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Posts posted by Mal

  1. I don't need any feedbacks... I have been doing it daily for last 3 years..


    An experience..................... cool


    Was / are they worth the effort? Happy with the results? Looking for more advanced or continuing the same practice?

  2. There are practices to make a Light body as well. It is immortal cultivation, sometimes the body gets dropped, sometimes it transforms to light...In todays world, usually the body is so drugged up b chemicals in our food and water, air, that it cannot transform completely, and its just dropped in the end. At that point you become an immortal through strict cultivation.

    You may live a long long time too in that body. Depends on how well one does.


    I was always a bit........ well ....... scared by this "body of light" idea.


    The idea attracts me a LOT. I would LOVE to be here for a long long long time (but not forever) and I would love to have a body that could still interact with this world after I "die"


    But it sort of seemed a bit like being a hungry ghost too....

  3. I think some type of tension or body wieght training to help the body and this will get the heart pumping.


    Getting out of my depth, but I think it's a different approach.


    The Chi Gungs I know for Tong Long manipulate the heart via controling the breathing, all of them are quite strenuous. It feels like you have had a workout when you finish :) and my pulse is up where it is when I jog (65% ~70% Max heart rate) & lots of sweating.


    Cardio (i.e. running) moves the body so much that heart has to to "catch up" and then the lungs try to "catch up" The breathless feeling seems to be the "bad thing" about cardio from a Chi Gung perspective. Perhaps cardio like Walking and Jogging (no breathlessness) would be better? I once read of a Chi Gung way of running on "one breath"


    Running seem to be the cardio that my sifu does not like. Many of us are fat, I still am after losing 30kg. But he just tells us to "stop eating so much" Our weight is not the thing holding back our kung fu and he really doesn't put any emphasis on being "fit" but really encorages us do Tai Chi to "Build up what Tong Long breaks down"

  4. But there is alot of Fat Sifu's and over weight means they are unhealth regardless


    Mmmmmmm. It's possible to be "fat" and still have better health than someone "skinny" But I'm nitpicking and had to cut out your disease bit for the quote to work :)


    avoiding excessive work that exhausts you. You want to feel energized after exercising, not wiped-out.


    That's a very good way to put it.

  5. What do you guys think of adding cardio workouts with chi kung standing and seated meditation methods?


    Do they mix or interfer, is cardio important to a Taoist or buddhist if so or not "WHY"?





    Well my Sifu is a Christian but the way he explains it.

    Chi gungs get the heart going, refresh the blood and build up your energy. \

    Going for a run breaks down your energy and your heart races to catch up with your body.


    He is not a fan of cardio, but then he is skiny and does not need to lose weight :)


    Are people that do a lot of chi gungs healthy vs people who do a lot of cardio?


    Being fit is not the same as being healthy.

  6. One of Max's students..Richard..I think might be in his late 40's or 50's(I could be wrong).


    Also..his students have a very childlike quality that I don't see so much in other systems..or alteast not as much(Except Advaita).


    Cool. IMO checking out the senior students is a great way to see the "results" of a system, thats the

    "trick" I use for martial arts schools. Also very impressed with the way Mantra responds to critical posts.

  7. Screw bliss I want sex with lots women.. Hahaha


    :D Nothing wrong with that at all IMO


    Me thinks there may be a issue with ones age in regards to this topic.You can only squeeze so much juice from a lemon. :)


    I think age is important too. Personally I have been told retention is "the thing to do" since I was 18, it's only at 33 that is has become something I WANT to do, perhaps :)


    I'd say don't worry, I'm sure you will get benefits from meditation without retention. Just like I'm sure retention would be harmful to meditation if was frustrating / annoying / make you angry ect ect.........


    But people better than me say that retention is important............ I'm starting to believe them


    But Life is long, plenty of time to get things right, be happy :blink:


    p.s. where have all the girls gone :rolleyes:

  8. When my blazing love becomes a dark ember. I won't walk away. I'll hold your hand, blow gently and rekindle the flame..over and over.


    That's so beautiful, it made me cry. That's a good thing :)


    Nothing to add LDiR except my congratulations and best wishes for the future for the 2 of you.

  9. Hi Japhy,


    Speaking of doing and not doing things. Were you doing t5t and combat conditioning at one stage? (can't quite remember)


    I gave away the combat conditioning, to strenious for me, I only do them now and again.


    T5T is becoming a daily thing for me, been trying them on and off this year, currently daily for about 2 months now.

  10. ~ Snip ~which translates to the upper spine moving freely. This helps align the neck and shoulders and release a ton of tension. Let everything go.


    Hehe, Cool. I am getting that swaying effect, will try it with the visualisation, Cheers Mantra


    The swaying just feels so "nice" I thought I might be doing the wrong thing as it wasn't a spiral radiating up from the hips. (Not sure what I look like but it feels like how Steve Wonder moves when he sings !)


    I try not to ask too many questions but my hands tend to move first. The feeling starts from the hands or my sholders (a lot of tension/pain from injuries for me in my sholders) The movements feel good. Not what I was expecting and I'm not sure if it's just "happening" or if it's "me" doing it "cause it feels nice to move"


    Trying to just do it, and not worry about what happens. Experimenting with a few things... plenty of time to practice.

  11. Aloha Chris,


    Not sure if you consider Queensland but we have temples over here


    CHUNG TIAN TEMPLE buddhist and

    Evergreen Taoist Temple


    41 Depot Rd, Deagon

    Phone: 07 3869 1188


    let me know if I could help somehow


    I'll second that, I'm in Townsville (1400km away) but happy to put up fliers etc.


    Doubt you would get 30 in Townsville, but you should in Brisbane

  12. Thanks Mantra.. After one week... 40 minutes every day.. can't feel any movements, no shaking, no sweating..

    just stillness...


    Hi KoHsuan,

    Perhaps we will meet up in Jan, that would be cool. Come to Queensland instead Mantra :)


    Anyhow I found Trunks suggestion to relax the toes and feet into the ground quite helpful. When my legs start to shake I was sort of tensing up my leg muscles to keep my heels up and that was stoping any shaking sensations.


    Practicing a lot less than you (1/2 hour) stoping the first stage before too much happens and making sure I do a lot of the closing form.


    No mindblowing results (well there was ONE) I think I move my arms about too much at the moment (but my body is stiff and it feels good so I do it). No heat, only lower body shaking, happyness rather than bliss. But I do seem drawn to this practice. (due to the high traffic on the board?)

  13. I had a professional tell me once that if you worry about being mentally ill, then you're probably not.


    :) A good rule of thumb


    However, I feel that if I've helped even one person then it's been worth it.


    Cheers. I just feel bad 'cause she had nowhere to stay the night and I could have called my kung fu school and got someone to look after her just as easly as giving her $20, which was not enough to help her and wasn't a strain on me. i.e. I took the easy option.


    But I was scared to call my school incase she was lying and I then looked stupid for wasting everyones time on a "street person" In retrospect I should have just checked her story with the police, didn't think of that at the time.

  14. The spiraling is just a suggestion. If you are feeling movement you should just go with it.


    Don't be too concerned about the time. Do what you feel is best.


    You must not think too much in Kunlun. Feeling is the key.


    Try it and find out. Don't think, don't ask, do.


    Have fun.


    Thanks Mantra. Have fun too.

  15. i haven't ejaculated for will be 3 weeks now and to be honest i don't feel much different. physically i suppose i'm a bit stronger since my body isn't on the cycle of trying to replenish the lost sperm but if something is going on in the spiritual level i'm not yet keen enough to tell. if i haven't had a wet dream i suppose my body is growing on the inside and it needs the energy so even in my awake hours i keep myself dry.




    mal, i personally think if you enjoy it who cares?


    Have to agree, don't they say "Easy is right, be right and you are easy" :)


    But I don't try to pass off having sex as a spiritual practice. Basically I had given up on retention as a practice, at least untill "I" could "feel" a difference between retention and ejaculation. And was just using Dr Lyns method for fun and enjoyment.


    But then along came Kunlun.