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Posts posted by Mal

  1. What is hard to really know is what exactly Ni means by his usage of "Those who seek and attain the Way must have planted their roots and virtue in one or two or even five lifetimes"

    To me it stands out as "unusual" if only because I can't recall Chang Tzu or Lao Tzu mentioning reincarnation (or anything much about what happens after death) and when I see reincarnation I think Buddhist as that was my introduction to the subject.


    I guess "do not worry about this" is the important bit but mentioning people already having previous lifetimes of merit accumulated seems unnecessary, yet if a "master" made the effort to mention this and it was recorded then I would feel that it should be true. Then again Walker did not have this information in his translation .... It's perplexing :-)

  2. I have a hugger mugger that is filled with I think buckwheat husks


    You have :-


    Noun - Secrecy; the practice, or policy of keeping secrets (via buckwheat husks)

    Adjective - Operating in a way so as to ensure concealment, e.g. with buckwheat husks

    Adverb - By stealth; under cover of buckwheat husks




    yes the website hit 1st of google but looked much more interesting :P


    I knew I would get a rebuttal to my post.


    It was good food for thought, and moved bums to elucidate counter arguments. I was quite confused for a few min when I couldn't find it in thread


    As a rebuttal I went to Wiki to find


    The origins of the notion of reincarnation are obscure. They apparently date to the Iron Age (around 1200 BCE).[16]

    The reference for 16 is" ^ Says who ?" got to love a wiki reference ROFL ;)


    But I feel something like "names can be named, but not the eternal name" Whatever the process of reincarnation is (or isn't) just like when we think we can "label" or "understand" the "Universal One" we have raised a barrier between ourselves and the universal one, as the universal one is beyond understanding or explanation.


    Like it was said in chapter 6

    The Universal One is truly imageless, yet in the attempt to make it conform to an image, people distort its reality and separate themselves from it."

    or more simply

    Why not be content with simply experiencing it?


    from this chapter

    If one does not discriminate between what is labeled as sacred and profane, one is liberated from the bondage of all concepts.


    Humans have been creating sacred and profane labels (religions) to stick on the universal one for eons. As all are trying to explain and understand the same thing there are many labels. Some of those labels have persisted over time (and now across cultures) and we can recognize that labels ancestry. Yet any label or concept is insufficient to truly contain and explain the "universal one"

  4. I agree Arron.


    I "know" what a "Papilio ulysses" is and I see them often. If you saw one flying, wanted to share your experience with me and said that you saw a blue butterfly I might reply "Yes I know, It's a Ulysses butterfly" But I don't know what you saw, all I have is an label, a husk, in my mind. You have a memory of what you experienced .... while the butterfly continues on experiencing.


    One can 'see' what has passed from the very beginning of time and so one can 'see' what is to come till the very end of time. Why is this so?


    I can't answer this well. The I ching talks about patterns and how to be aware of them. Personally through meditation I feel more and more the "gaps" between the experiences of my sense organs, my response, and the labeling of this experience by my mind. Minds "think" in "time" as the mind is already at least one step removed from experiencing. Everything happens "now" yet we think about it as happening soon, or happened in the past.

  5. The teaching of the Integral Way will go on as long as there is a Tao and someone who wishes to embody it; What is painted in these scrolls today will appear in different forms in many generations to come. These things, however, will never change: Those who wish to attain oneness must practice undiscriminating virtue. They must dissolve all ideas of duality: good and bad, beautiful and ugly, high and low. They will be obliged to abandon any mental bias born of cultural or religious belief. Indeed, they should hold their minds free of any thought which interferes with their understanding of the universe as a harmonious oneness. The beginning of these practices is the beginning of liberation.


    Walker's HHC 7






    The prince inquired of the master, "Venerable Teacher, will there be people in the future who will have the opportunity to learn and follow the Universal Integral Way of Life by studying these bamboo scrolls on which your great teachings are recorded?"
    The master told him, "Kind prince, please do not wonder about this. After I depart, even many, many generations later, if there are still people who seek the Integral Way, they will receive this precious guidance.
    "Those who seek and attain the Way must have planted their roots and virtue in one or two or even five lifetimes. Actually they have already evolved to a very high level. Thus, when they hear the truth contained in these teachings, their hearts may immediately reconnect with the integral nature of the multi-universe. Then the omniscient, omnipresent Integral One, which is the Treasure of Diving Power of the multi-universe, will shine upon them and absorb them into it's radiance. They will become submerged in the boundless ocean of blessings and impersonal love of the Universal One.
    "Why is this so? Those people will have dissolved their concepts of self and others, male and female, longevity and brevity, life and death. Also they will not have any mental obstructions formed by different cultural backgrounds, customs or religious beliefs which would prevent the perception of the subtle truth of universal integration. To hold the mind within any rigid framework is to immediately become trapped in the bondage of duality. If one does not discriminate between what is labeled as sacred and profane, one is liberated from the bondage of all concepts. Thus one should not embrace any religious concept or mental structure that is formed while living in the physical world. All mental structures must be relinquished if one is to reach the ultimate and subtle truth of oneness."
    Ni's HHC 7

  6. By the way... I know there is the making of remixed and cover versions, but is there really no musical discipline of abridging? I mean, it could be a big culture of trying to musically build together, to add awesomeness to music. You know, the kind of essence that creates an overwhelming feeling.


    I'm not sure, cause I don't actually know and DJ's but isn't that what a DJ does, abridge songs and mix them together eg mashups



    Not great but I though the 8 bit style might appeal :P and it's MLP on topic!



    Now this is good B) and the thing he is "playing" triggers the sampled tracks when he hit's the buttons.

  7. Nothing's off topic when discussing the Universal One ....


    as soon as "karma" is mentioned people immediately formulate images in their imaginations. They then try to make reality conform to their imaginary concepts.



    I feel the "pin" (or the cage for the songbird) is our minds need to understand and explain (pin) experiences.


    But "reality" has already arisen and moved on to the next moment (often before it has been pinned/understood by the mind) And while we can try to pin it as a "Blue mountain swallowtail" / "Papilio ulysses" / "pretty blue butterfly" None of those pins fully capture the experience.



    • Like 1

  8. I feel Walker really "captures" the intent of the HHC i.e. Walker is more about how to practice the way, rather than a recording of the "words" of the master.


    Just yesterday I was asked why I do a certain thing. My best answer was, "I don't know."




    the husk is captured, but the flying is lost


    Most (perhaps all?) of the time we are flying (While we can and do analyse our flight path with our mind and explain/justify why we chose to do something with our words) I feel that often the decision to "fly over there" was already decided (or instantaneously chosen) yet we explain it to ourselves "after the decision" as something "we" decided to do.


    The same on the larger scale, we think we know what this flight / tao / reality is. And we explain it relative to our chosen concept (imagination) trying to make the "flight" "tao "reality" conform to, and be explainable by, our imagined concept.


    Yet even if our imagined concept can totally explain our flight. What is imagined is not "real" and in fact has just added another layer between us and experience of the flight.

    • Like 1

  9. The Tao gives rise to all forms, yet it has no form of its own. If you attempt to fix a picture of it in your mind, you will lose it. This is like pinning a butterfly: the husk is captured, but the flying is lost. Why not be content with simply experiencing it?


    Walker's HHC 6






    "Kind prince," asked the old master, "what do you think? Can the subtle cosmic body of the Universal One be seen in any beautiful form?"
    "No, Venerable Teacher," replied the prince, "the subtle cosmic body of the Universal One cannot be seen in any beautiful form, because to the Universal One there is nothing that can be considered as form."
    "Kind prince, as soon as the Universal One is mentioned people immediately formulate images in their imaginations. They then try to make reality conform to their imaginary concepts. The Universal One is truly imageless, yet in the attempt to make it conform to an image, people distort its reality and separate themselves from it."
    Ni's HHC 6

  10. For what it's worth as YMMV -


    Juru 1 is "faster/more time efficient" than ZZ (as is Gtumo)


    Allow orbit and 5 point breathing (especially the head) to happen/arise, the sensations should naturally strengthen over time.


    The static posture used must be relaxed ie sung. A more difficult / demanding posture (as long as you can still while relax doing it) is more time efficient than a simple posture.


    I enjoy short standing sessions (5~15 min, often after Juru 1) Static postures are not for me, my Sifu did not recommend them for me. BUT what you are drawn to is often what you need.

    Good to see you around T.


    • Like 1

  11. Just when I thought I was "done" with my k experience harhar


    :) Life is constant change


    Loving kindness

    1. Start with by directing love and kindness towards yourself

    2. Next direct love and kindness towards towards someone you feel thankful for or someone who has helped you.

    3. Now direct love and kindness towards someone you feel neutral about.

    4. Direct love and kindness towards people you don't like or who you are having a hard time with.

    5. Finally direct love and kindness towards towards everyone universally.



    Loving-kindness meditation does far more than produce momentary good feelings. Over a nine week period, research showed that this type of meditation increased people's experiences of positive emotions. (If you are working on improving your ratio of positive to negative emotions, start with metta!) The research shows compellingly that it actually puts people on "trajectories of growth," leaving them better able to ward off depression and "become ever more satisfied with life." This is probably because it increases a wide range of those resources that make for a meaningful and successful life, like having an increased sense of purpose, stronger social support, and less illness. Research even shows that loving-kindness meditation "changes the way people approach life" for the better.



    When I feel issues are more "K related" I find the 4 chi sets from KAP highly effective in earthing/rooting excessive energetics ... but loving kindness is "free" and EXTREMELY beneficial

    (as the link said "better than sex and appropriate for kids")

  12. I remember when it was Cameron who had "lots of post", with Yoda way out in front with 6k posts :)


    Most of mine were removed when I deleted my personal practice threads, and many more are from moderation (hence not public) So the figure is unfairly inflated ... plus I'd recommend ignoring any actual posts as I rarely know what I'm talking about :P

    • Like 3

  13. While I don't think the "point" = the "goal"

    none the less

    What is the point of finding emptiness or reaching nirvana


    Having that sort of experience tends to change peoples perspective, often quite drastically.


    Trying to understand that sort of experience, without having had the experience.



    exercise: try loving kindness meditation for 21 days (or perhaps even just 7) and IME you will/should "discover" the point