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Posts posted by TheSongsofDistantEarth

  1. if ppl werent interested in these topics they wouldnt go... something appeals to the collective in terms of aliens


    the rest is perhaps fear mongering + distorted perceptions of ET life


    why would the rest of the universe be any different or so different to Earth life?


    On this planet we have both good and bad ... both with or without high tech


    why not the rest of the universe


    + if the high tech good ETs are anything like buddhism we are all fkd hahah they will leave us to the slaughter ... too busy generating good merit and non violence etc


    i think these say it all


    The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it.


    Ayn Rand (1905 - 1982), Atlas Shrugged, 1957


    The spread of evil is the symptom of a vacuum. whenever evil wins, it is only by default: by the moral failure of those who evade the fact that there can be no compromise on basic principles.


    Ayn Rand (1905 - 1982), Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, 1966


    All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.


    Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797)

    Quoting Ayn Rand? Uh-oh...

    • Thanks 1

  2. It's called Seminifeor, known as 'Satan's Testicle' (also 'Beelzebub' Left Nut'), and is thought to bring dismal fortune to the bearer. I recommend you chuck it into the Thames at the stroke of midnight on a moonless night, facing away, over your shoulder, whilst whistling 'Danny Boy', lest your best days slip away under a funk of funkeddy-funk-funk-funk.

    • Like 1

  3. Gives me da chills. Can you repeat the effect on another day, same place and time, etc.,? If so, proceed to run screaming from your shadow...oops...on second (Cat head bumps don't count for anything, sorry).

  4. I'm looking for something to happen. All I hear is students who erm... promote.. their so enlightened masters in New York and Alabama. People talking about shooting laser beams and discussing it with friends. I mean give me a break. It's obviously not real. You just want it to work out so bad that you lie to yourselves that you feel Qi vibrations when your bowels growl or that you feel electrical currents when your feet go numb from sitting on your ass for two hours doing this stupid meditation...



    Cut down on the noodles? :)

    • Like 1

  5. The most intence herbal/chemical ive taken, and ive tried many would be PEA or phenyl-ethyl-alinine (probly spelt wrong).

    its not one for u if your on any MAOI inhibitors because of the dose change. This is the Drug found in Dark chocolate the "Love drug" I purchased a big bag of it from Purebulk... This stuff made me for 45 mins feel like every hair on my body was standing on end , i layed down and swam on the floor for a good 5 mins. Chazy stuff.. that was on 2 grams..



    PEA will mess up your chi and shoot your blood pressure through the left alone...

  6. All the things the 'New Age Girl' says are not bullshit, just having a valleygirl say them in an exaggerated way makes them sound stupid. She easily could have said in her Cali girl schtick: "Oh, I can feel my own chi!!" "I'm in harmony with the Tao...", "Qi Gong is sooo cool!", etc., making anything but a materialistic viewpoint sound stupid and New Agey. I didn't really find them funny, the humor and portrayal was too broad and meant to evoke a response.

    • Like 3

  7. A totally brilliant book is Christopher Alexander's 'A Pattern Language'. Here's from a reviewer on Amazon.





    "Alexander and his co-authors present us with over two hundred (roughly 250) "patterns" that they believe must be present in order for an environment to be pleasing, comfortable, or in their words, "alive." The patterns start at the most general level -- the first pattern, "Independent Regions," describes the ideal political entity, while another of my favorite patterns, "Mosaic of Subcultures," described the proper distribution of different groups within a city. The patterns gradually become more specific -- you'll read arguments about how universities should relate to the community, the proper placement of parks, the role of cafes in a city's life. If you wonder about the best design for a home, the authors will describe everything from how roofs and walls should be built, down to how light should fall within the home, where your windows should be placed, and even the most pleasant variety of chairs in the home. An underlying theme of all the patterns is that architecture, at its best, can be used to foster meaningful human interaction, and the authors urge us to be aware of how the houses we build can help us balance needs for intimacy and privacy."