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Everything posted by TheSongsofDistantEarth

  1. Listener Introduction

  2. Decide

    This is really interesting, a different way to 'decode' especially since you describe yourself as "passive", Everything. In the 70's a man named Luke Rhineheart (syn George Cockcroft) wrote a novel called 'Dice Living', about a gut who starts living his whole life based on rolling dice. It spawned an interesting social phenomenon wherein people would let rolling a die be a way of life. See below: Obviously, although one is controlling the six choices, it would lead you in different directions than what you would normally do, depending of course, on the options you list for yourself. For example, this Saturday, I don't know what to do. Normally say, I would go out to a movie by myself or stay at home and watch TV- another anonymous indistinguishable Saturday night in a string of Saturday nights in my life. In dice living, I would make a list: 1. Call a friend I haven't seen or been in contact with for a long time and invite him to dinner. 2. Go out and start conversations with 10 strangers. 3. do yoga meditate for two hours and then watch a spiritually themed movie 4. Call up any female friend and go bowling (which I haven't done in years). 5. Call up 5 friends and invite them over for beers and poker. 6. Clean my junk drawer out, do kettlebells and read short stories....etc., see the possibilities? Then, whichever number comes up, thats what I have to do. You can see that this totally shakes up your behavioral patterns and would lead to a much more interesting life, because it totally takes how you feel out of the equation of what you end up doing. In Dice Living, it doesn't matter that you don't feel like going out, you have to follow the dice, so your normal inertia that leads you to being a dullard and sloth and causes the years to go by and blend together...interesting isn't it? You'll probably get the most out of it by keeping a journal of your experiences for however long you do it. You can do it to whatever extent you wish, for an occasional thing, or, as an experiment, for everything. It's kind of like 'controlled randomness'. An interesting experiment in self development and conscious living. Here's a good website on Dice Living.
  3. NLP

    Oh yeah? Well I'm just going to Ninjitsu-you-this-and ninpo-you-that for good measure...(I've been wanting to write that since I first read your handle, feels good to get that out there). But seriously, it seems like there is some really important neurological technology that if consciously used, can be of great benefit to those on the path of spiritual development. If there are any who can point out the really helpful stuff? Are there any here who have deeply explored NLP, rather than just dabbling?
  4. Easily Accessible Group Dark Retreats

    What are you talking about?
  5. NLP

    It sounds very important, then. It seems as though using NLP along with meditation and spiritual practices might accelerate your development. I am very intrigued with all the NLP stuff I encounter, and am fascinated by some of it. Particularly interesting is the Timeline Process, in which one takes advantage of how we represent chronological time internally to overcome problems and make decisions. What is the best way to get started with NLP? Bum Grasshopper, the entrainment software looks really interesting, but they only run on Windows, and I'm a Mac guy.
  6. sewing needle glass relate to human body?

  7. reverse breathing, illustrated

    Not sure what you're trying to demonstrate. Maybe the flash version is clearer. Thanks for posting this.
  8. Amma

    I first saw Amma on her backwater island in Kerala about a year before she first got big. I had a Darshan in a small room with about 20 other people. It was truly wonderful, but it was fleeting. Saw her two other times in large crowded many-day events. Go if you have a chance, it's great, but it's not worth traveling a long distance for, in my opinion. NIce hit of love and energy, but not life-changing.
  9. The Way of the Warrior

    Mal, you're quite a a piece of work, you are. Inconsistency is inconsistency. Change is change. Insults are insults, except when they aren't. Who can tell? Not the moderators, apparently.
  10. Amma

    me lovum cute yoga girls and elegant beautiful yoga ladies too
  11. Just some new clips ive put up, if anyone is interested?

    That's a reminder for me not to cut in front of you in the grocery check out, mr warrior body
  12. The Way of the Warrior

    Good thing he didn't call Seth a real insult like "cheerleader", or he would've been banned for a week! Thank the Tao for moderating consistency!
  13. Is it possible to truly get into meditation?

    As long as you are asking that question seriously in reference to yourself, then no...
  14. The Way of the Warrior

    Ew...hard core righteousness... yuk .
  15. A disturbing thought about (past life) karma

    Maybe that's one reason you chose 'The Observer'?
  16. The Way of the Warrior

    If you really want to go for it all and transform yourself in the process, see if you have what it takes to become a SEAL. That said, I somewhat agree with Scotty. True warriorship does not require being in the military, indeed, it may even make it harder. The kind of warriorship Gurdjieff, Castaneda and de Ropp speak of is something more profound, and being a Marine has not much at all to do with being a spiritual warrior. You're only 21, and your fire is burning brightly, and your desire to manifest what you believe to be warriorship is strong. But it is really an internal process, not an external one. You need to separate the two, and then see if the Marines is still what you want. I have a few other books I can recommend that may help you get clear, because it seems to me that you have done a lot of thinking and reflection on this, but perhaps you have not gathered enough data and information and talked to many others. You might join the Marines and find out that your notions are romantic ones, and that it is not at all where you want or need to be.
  17. A disturbing thought about (past life) karma

    You got it. You can also call it 'Sinners' and 'Repentance', and yes, lots of people ride that Merry-Go-Round.
  18. The Way of the Warrior

    Robert de Ropp was a student of Ouspensky and J.G. Bennett. His autobiography, 'Warrior's Way' is an account of the warrior path, and his book 'Self Completion: Keys to a Meaningful Life' is a succinct masterpiece and road map of the warrior's path. I recommend it highly.
  19. Hey, why are you so quiet grasshopper?

  20. Polls are back

    We used to have the capacity before the shift to the ugly blue-green, but how can I do it now?
  21. I wana be blunt and ask a question?

    Kate, I find your romanticizing gay men as 'desire incarnate' as very interesting, and your statement that if you were a man, you'd want to be a gay man very interesting as well. I may be mistaken, but it does seem like you are romanticizing. The state of being of many of the bullied gay teenagers must speak to something. It can't be that easy for many. Not every gay man is a cool creative one. Many remained stuck in an extended period of dismal promiscuity, while many others are capable of healthy relationship. Just like straight men. But to place sexual orientation as the key to cool, I think is misguided, but you are entitled to your opinion. You might be surprised at how sensitive, creative and masculine our self-selected tb population is. There is something in your post that I find irritating, as it implies that straight men are not as capable of what you perceive gay men to be. I think gay men are more feminine, which is probably the quality that attracts you. Have you been around creative, sensitive and attractive men? Maybe you'd be more open-minded about us?
  22. Chinese Village Disappears After UFO Sighting

    Hey, easy there, Miss Kate. I just edited/added it to an existing post and didn't know how to credit you at that point in the edit, and no, I don't think I have to show your whole quote, as I don't believe that the 'TaoBums' Elements of Style' requires any such a thing, and besides, I was attempting to save ralis from a horrible fate or at least some really bad MSG poisoning, and now here you go again mentioning cooking him up, probably relegating him in some 'alien egg foo yung sweet and sour ralis' happy hour finger food delectation aboard the Mother Ship, but hey, let it be upon your head. Peace.
  23. Interview with Chunyi Lin of Spring Forest Qigong

    Putting this up in big letters on my mirror and on my car dashboard and on my desk at work. Remember who it came from.
  24. ...

    Get him on Co-Enzyme Q10, at least 300 mg twice a day, or better yet, Ubiquinone 100 mg 2 times a day. Trust me on this (but you can research it). Chances are it was caused by a viral infection rather than stress, though stress can cause anything. What is his ejection fraction?
  25. Chinese Village Disappears After UFO Sighting

    Yeah, duh, but have you heard of them before this? Shhhhh!!! Don't give them any ideas!!! Poor ralis!!!