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Posts posted by Birch

  1. I only understand some of what you post due to my own ignorance Mark, but I enjoyed your articles about different senses' influence on perception.


    I had an idea (or I guess I could call it an understanding) the other day that the chi feeling between hands when making a chi ball was a result of the attention switching between the two hands, right and left.


    I haven't gotten too much back into what I see as an attention/chi relationship. There seem to be ramifications to it that go further than what I'm comfortable considering (JB is likely a culprit in this consideration of mine!)


    --2cts-not concierge--

  2. Why don't you feel good, K? Is it because the vibe is discordant? Life is a river with twists and turns, sometimes a fury of whitewaters that is thrilling for some and troubling to others, and sometimes placid as it empties into a lake on the way through marshland to the sea. To feel good is to be pacified. Do you know the meaning now?

    You're playing with people in a dark manner. My impression of you is not positive. I'm not sure what you're bringing to the threads you're involved with. I'm questioning it. Are you trying on some sort of 'trickster' role?

  3. Is this ALL about sree?

    My next not-concierge suggestion (but I'm sure it will be taken any which way people wish) is that this thread is not very helpful to anyone much.


    Lots of bickering.


    I suppose if everyone is enjoying it.


    But what if they're not?


    I'm gettting weird squiggly/spikey vibes off the whole thing. It's like an incoherent interference. There ya go.



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  4. Whats that?

    Have a look at this


    I've been looking all over for a decent introduction on it but haven't really found what I'm looking for yet. This seems to align with what I've found out about it so far from getting readings. And so far it has been accurate for me.


    I also had a Jyotish reading and it seemed to me to be a mix of astrology and cold-reading.

  5. "most of the self help industry is a huge scam or just another racket where what they sell you to improve yourself helps helps reinforce that you need to improve yourself, so they sell you another negative feedback loop which helps keep you stuck. Many spiritual paths are also the same"


    The +1 button didn't work so I'm giving this +10:-)

  6. We do die, all of us. And we all die horribly because no one knows how to die. The Tao of dying is key to the art (Tao) of living. Longevity and immortality are delusions inconsistent with the cyclic nature of life.



    What you are advocating here is to ignore the situation, avoid the problem and just focus on having a comfortable ride. But that ride must end sometime. You don't know how to get off. No one does. So, you accept that eventually everybody get thrown off unceremoniously. Where is the wisdom in this?



    People get burned out one way or another. Given the choice, I would rather earn a good living as a race car driver than suffer the karma of a trucker.

    I should be clearer:-) Thank you for the opportunity. 'Me' this will die. I know this to be the case. I have no idea how I will handle it personally. When I refer to 'not dying' I'm not referring to myself. That doesn't sound very clear but I don't know how to explain it otherwise. Sorry.


    Yes, I accept that I will die. I don't know what of nor how nor how I will handle it. I can't do anything to avoid it. Where's the problem?


    I don't think we're suggesting anything different about enjoying life. You love to argue:-)

  7. “Hope has two beautiful daughters: their names are anger and courage. Anger that things are the way they are. Courage to make them the way they ought to be.”


    Quote attributed to St Augustine.


    I have found personally that hatred occurs when anger has been suppressed. I haven't read this but it looks interesting



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  8. I was just thinking, for some, the tragedy is not that we die, but that we don't.

    Anyway, aside from my speculations and strange dreams and interests, the rest of the time I spend in attempts in various ways to enjoy my life. If a job is draining the life-force from me then it gets questioned, if not binned. As does the company I keep and the things I do.


    I know someone on Wall St, he told me the people there burn out quite regularly.

  9. Tibetan book of the dead? Wasn't that a training manual for how to die and how to ensure rebirth in the 'chosen' family?


    After a strange personal experience (more strange dreams...) in which I helped a dying relative as he selected his next life, I looked into this a bit because I wasn't by myself in the dream, the process was helped by a character I can only describe as a 'death midwife'.


    For myself, I have no idea.

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