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Posts posted by Mal

  1. Anybody doing the Be Breathed video of Sonnon's?

    Good stuff? What have you noticed since you started it?



    Yes did it for a while. I liked the flowing aspect ... which is why I now do ashtanga


    (always fun rummaging about in the old threads)

  2. "You are not what you think you are. But what you think... you are."


    I've seen pictures of snow, read books about it as well as watching movies and TV.

    I learnt that Eskimos have 40 words for snow. Then I learnt that was't true.

    I asked my highschool science teacher why water expands when it freezes and she said I'd have to go to university to know that. I got to study hydrogen bonds at university.

    I've heard every snowflake is unique....

    People have talked about snow all my life.


    and yet I've never seen snow myself in real life...

  3. Not that much to discuss here I guess. Although it does sort of reinforce that for example me looking for "taoist"examples of reincarnation usage rather than "buddhist" is moving away from realising the oneness of things....and that the name that can be named is not the eternal name :)


    Where am I - Here

    What time is it - Now

  4. We have so many sub forums and pinned topics that I think, there are fewer topics on the first page. That's bad. Once a discussion gets to page 2, very often its ignored and dies no matter how worthwhile it is. With only 18 slots good topics are likely killed by trivial ones. I wonder if anything could be done?


    I'm liking the new "shape" after the recent tidy up of the forums


    Perhaps "Letting the Taoist Discussion section mature..." could also be unpinned from taoist discussion ?

    • Like 2

  5. I confess that there is nothing to teach: no religion, no science, no body of information which will lead your mind back to the Tao. Today I speak in this fashion, tomorrow in another, but always the Integral Way is beyond words and beyond mind. Simply be aware of the oneness of things.


    Walker's HHC 8




    The master said, "Kind prince, what do you think? Has the Universal One invented something to teach us?"

    "No, Venerable Teacher," replied the prince, "the Universal One has invented nothing to teach."

    "Kind prince, what do you think? Have I attained an awareness that is beyond the integral truth? Have I established a personal teaching that is separate from the Universal Way?"

    "Venerable Teacher, according to my understanding, there is nothing definite or set which can lead one to reach the integral truth. Nor is unconditioned awareness a set or rigid way of perceiving things. All true guidance is intangible because the Universal Way is beyond the limits of the mind. The Universal Way is neither religious or worldly. All of the far-reaching, unfaded teachings of the ancient sages come from the same source: the subtle truth of great oneness. Different expressions are merely the result of different times and places."


    Ni's HHC 8

    • Like 1

  6. I've actually done Tai Chi demonstrations for the clients of my local hospitals chronic pain unit. Practicing Tai Chi is also effective at providing pain relief - pick a journal study of your choice or an anecdote as I've also personally experienced this when I used my Tai Chi from practice to help rehab my back injury. I had a L1 compression and was unable to stand on one leg and was taking Tramadol for the pain, but I was in much less pain than the clients of the chronic pain unit.


    BTW I hope you are not laughing AT people, because that's not very nice.





    So Mal -- you think that gold standard research is not proof for others to consider as real.




    That's hilarious.


    No, that is incorrect I said


    I would not name "randomized controlled trials" as "gold standard" rather they are standard scientific practice because they can give results that are more predictive, rather than anecdotal evidence or case studies which tend to be more descriptive.

    You also posted 2 links YOURSELF showing the "debate" on the name gold standard.

  8. In my particular case, I read this book called Quantum Touch a couple years back, can't remember the author. This person sold in book form what could have been said in about 2 paragraphs: that in order to actually 'run' energy (I guess we'd call it qi here) for purposes of healing many maladies of others, all you have to do is really make your hands gentle and soft and point your fingers at the affected area. I'm actually lol'ing. This is about what it boiled down to.


    Pretty much like this?



    I feel being loving is the BIG key

    • Like 3

  9. Mal thanks for making your point - your last comment was definitely cryptic!




    So Stiggy really does believe in qi energy?


    I have asked several times and gotten no response from him.


    I have read Elkin's book on the Australian aborigine shamans.


    Do you think the skeptics need to be reassured that the aborigine shamans are not fake?


    I wonder if there are any real shamans left among the aborigines!


    2nd edit to add - If you "reached out" shortly after my "cryptic" post, I "felt" that ;)


    I wonder also if there are any remaining Australian Aboriginal shamans, not to "prove" anything to anyone but I'd like to meet one. However my cultural conditioning makes it difficult for me to be accepting and open to Australian Aboriginal culture.



    I have already posted science research proving Chunyi Lin is real.


    I would not name "randomized controlled trials" as "gold standard" rather they are standard scientific practice because they can give results that are more predictive, rather than anecdotal evidence or case studies which tend to be more descriptive.


    That article (and I'm not familiar with this journal) shows that


    external qigong treatment participants had a significant decrease in pain intensity in the 2nd (p = 0.003), 3rd (p < 0.001), and 4th weeks of treatment (p = 0.003). At week 8, these differences in overall decreased pain intensity persisted but were not statistically significant.


    Although from the abstract I'm not sure what the "external qigong treatment" protocol was and I'd like to note that self reported pain can be very variable, although usually somewhat consistent in individuals (pain is a very complex area of medical study)



    To address

    You'll have to provide some evidence to back up your claim!


    I remember someone who reads my blog regularly claiming I misread the books I referenced!


    I said -- o.k. just give me some evidence!


    What did I misread


    EVERYTHING I've said above (except the Aboriginal stuff) has already been said by other bums in this thread.


    Personally I know energy work is real, I've also "felt" my teachers energy over long distances. That doesn't prove to anyone else that it's "real", and IMO nor should it as almost all teachers I know of stress the importance of not "proving" anything to others.

  10. Thanks Dawei. I thought I'd look into "reincarnation in Taoism" a bit more and a TTB thread got 2nd top on google


    Taoist's view on Reincarnation a couple of interesting links, including one to another TTB thread in a post by Sloppy Zhang along with a quote from B.K. Frantzis book "The Great Stillness" which I'm going to shorten a bit :)




    In their philosophy, the Taoists prefer to focus on life here and now. Neither in the I Ching, the Tao Te Ching of Lao Tse, nor in Chuang Tsu's works is there a strong focus on reincarnation. The Taoist view is that the energy of life is at death mulched in the energy of the Tao and spun out again as another new living manifestation. Chuang Tsu, for example, says: "How marvelous the Creator (the Tao) is! What is he going to make of you next? Where is he going to send you? Will he make you into a rat's liver? Will he make you into a bug's arm?" (Chuang Tsu, Basic Writings, trans. Burton Watson (New York: Columbia University Press, 1964), p 81)



    Many Taoists believe that the vast majority of human beings do not have the capacity to reincarnate intact. They believe that when a soul dies, its consciousness breaks up and later combines with parts of other fragmented souls, thereby reincarnating as a mosaic soul. This idea is also represented in other traditions, especially shamanic ones, where it is held that a human's body can be composed from different past lives of various entities. Thus, some Taoists believe that the human desire to become integrated is based on a literal need.




    Since many Taoists believe that most people will not come back as a unified being, they consider talking about reincarnation to be a waste of time. They do, though, discuss karma, which they often characterize as the Law of Return.

  11. Drew, you've missed the point, again :(


    Again, and I cannot emphasize this enough, the most important factor in your energy development is opening your heart and connecting with the unconditional love of the universe and learning to live your life in this love, powered by this love and radiating this love to help others.

    Interview with Chunyi Lin of Spring Forest Qigong


    And I don't think I'm able to help ...



  12. Don't let old folks like me to pollute your mind.

    I like the sentiment :-) but was not taoism once referred to as "a religion for old men"

    i.e. a good pastime for those who had already forfilled their obligations to society and family


    Edit to add the person in the mirror can help with astral projection ;)


    Second, I'm looking for greater detail on the pathway (the literal, scientific, anatomical pathway) throw the pelvis and into the legs. Not just in broad terms.

    Seeking that may be an error, what you feel is correct for you, "trust you feelings"

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