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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Confusion on Male Multiple Orgasm

    Dr Lin's site is a nightmare to navigate, the CD is MUCH easier and really worth purchasing That should all sound pretty familiar Lin's Sexual ChiKong I would not recommend attempting to teach a partner "anal breathing" unless you want to end up with a night of solo practice (It's not a user friendly name but he also teaches a great method that's called "finger pliers" You can tell he is a Dr of engineering) I mainly included the sexual chikung part as you should recognize the orbits and a breathing technique you may have already discovered (just use it a bit earlier)
  2. Confusion on Male Multiple Orgasm

    Unfortunately the best compilation was on Trunk's site, which is now off line I have not "read it" for a while , but basically "the big draw" (no forcing) is correct as we are attempting to describe something the body can do, hence there are many descriptions. When you are doing orbits you are doing this IMO. When aroused the energy naturally wants to go forward and out, you can guide it back and up (with whatever method works for you) This is getting into extraordinary sex rather than convectional but have you ever tried to run your partners orbit? I don't use any yogic contortions yet I've found most are really sensitive to this and can feel it. Another easy one is giving from your groin to hers and receiving from her heart to yours. "Practicing the correct method" is IMO distracting, paying attention and feeling what you both feel and exploring together is more enjoyable.
  3. Okay. I'd really like to start living again. :(

    Willing to listen, even without a K experience, you are dealing with high stress issues over a sustained period of time i.e job loss to now - loss of housing. That often (almost always) leads to depression :- While you probably won't believe this video at the moment(and that's understandable because are the moment you are NOT happy) it is correct Bolds mine, quote from TTB thread Most Events that Happen to us do not Matter! An amazing talk by TED A question? Is there anything you can do to help your parents with the housing issue? If there is try it, no matter how "out there" or what you currently "feel" about it's chance of working. Just do it. If there isn't then it is not your fault, and there is NOTHING "wrong" with you feeling how you feel.
  4. Confusion on Male Multiple Orgasm

    I agree. That sounds like what happened and what you described, especially the breathing, is the way to do that (as you know from Experiencing it ) I actually thought I'd read that method in a Chia book. It's muscular control doing the same thing as the finger lock. Could have also been a retrograde ejaculation (ej into the bladder, urination then contains sperm, but you didn't experience that) As you were not trying to do this (it just happened) should not be a big issue but probably not something you want to "practice" Have a look at dr lin anal breathing if you can,I found it very useful (he is also focused on learning to give your partner awesome orgasms) But basically I'd keep trying to"ride the wave" as you say and allow the energy to flow up when you are resting on the crest of the wave and if you do go past the point of no return, just accept that and enjoy the "wipe out" with your partner without guilt (You can always try again later & practice makes perfect )
  5. Okay. I'd really like to start living again. :(

    I don't have any advice either. I've spent all day lying in bed just waiting for the time to pass so that I could (try) to sleep through the night. Just wanting to get that day "finished" .... then repeat repeat repeat. Felt like a totally pointless existence. If I knew an easy way to fix that I'd let you know... I've also filled my day with activities like Yoga, meditation, Tai Chi, music ... and felt EXACTLY the same. At least working eats up the "time" so getting a job may help you. A girlfriend may give you something to look forward to, as well as a friend to spend time with. Helping others could be the easiest way to start (volunteering) and you give benefits that help towards getting a job and meeting friends. Currently you probably don't feel motivated to "try" any of that, I often didn't and it's really hard when you feel "I don't want to do that" yet know that you have to fight and force yourself to do it anyhow. I'm glad you shared this on TTB it made me feel ... well worse actually as I have a job GF and am somewhat creative yet I often feel despondent and I like your mechanic analogy, especially because it's a bit of a joke that mechanics often have the worst running car that's in constant need of attention and repair. ok a tiny bit of advice, I've got this pinned on my wall at work
  6. Kumare! A brilliant docco!

    Quite enjoyable and good to see Kumare was able to make a "positive" difference for most of his disciples. It was pretty scary at the end wondering how they were going to react to the unveiling ... now I'm off to practice some blue light meditation
  7. Different types of Yoga?

    I note a word repeated often above and that is PRACTICE. Yes asana are just one of the 8 limbs But I like the quote that yoga is "99% practice and 1% theory" - Sri K. Pattabhi Jois
  8. ...

    Well I'm fury and I've been asked if I use anything special on my chest hair (no it's natural) I'm not sure I'm into guys but I love everyone regardless <3
  9. Happy Birthday, Sean!

    Yea, live long and prosper you never know where those photo's from social media networks might end up
  10. be breathed?

    Yes did it for a while. I liked the flowing aspect ... which is why I now do ashtanga (always fun rummaging about in the old threads)
  11. Searched as requested and I got this :- well that was after scrolling down a bit but it's the image I found most interesting ... Thought this was funy and THIS one the most important
  12. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 8

    "You are not what you think you are. But what you think... you are." I've seen pictures of snow, read books about it as well as watching movies and TV. I learnt that Eskimos have 40 words for snow. Then I learnt that was't true. I asked my highschool science teacher why water expands when it freezes and she said I'd have to go to university to know that. I got to study hydrogen bonds at university. I've heard every snowflake is unique.... People have talked about snow all my life. and yet I've never seen snow myself in real life...
  13. I didn't think that was Aarons decision, although he might be able to move this post to forum and tech support (actually might not have enough access to do that either)
  14. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 8

    Not that much to discuss here I guess. Although it does sort of reinforce that for example me looking for "taoist"examples of reincarnation usage rather than "buddhist" is moving away from realising the oneness of things....and that the name that can be named is not the eternal name Where am I - Here What time is it - Now
  15. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 8

    "I confess there is nothing to teach - simply be aware of the oneness of things" It is very clear isn't it Often when I re read the HHC I get to here and stop
  16. Life. A Chinese fable.

    I turn to my wife exclaiming "Did you see that!" "See what dear?" "Oh, nothing really" as I squeeze her hand and smile.
  17. I'm liking the new "shape" after the recent tidy up of the forums Perhaps "Letting the Taoist Discussion section mature..." could also be unpinned from taoist discussion ?
  18. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 7

    I think Ni clearly means "To hold the mind within any rigid framework is to immediately become trapped in the bondage of duality"
  19. I've actually done Tai Chi demonstrations for the clients of my local hospitals chronic pain unit. Practicing Tai Chi is also effective at providing pain relief - pick a journal study of your choice or an anecdote as I've also personally experienced this when I used my Tai Chi from practice to help rehab my back injury. I had a L1 compression and was unable to stand on one leg and was taking Tramadol for the pain, but I was in much less pain than the clients of the chronic pain unit. BTW I hope you are not laughing AT people, because that's not very nice.
  20. No, that is incorrect I said You also posted 2 links YOURSELF showing the "debate" on the name gold standard.
  21. Are there any healers here?

    Pretty much like this? I feel being loving is the BIG key
  22. 2nd edit to add - If you "reached out" shortly after my "cryptic" post, I "felt" that I wonder also if there are any remaining Australian Aboriginal shamans, not to "prove" anything to anyone but I'd like to meet one. However my cultural conditioning makes it difficult for me to be accepting and open to Australian Aboriginal culture. I would not name "randomized controlled trials" as "gold standard" rather they are standard scientific practice because they can give results that are more predictive, rather than anecdotal evidence or case studies which tend to be more descriptive. That article (and I'm not familiar with this journal) shows that Although from the abstract I'm not sure what the "external qigong treatment" protocol was and I'd like to note that self reported pain can be very variable, although usually somewhat consistent in individuals (pain is a very complex area of medical study) To address EVERYTHING I've said above (except the Aboriginal stuff) has already been said by other bums in this thread. Personally I know energy work is real, I've also "felt" my teachers energy over long distances. That doesn't prove to anyone else that it's "real", and IMO nor should it as almost all teachers I know of stress the importance of not "proving" anything to others.
  23. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 7

    Thanks Dawei. I thought I'd look into "reincarnation in Taoism" a bit more and a TTB thread got 2nd top on google Taoist's view on Reincarnation a couple of interesting links, including one to another TTB thread in a post by Sloppy Zhang along with a quote from B.K. Frantzis book "The Great Stillness" which I'm going to shorten a bit
  24. Drew, you've missed the point, again Interview with Chunyi Lin of Spring Forest Qigong And I don't think I'm able to help ...