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Everything posted by TheSongsofDistantEarth

  1. Rumi

    Those who don't feel this Love pulling them like a river, those who don't drink dawn like a cup of spring water or take in sunset like supper, those who don't want to change, let them sleep. This Love is beyond the study of theology, that old trickery and hypocrisy. If you want to improve your mind that way, sleep on. I've given up on my brain. I've torn the cloth to shreds and thrown it away. If you're not completely naked, wrap your beautiful robe of words around you, and sleep. Rumi, Ode 314 from Like This, Coleman Barks
  2. The Star Exercise

    There was a thread here on this about a year ago: Are you a long-time practitioner of the Star Exercise, Immortal4Life? Do you speak of it's benefits from personal experience?
  3. Deer Pizzle

    Go see a Western doctor who is experienced in hormonal replacement. DSurprisingly, this may not even be an endocrinologist! You have lots of options short of testosterone injections. Get your free and total testosterone checked, as well as estradiol. At your age, hcg injections twice weekly will raise your test levels nicely by increasing FSH and LH, and will not cause your nuts to shrink like test injections will. Chrysin is an OTC supplement that acts as an aromatase inhibitor and will prevent testosterone from being converted to estrogen. You might just start by taking 'Super Mira-Forte' available from Life Extension Foundation, even before hcg. Also, read 'The Four-Hour Body' regarding raising your testosterone levels. Do NOT start taking testosterone in any form at your age. Your levels actually may be normal, but make sure estradiol is not high, in which case there are other things to do.
  4. The Mojo Doctors

    Mine, either. But he has travelled the world and hung out with some very high beings and healers. Hard to get enough of that (although I have studied with two healers who were at a very extraordinary level).
  5. The Mojo Doctors

    Okay Okauy I just find his large egoic presence in his books very distracting. Maybe I'm jealous of the kind of life he gets to lead. It's interesting that he claims the Bushman way (of movement) is the path to God, and says the Bushmen actually kind of scoff at the notion that stillness (meditation) could lead anywhere. I'd love to hear a report from someone who has lost their mojo and goes to see the Mojo Doctors...
  6. The Mojo Doctors

    Interesting post Uli, as usual I am of mixed mind regarding Dr. Brad Keeney. He has explored the world and sought out healers and shamans, but his writings to me are hard to get through because he is sooo brilliant and handsome and dashing and full of hios own accomplishments. It's almost like he 'collects' these experiences and people to further his own career. I think someone here (ShaktiMama maybe?) have reported some of his chauvinistic ways with the ladies. I dunno, his bio states that "he has been called one of the great therapists of our time" who? Also, no prices are listed for his 5 day event, probably wants to get you hooked on the idea before revealing how much of your green life energy they're gonna slice out of your bank account for attending. Oh, did I mention I am skeptical of this this?
  7. Modern Life

    One of the oddest things in life is aging. In fact, it seems downright weird to me that we get old. I know it should't, but it does. We all feel the same inside, yet the outer form changes, undergoes deterioration, no matter how well we take care of ourselves. I think one of the reasons many of us cultivate is to insure our health, and often we point to someone who looks much younger than their age as somehow 'doing something right', particularly if they cultivate. I think that genetics almost always is the determining factor in aging and how 'young' we look or feel. But of course, stress, smoking, obesity, drinking, drugs and other bad lifestyle choices will take their toll on our youthfulness. I am thinking of this because I recently had the occasion to see some people I went to school with many years ago. I am fortunate in that i am not balding nor graying, or overweight, and I look more or less as an older and easily recognizable version of my younger self. But I was shocked at the aged transmogrification of some of my schoolmates. I find myself taken aback by listening to a familiar voice coming out of someone whom I know and yet would never recognize! It's almost disorienting, and yet to them, the change has happened slowly, day by day and year by year...I wonder, do they sometimes find themselves looking into a mirror or at a photograph of themselves in complete bafflement? Ultimately, things will catch up to me, unless cultivating qi gong and nei gung keeps my telomeres' act together...
  8. Science of meditation

    Science is a conceptual tool, a lens, a filter that we place over reality in an attempt to explain phenomena. It is not able to capture all of existence, much falls through it's filter. No matter how much we know, we can never know everything. Science is powerful, and it is limited.
  9. Science of meditation

    Very nice, thanks you Sunya. After watching various parts of these videos, I asked myself: in what world which I want to live, one in which all manner of Siddhis were being pursued by all and attained by quite a few, or one in which being fully 'awake' to the present moment was being pursued by all and attained by quite a few?
  10. Piss drinking question

    Something tells me this forum was a lot more interesting in the early years...
  11. Shambalah

  12. To resident Buddhists and others alike

  13. Spiritual Development and Siddhis

  14. Respecting Taoism?

    Respect. Taoism. Always.
  15. BlackSword

    BlackSword. Whoa.
  16. Presence meets Ego

  17. russian pyro guy a fraud.

    This will lead to the inevitable Internet flame wars, no doubt.
  18. Make a sharp distinction between awareness and mind (thoughts)

    I nominate this for 'TaoBums Post of the Day'.
  19. Turn blue with colloidal silver

    It's easy to make, you just can't enjoy too much of a good thing. BTW, isn't this an 'Off Topic' thread?
  20. Adrenal Fatigue/PE/Over Masturbation

    Do not look at porn. Don't beat yourself up if you ejaculate. You're 20 and have a lot of testosterone.
  21. Adrenal Fatigue/PE/Over Masturbation

    As Adam Carolla would say, "4 times a day? Gee, that's a little light". Um, that's friggin' normal for your age, Mr Craig. Start exercising more. And at your age, I can just about guarantee you don't have adrenal fatigue. I recommend getting some geriatric gynecologic pathology books for your bathroom Either that or a 19 year old young lady should be able to help you stop pullin' on it.
  22. What will be the future earth society?

    I gotta keep remembering what we're dealing with here...
  23. My scary Lipid Panel

    Blasto, how about an update? Are you on Ornish? How are your numbers? I too just had a lipid panel that was a little scary...
  24. The translator and the genius

    Wow, brilliant insights, Taomeow!
  25. Optimist Creed

    Bumpity for New Year's Day...