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Posts posted by rezonator

  1. Also, I saw the recent thread on Sex addiction. Thats not what Im talking about. I mean chemical dependency, physical withdrawal etc. I can only imagine the damage Ive done to my body. I rarely eat, I have no sex drive, none, I have no desire to be around people anymore, I'm actually afraid to be in social situations. I was never like this before. There must be a way to reverse this?

  2. This may be an odd request. Has anyone here struggled with addiction, and found help through studying the Tao Te Ching, or perhaps practicing Qigong, something else? Do you know someone else who has? Any specific advice would be helpful. I'm not a religious person, I'm more interested in the philosophy itself. Addiction is something that I've battled for years, and for some reason the TTC makes sense to me, and I feel like it could help me.


    I'm tired of fighting my own mind. Free will is something I've always believed in, (free will to me is the ability to focus ones mind, or not) but I've recently come to the conclusion that this is something that I'm not going to overcome by will power alone. My bad "choices" are no longer just "choices". This thing seems to have taken complete control over my mind, to the point where I feel like without some drastic measures I'll destroy myself within a year, I'll be dead.


    I cant believe its come this far, but anyone who knows what I mean, knows what I mean.




  3. .Hello all. I need clarification on something if you would. Stephen Mitchell's translation states in Ch. 2 that:


    being and non-being create each other


    This chapter shows the unity of opposites, how they rely on each other and define each other. But "non-being" isn't a thing, it doesn't exist. Therefore it cant be differentiated from. Being just is, just as existence just is. I don't see this in other translations. Am I being too nit-picky?


    What is your favorite translation?






    Sorry, found my answer. Still looking for favorite translations....