I realized that if "The Tao of Dying" was a book, then it would be like a book on sex written by a virgin.


    No funny images to tag this one with, just a short Chaung Tzu


    “Unconcerned they came and unconcerned they went. That was all."

    • Like 2

  7. Can you dissolve your ego? Can you abandon the idea of self and other? Can you relinquish the notions of male and female, short and long, life and death? Can you let go of all these dualities and embrace the Tao without skepticism or panic? If so, you can reach the heart of the Integral Oneness. Along the way, avoid thinking of the Oneness as unusual, exalted, sublime, transcendental. Because it is the Oneness, it is beyond all that. It is simply the direct, essential, and complete truth.


    Walker's HHC 14





    At that time the prince wholly understood the wonderful teaching that

    the master had given him. He could not help bursting into tears with

    great sadness for his past ignorance, and he said "Venerable Teacher,

    this is the most profound instruction I have heard since I first began

    developing my own insight. It is truly the highest teaching. I am deeply

    grateful to you for your instruction and I vow to practice this truth

    joyfully as the sacred fulfilment of my life.

    "I wonder, though, if many generations from now, there will be

    people who will discover this instruction and be able to practice it

    joyfully in their daily lives. If so, these individuals would be most

    unusual, for they would have dissolved all mental concepts of ego, self

    and others, male and female, longevity and brevity, and life and death.

    Those who dissolve all concepts of individuality are beings of absolute

    awareness. By regarding Oneness with the clarity of their minds, they

    would fulfill the most virtuous merit and attain the highest


    "Very true, kind prince. If someone in the future embraces this

    revelation of the integral life without scepticism, conflict or panic,

    then this person would be very, very unusual.

    "Kind prince, if we label the Universal Truth as subtle and

    transcendental, then it ceases to be true integral Oneness. By doing

    this we reduce it to the mental sphere of dichotomy where it is no

    longer the essential, direct and undistorted reflection of the universal

    truth of one life."



    Ni's HHC 14

  8. The last time my Sifu taught Tai Chi he taught the 24 form. He usually teaches Yang long form but tried the 24 because usually < 1/3 of the starting class make it to the end of the long form.

    We had > 2/3 of the original class make it to the end of the 24 form so it was easier for them to learn, a few stayed on to learn the long form.

    Personally I do not enjoy the 24 and do not practice it preferring the first third of the long form if I want a shorter form to practice.

  9. You sound like me sz :-) I'll be wasting too much time playing games, so I'll go read a book :lol:

    Now I know I could be meditating, but I've already done my practices for the day, and I can't play sax all the time either (I'm sure my neighbors and I know my partner are grateful for that) I could go out and meet people but I do enjoy being home in my house at night .... so should I enjoy a nice single malt, perhaps some tobacco or watch a movie ... And so the circle goes :)

  10. We battle with the mind. Once that is defeated then all is One. Look closely at why you are not happy - look at your mind, its running the show ! Question your mind and every thought - its amazing !


    Slight edit so to remove names, still, Thank You, for you presence _/\_

  11. My current time sink is Mass Effect playing all 3 for the 1st time on ps3 just about completed number one


    I really enjoy borderlands if I find a good teammate, cooperation is fun


    What is a bit worrying is I sometimes feel, I have nothing to do tonight. Entertainment, be it games, movies, books even drinking, will all use that time in ways I enjoy ........ But are they useful ways?

  12. It's nice to see these sort of discussions from outside of moderation involvement and also without constantly reading every single thread on site.


    Read everything vs read what you are interested in and TTB is a very different site


    From that perspective it seems to me that a very vocal minority is unhappy with certain actions, more are supportive of the actions ... and many are unaware there even was any action.

    • Like 2

  13. What is required of a mod? That might help people decide or consider it. How often are you required to log in? What tasks do you need to do? How much time does it require to perform them?

    24/7 monitoring of the board with the confidence to survive constant and often abusive questioning of your actions. :)

    Seriously, that is what moderation can require, which is why there is a team to spread the load. While the ability to function on 90min of sleep is useful, the greatest help is a friend who you can contact and rely on for advice. That may only take minutes and when you need them having (or being) that person is what REALLY helps

    Most mods usually spend few hours a day. The housework stuff like sweeping out the bots and practice forums is lots of fun and enjoyable. The"issues" are however rather consuming ... basically if you are on site you will be either doing or thinking about moderating
    • Like 1

  14. I did not expect anyone of the old guard to be still here after so much time. What's the situation, now?


    The old guard, love it <3



    Situation ... same as it ever was.


    Now to the non EJ ... I'm not sure if I'd grasp for anything cultivation, reminds me more of the competitive ements in a circle jerk. Interesting that it's not a sexually segerated group so it's like a combination of a circle with spin the bottle.

    • Like 1

  15. lkhands.jpg


    This is why I love hanging around "Taoist". Much more open minded than Westerners concerning the occult and esoterics. Most are deep seated in doctrine/religion and never truly get to see the wonders within right away, unless they have been devoted for years.


    I've never been able to make a qi ball though. I can imagine one, but I can not feel them.


    The open mind :)


    unblock the mindset : "I've never been able to make a qi ball"


    practice this direction : imagine one -> make it -> feel it


    Perhaps most importantly have a reason to "use" a chi ball that isn't "I don't trust myself and I have to "see" this before I will"


    edited to add some loving kindness (i.e. the image)

    • Like 1

  16. PS4 forever :-P


    Ok I will eventually upgrade my PS3 but I will wait for the 1st price drop after release :-)


    Nothing compares to a PC but the hardware doesn't have to, look at a PS3 specifications vs what it's doing at the end of it's generation