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Posts posted by Mal

  1. I keep thinking of a novel that said "No more coincidences for you" as I've been thinking about standing meditation a lot recently too :)


    Anyhow it's one of the things I don't do (time required).

    I've got seated meditation, Tai Chi fills the moving meditation part, Kung Fu is taking the exercise part. Standing meditation is missing, should I try to put it in?


    Been thinking about Yoga, but the ones I like are all moving postures :) Have done 3 circle standing before, it's hard work. Sort of interested in taking some Tai Chi postures and doing them static. But don't really know what I want / need. Must admit I lean towards "it's overrated"


    Basically only been thinking of it again because if I go to the Kunlun seminar there will be standing meditation and I had better start practicing if I don't want to be a trembling pile of sweat!

  2. Its wonderful that all these questions are answered so openly and freely!


    Yes, the chance to discus a book with it's author is very very helpful. Had long email conversations with Donald M Kraig when I was working through his book "Modern Magick" in the 90's. That Chris would take the time to talk to and help people work through the book is INVALUABLE.


    Actually I've been re-reading the book a fair bit (bible style :) ) and it is very well done. Personally I only got put off by the empty force martial arts stuff. But that's an issue I always have with that sort of thing.

  3. It really suits people who have an Adrenal body type, meaning that their adrenal gland is their dominant gland, and they tend to be strong and sturdy and put on more weight on the upper part of the body rather than the lower.



    Cheers, This does seem to be my body type, I know of the Warrior diet and it appeals to me too. Perhaps this is why eating a big breakfasts and lunch has never been my thing. This eating pattern is very natural to me, although the "fasting" part feels a bit hard core :)


    I really like the nighttime cut off as I'm a late night person and can quite easily binge out on 2 or 3 250g blocks of chocolate between 11pm and 3am that I didn't really notice myself eat or really want :(


    For Losing weight? Perhaps. It is a clever way to restrict calories, but I think it would be more likely to slow metabolism and encourage the body to store fat. The body does not like ot be hungry.


    The actually "fasting" part is what interesting to me. And yes it is also because it look like a monks eating program that has the meal at the right time of the day :) But I wonder if the hunger pangs / slight headaches are worth it (or how long till they go away)


    Also for me I train after work, might not be the best idea if I have not had any food for 19 hrs to then go and exercise for another 2. (Eating normally throughout the day if I forget to have a snack before training I sometimes feel weak and get the shakes) I think it might be better to graze on fruit and nuts, not sure if a 19 hour fast is of enough benefit to outweigh the symptoms. Is fasting for less than one day even fasting?


    Mal - what you said about having anger outbursts:


    We havent conversed much, but I feel a connection with you on some level. I'm betting that you're not normally an angry person, and that confrontation is your least liked type of human interaction. (please correct me if i'm off completely). I'm of a similar constitution - and... well, I dont know if this will help, but become a little more curious about anger. You might be an easy-going, laid back kind of guy on the outside but inside there may be constant anger. Because it's constant it's hard to notice, but just be more aware when you get angry and what it feels like, what your facial expression feels like whilst really angry, what it feels like to be angry with other people present and what it feels like to be angry by yourself and what you may do to hide and mask away the anger from yourself and from others...


    Sorry for the unsolicited advice!


    Cheers Freeform no apology necessary. Your observation is scary in how accurate it is, thanks for noticing me.


    Long ago yeas before I started any of this I was scared, afraid and hated people. I still ignore my feelings and let things slide rather than confront people 99% of the time. I will investigate this more, short reply. Going to meditate :)

  5. This week I was thinking that I should only eat once a day, a healthy meal at night and just have fruit and nuts during the day when I get hungry. Then Yoda posed this link to in the water fasting thread


    Sounds intresting and I like the chance to eat all sorts of crap :) Anyone tried this diet? Basically eat what you want during a 5 hrs window! I'm almost like this naturally, it's 1pm and I'm still not hungry, and it's not that hard for me to wait till 5 to start eating. I started this on Monday. Hard to tell how I feel todayas I have a few days off work and have been sleeping in and relaxing :)


    Basically interested in the benefits of the "strict" fasting period, not so much the diet loosing weight part (although that would be nice too)


    I know a few people here eat once a day but I'm not sure if they are "Fasting" as such in between meals.


    Thanks in advance

  6. Actually, here is a questuion for the Australians. Is anyone here experienced with Erle Montaigues Tai Ji,both as a health sysytem & as a fighting style ? Having watched excerpts on you tube & so forth, I love the way he teaches & explains things.


    But does it work ?



    Can't comment on the health aspect, except to say it seem as good as the Tai Chi that I do personally, hopefully that is good for my health :)


    The martial arts part works. I have trained with one of his students here in Townsville (Well Ian Garbett's student, tied up with Erle's system) I know a few others too and they all fight very well. I also love the way Erle explains stuff. 2 people with a bit of martial arts experience could practice and learn from his videos

  7. `The world is such a wide world, why do you answer a bell and don ceremonial robes?'


    "To get my Tea"






    I propose a rule change because I have no faith in my own answers and a bit embarrassed :)


    When I read other answers they just "seem right" When I try to think through my answers, it's not right. So I'm going with my immediate response to the question. And I like this one, even though I want to change it to "to get my Food" I'm still pretty happy.


    But others will have a better answer and I like to read them. Perhaps we should all have a go and try a new one only once the response die away ??



    "You're screwed and about to die. The asker isn't you and they're not making a flippant remark like 'have a nice trip'. They're a master trying to give you a last chance to settle your mind and see truth"


    I love that analysis, I always had trouble with the hanging from you teeth type of question because I can't get past the answer of "Grab hold of the tree" re-framing in that way Freedom is a beautiful answer.

  8. You never know who might contribute or what you might read. It may or may not be of interest, so i just

    have a look at whats being discussed.


    Nicely put.


    i hope i brought more insight and rigor to the discussions than i did strife.


    I always enjoyed a bit of Chaos B) Shame to see you go.


    Don't worry, be happy and have a good journey.

  9. has a free ebook which may be of interest to fasters.


    Anyone tried that diet? Eat what you for 5 hrs a day :D I'm almost like that naturally, it's 2pm and I'm still not hungry (pigged out last night)


    Very strange as this morning I was thinking that I should only eat a healthy meal at night and just have fruit and nuts during the day when I get hungry. This would be easier as I could eat all sorts of crap :)

  10. You mean I've been holding that posture the whole time for nothing :blink: . I think I need to read the book again.

    No one seems to be talking about experiences with 'continued' Kunlun practice. Sharing that would be really encouraging to newbies like me.


    Trying to understand from books if always hard, like I said I was preferring left hand up in the active, could explain why movements were more active sometimes :) Personally sometimes I think "I am making myself move" when in the active posture. I try to let it go, but if my thoughts still say "fake" I go back to that posture, often with left on top (I will fix that now and go back to the right on top) I just stay still till the shaking feeling in my legs takes me away again.


    This morning I went up to 25 active 25 close, did not move that much at all, felt nice :)



    Have you been given instructions on how to proceed when you experience this state?


    I am assume doing more of the closing part.


    Yes, the book tell you to "let go" too and not attach to results. The problem with talking about kunlun is that the "letting go" is the important part of the method. IMO Talk about results or experiences moves the focus away from where it should be, none of that is important.


    Said the man who has practiced not even everyday for only a month from a book.

    I sound like a beginning kung fu student who thinks he knows everything :(

  11. Wow, I have been here for a year and I have never seen everybody bicker :) Porn star Ron was before my time unfortunately. Does this happen often? Small group dynamics make me laugh after learning about it in social psychology. Actually all social interaction makes me laugh it's like a puppet show. All I suggest is if you don't agree with people attack the words, not the people.


    Anyhow I’ve noticed that I am quick to anger recently, little explosions over misunderstandings and misremembered past. Snapped off a few posts (managed to edit this one before I sent it, but I’m still a water drinking office worker :)


    Caused by changes in my practices, I think so. Problem with the method, no. It’s not bad anger, I am aware of the change. Like most of us I constantly monitor myself, looking for changes in my personality thoughts or actions, it’s so hard to act normal all the time hahaha


    I get something great out of this thread Super Snip of Trunk :-


    This is worth talking about,everyone likes the method, people on the inside have a fun time. Two of the issues that needlessly make your school a target are: 1. too much sensationalism, and 2. dealing with scholars. With some minor adjustments these problems would just disappear.


    And because I’m only good enough to resist for so long, I am still a bad person and do not deserve any sort of power. The only reason I am doing Kunlun is because the meditation lets me sit on my arse for 50min and be happy and still. Don't care how it works, all explanation is labeling anyway.


    Peace everyone. Be easy and you are right

  12. Hey-that may be another thread- what are the more spiritually transcendant tunes that come to your mind...

    christmas tunes don't work so well for me anymore but when I was very young they were magical in the extreme...-



    So this is Christmas. Lennon

    All I want for christmas is you. Mariah Carey


    Both make me cry...... in a good way.

  13. Must admit I was expecting a slap and being sent away to meditate .......


    Shuzan held out his short staff and said, "If you call this a short staff, you oppose its reality. If you do not call it a short staff, you ignore the fact. Now what do you wish to call this?"

  14. Cheers Cam,


    I was "stuck" at ~20min of stillness meditation, not sure why but I just had trouble going for longer, would get distracted. But after the active part of Kunlun I can just sit and sit and sit.......


    The weird thing is I have NEVER been able to get up in the morning to practice. I've been up at 5:30~ 6am since October, regardless of when I go to bed (Which is often 2 or 3am)

  15. Actually , there is such a thing as water intoxication - and it can kill you.

    However, an adult has to drink huge amounts of water (gallons) for this to happen.


    Arrg, you beat me to the punch :angry: but then I'm one of those office workers sitting around with a bottle of water (don't drink coffee or softdrink)


    And I must really be killing my kidneys as I drink ~3L of water a day

    (I sweat like a pig when I'm not sitting in the office, it's hot here)

  16. What are the MINIMUM practice requirements for Kunlun level 1? I'm happy with how my 20min active 20min closing is going and I would like to increase things now and get a bit more "old school" :)


    My thoughts :-


    Practice at least once everyday is required

    Get ready / comfortable and do the visualisation for a min or two untill ready to start.

    40min Active Kunlun

    20min Closing form


    My thinking from the book is that it's at least an hour active kunlun with 20min closing everyday but it's a bit unclear and if I can be lazy and get away with only 1 hour that will work out better for me :)



  17. The man in the tree and the one on the ground are the same. The one on the ground is buddha nature. The one in the tree is buddha nature. Who talks to buddha nature? Who dies when he speaks?


    No one talks to Buddha nature. I die when Buddha nature speaks.

  18. oh cmon stop being so secretive about this red phoenix business!

    i won't practice it obviously, i'm just wondering what it is


    I'm wondering too, but we will find out when the time is right. I hope he teaches it in Aus, but it all sounds a bit scary so I don't know if I want it....


    Anyhow no need to buy those running shoes yet, still learning to walk :)

  19. THAT SAID...if you are one of the few people blessed with a harmonious realationship on this planet, your emotions and realationship to the Tao is somewhat harmonious...well...MORE POWER TO YOU.


    Oh I am blessed...... but I don't need more power thanks :D



    Anyhow for rest of us, I have felt the same (specifically feeling frustrated, angry emotions) from trying retention. Perhaps it's a blockage or perhaps the extra energy was not being used / refined and as it builds up it's got to go somewhere!


    Whatever Kunlun is doing it's doing something with that energy. Compared to other practices I have tried that advised retention, it seems very natural and easy with kunlun. So if your lucky enought to be in a position to make love with someone special and still want to do the 100 days, I advise checking out Dr Lin's method. It's very very good even if he isn't a "real" doctor (Engineering PHD)