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Posts posted by HoldorFold

  1. In astrology, there's something called the 'planetary hours' where every day has a day time planetary ruler which starts at sunrise and a night time planetary ruler which starts at sunset. 


    Friday starts out under the rulership of Venus, the goddess of beauty, lightheardness and fun. After sunset on Friday, Mars takes over rulership, the God of action and war, bringing excitement and recklessness.



    Tuesday can be quite depressed.

    Tuesday night, from a planetary hour perspective, is the most depressing nights of the week as it's ruled by Saturn which brings heaviness, melancholy and seriousness. At night, Saturn's negative qualities are magnified since Saturn doesn't do well in darkness, which is why Tuesday night often feels dull, depressed and like it drags on for so long. The day time on Saturday is actually ruled by Saturn as well. but Saturn likes the day. During the day it's positive qualities are available making the daytime on Saturday good for planning, structure, fixing things etc.

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    On 07/02/2018 at 0:08 AM, rainbowvein said:



    While on drugs?


     I'd say it's pretty legit, like how you can have a legitimate enlightenment experience during an NDE. The experience you have is enlightenment, but due to the trigger, i.e a substance or death, it's more temporary and harder to fully integrate when the substance leaves your system or you're brought back to life in a hospital. 


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  3. 1 hour ago, skywalker said:

    .as the condensing proccess, the real deal is to condense the chi into the bone marrow....


    I've also done Gary Clyman's main condensing breathing exercise quite a bit where you condense into the center line of the head, torso, arms and legs but not necessarily the bone marrow itself. Apparently the results are quite similar to condensing into the marrow. I've had powerful effects from this.

    I've tried condensing into the actual marrow of my legs before and it was great, the qi seems better at staying inside on the exhale. I'd love to do this for my whole body but honestly I'm a bit weary of condensing qi into my spine.

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  4. I've had many episodes of sleep paralysis, probably about 100 or so, and on a few occasions it has led to out of body experiences. I don't get them much anymore though.

    In the beginning, I remember waking up and not being able to move and I had a loud buzzing sound in my head. I used all my will to move my arm and eventually I heard a ripping sound, like velcro and managed to get my hand infront of my face. But I was suprised to see that there was no actual hand there at all, just a wavy field kind of like heatwaves you see on tarmac on a hot day, in the outline of my hand.

    On another occasion, I was asleep on my stomach and I again woke up in sleep paralysis, and tried really hard to hold my head up and again I heard the ripping velcro sound. And eventually, after much effort, I managed to be upright facing the wall. I could see everything perfectly, but I realised that this position should be impossible since I was facing the wall yet lying on my stomach, so I was at a 90 degree angle which would mean my spine would have had to have broken to be at that angle.

    This happened many more times and some of those times I managed to pop completely out of my body and have an astral projection.


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  5. I tried Mantak Chia's Dantian Qigong and didn't really like the results. On the positive side it gave me qi pressure in a large area of the lower belly and resulted in a feeling of more light energy, but I didn't feel it was targeting the actual dantian enough and the energy wasn't solid or powerful enough (jing like) for my preferences.

    I've had pretty good results with Gary Clyman's layered condensing technique which gave me the more powerful jing feeling that I was looking for. You basically inhale qi into the dantian and while you inhale, you condense/shrink it into a very small point. On the next inhale you layer the qi around the point and at the same time condense it all down further into a small point again... basically like the layers of an onion, getting more and more condensed into the center on each inhale.

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  6. 16 hours ago, Aetherous said:


    Herbs are not safe


    Depends on the particular herbs to a large extent.


    If you were to choose a random herb out of all the herbs in existence, then that of course would be dangerous. But I could go to my kitchen and brew myself a green tea or chew on some ginger, for example, without much  worry. So I think a healthy dose of common sense mixed with light research, experimentation, intuition and an awareness of the effects on one's body is generally a safe approach in regards to commonly used herbs.

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  7. 2 hours ago, dmattwads said:

    Generally you should want to make it a ration of about 30-40% of Fu Ling to your chief and deputy tonic herbs. I would also recommend and equal amount of Gan Cao (licorice root) because it harmonizes the other herbs to work together well and it also strengthens the spleen as well. 


    Cheers, I'll definitely try and get some Fu Ling and perhaps research some other herbs for the spleen/draining although I'd prefer to stay away from licorice root due to the negative effect is has on testosterone.

  8. 14 hours ago, dmattwads said:

    Hello there, I wanted to give you a better answer than just an example, I've just not had time to do so until now. I am a licensed acupuncturist and traditional Chinese herbalist so thought I could help. 

       So as to your original question, yes most jing and yin tonics tend to either be cloying in the intestines, weaken the spleen or both, either way they can tend to back things up. The general approach in most traditional Chinese herbal formulas is to have a four function approach of the chief, deputy, assistant, and envoy herbs to make the formula well balanced, effective, and to counter any negative side effects and/or interactions. In a jing or yin tonic the assistant herb(s) are generally the ones chosen to counteract the spleen weakening, intestine cloying effects of the chief and deputy tonic herbs. Generally these are either spleen strengthening and/or downward draining herbs depending on the tonic herbs used. 

       So for example in Liu Wei Di Huang Wan the most common yin tonic formula, the main herb incorporated into the formula to offset the cloying nature of Shu Di Huang is Ze Xie. Fu Ling is also included to strengthen the spleen and thus the digestive system as a whole. 

       In the formula Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan for example which the chief herb is He Shou Wu, the main herb to assist is again Fu Ling for its affects to strengthen the spleen, and counter the stagnating properties of the other tonic herbs.

       I had seen someone list ginger which is also a warming yang and spleen strengthening herb, and that would also be helpful. Ginseng also strengthens the digestive system (along with everything else) so could be useful as well. 

      The key points to remember are downward draining, and spleen strengthening. Hope that helps. 



    Excellent advice, thanks very much. I like the sound of Fu Ling. 

    The Yin Jing herbs I have are all 10:1 concentrated extractions of prepared He Shou Wu, prepared Rehmannia and Goji Berry.

    Do you know what the recommended ratio of non-concentrated Fu Ling to the above herbs might be? I'll probably be taking about just 3 grams of the concentrated Jing herbs per day, consisting of 1 gram of each of the 3.

  9. Thanks for the replies, sounds like alcohol, ginger or ginseng could be a good addition. I'll try and experiment with all 3 to see how they compare.


    As an aside, I just received some deer placenta capsules in the post and took one about an hour ago. It's insanely powerful, I could feel the effects start within minutes. It's a familiar feeling I get from he shou wu / goji berries etc., but feels 50x stronger.

    I've also got some black ant powder that I'm going to try tomorrow to gauge the effects and then some sheep placenta arriving in a couple of weeks to see how it compares with the deer. 

  10. Can you please provide more "technical details" on shadow work part? I am compiling a self-help guide and I would like to include anecdotic evidence that it is actually working. I have read some books on "Shadow work", but too much scholar stuff vs actually step 1 do this feel this step 2 etc...

    Thank you.

    Sure, I had been practicing the https://lonerwolf.com/shadow-self/


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  11. Hi HoldorFold,

    Not sure I understand why this is so, but I can tell you what I have been told.  :D 


    The yin energy rises from the earth. The yang energy descends from heaven. It is hard to reconcile that with yang fire rising, and yin water sinking.... and I can't explain that part..


    But, setting that aside for the moment, the part about the MCO is maybe easier to understand. The Ren and Du channels differ from the twelve regular meridians. They belong to the Eight Extraordinary Channels, and are the only two of those which have their own points. (The other EEVs use points from the twelve meridians.) The Ren and the Du are both numbered in Chinese medicine as going up.

    But the eight extraordinary channels are described more as reservoirs, not the same as the meridians (which are more like rivers) But to experience Ren and Du in a circuit, they have to flow, and one will have to return down. Sometimes the orbit is run the opposite direction. Sometimes they are described as running in both directions simultaneously. :blink: (Never experienced that myself!)


    So maybe one way to look at the MCO is that the energy usually is run up the yang side of the body and down the yin, but perhaps the energy itself is neither yang nor yin. Hopefully someone more versed in this will chime in and clear the rest of it up for us!  (sillybearhappyhoneyeater ?.... Gerard?)


    Curious... How are you going about studying the 12 primary meridians?

    Ah yes, I've also heard of the MCO running in the opposite direction, although I've never tried it myself. For me, I've often felt hot qi running up my back into my head and I've spent a lot of time working on bringing it down the front.


    Downward qi flow makes me feel more relaxed and yin, but then it does eventually make me feel more physically powerful and grounded. I suppose that is still in keeping with yin though, as it's jing like.


    I'm looking at experimenting with the 12 meridians by meditating on them and directing my consciousness on them in the direction of their flow like one would do in the MCO. I was partly inspired by William Mistele (a hermeticist) who wrote about this in an essay of his.




    "...in many Taoist practices, meditating on the meridians is

    used as a means for becoming conscious of and connecting the

    energy flows of vitality through the body. Dr. Stephen Thomas

    Chang in his book, The Complete Book of Acupuncture, Celestial

    Arts, 1976, gives a brief description, p. 48, of The Around the

    World Massage, "Using the bulb of the thumb or index and middle

    fingers, gently massage the entire length of each of the main

    meridians in the direction of the energy flow along the meridian."

    [The sequence is lung, large intestine, stomach, spleen-pancreas,

    heart, small intestine, bladder, kidney, heart constrictor, triple

    heater, gall bladder, and liver.]

    After becoming competent in the previous exercise, he suggests

    meditating on the meridians. "...focus all your attention on the lung

    meridian. Trace the path of the lung meridian with your index and

    middle finger paying close attention to the concurrent subjective

    feelings that arise as a result of this procedure. Mentally follow the

    flow of energy as it descends along the lung meridian and then

    repeat the same procedure along the large intestine meridian which

    has an ascending flow of energy. Massaging the entire length of all

    twelve of the main meridians will eventually enable one to sense the

    most minute energy fluctuation along the meridian circuit.

    Ultimately, one will be able to willfully direct the energy flow along

    any one of the meridians. Becoming consciously aware of the

    circulation of energy within the body will confer longevity of life,

    for this ability will enable one to maintain a state of energy balance

    under any and all circumstances." 

    Source: http://www.williammistele.com/physical2b.html

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    I have had this problem for so many years. I have been to monks, I have been to teachers, I have seen my guru many times, nothing ever, ever, permanently fixes this problem. When I meditate, energy moves into my head, it builds into a giant ball of pressure, and then anger, delusion, confusion, and insanity start to arise as a result. For years I have tried to fix it, I have been taught so many techniques to fix it, nothing fixes this problem. When the pressure builds up in my head, it starts to hurt my heart and lungs below. I have felt like I was going to have a heart attack before. Every morning I wake up, there it is, the big ball of pressure stuck in my head, i meditate, it gets worse and worse. Everyday is another day of suffering and misery. Horrible horrible emotions constantly arising day after day due to this energy being stuck in my head. Is there anyone in this world that knows how to fix this problem? I haven't met one yet :\




    There's a post on a yoga forum where someone had great difficulties with a similar condition. You can read it here: http://www.aypsite.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=3296



    "Many, if not most, kundalini awakening problems stem from a block in the front channel. The front channel is the pathway by which energy drains from the head down the front of the body to the root/perineum. If this channel is blocked when kundalini shoots up the back, the result will be an uncomfortable pooling of energy in the head (at ajna, crown, and/or top of the neck), which is unable to drain down.



    ** feeling of trapped energy in head, headache, pressure between the brows or at crown

    ** weakened appetite and longer time required to digest (i.e. general cooling of the digestive fires)

    ** "upward" spinal breathing/pranayama is much easier than "downward"

    ** TMJ (pain in the jaw socket, sometimes radiating elsewhere in the head...this is from energy pooled in the jaw, unable to descend)

    ** feeling spacey and ungrounded

    ** water retention

    ** high blood pressure hard to explain by genetics, diet, and lifestyle

    ** sleep apnea

    ** difficulty (or, at least, mild aversion) with forward-bending asanas (which you perhaps have always chalked up to tight hamstrings)"



    He then goes on to describe his experiences with this and how he dealt with it.


    I've had something similar but not as acute. For me, like yourself, most remedies were only temporary and the qi would ascend back into my head creating a heavy pulsating feeling in my brow.


    I fairly good effects with working with my nose, as the qi would tend to drop down through my nose and down my body, but then eventually it would pool back in my head. Grounding with the added sensation of cold, e.g. imagining the coldness of the earth and grounding down into it really helped as well. But often the symptoms would return sometime later.


    Funnily enough, the most permanent relief I had from this was after doing intense shadow work, i.e. looking for and loving/accepting the darkest parts of myself. It turns out that by perusing spiritual work over the years I had been pushing shadow aspects of myself away and they must have created a blockage somewhere down in my body which stopped the smooth flow of downward qi and created the blockage in the head. After I found dark parts of my psyche which I had neglected over the years, i.e. lusts, urge to dominate, materialism etc. and embraced those parts of myself in a loving way, the qi started flowing and the head block cleared up.

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  13. I've always thought of Yin as descending and Yang as ascending. This is intuitive in terms of cold air/water etc. descends and hot-air/fire etc. rises. And qigong water methods in general focus on descending qi and fire methods focus in general rising.

    This concept is consistent with the microcosmic orbit, where Yin descends in the conception vessel and Yang ascends the governor channel.





    However, I've just started getting into the 12 primary meridians, i.e. the 6 Yin organ meridians and their 6 Yang organ pairs. 

    With these, the Yin meridians ascend and the Yang meridians descend. For instance, the kidney meridian, a Yin meridian, has an ascending flow but it's paired Yang meridian, the bladder, has a descending flow. And so it is with each Yin/Yang organ pair.

    This is counter-intuitive to my usual understanding of Yin/Yang ascending/descending flow. Anyone understand why this is?



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  14. Interesting this topic has spontaneously revived itself as I had just started taking cordyceps again as of two days ago.


    ... dongchong xiacao 冬虫夏草 (cordyceps) are another matter. They are strong herbs that change the body's balance and do not make good supplements. 



    I've read that cordyceps nourishes both yin and yang and is considered balanced by some, are they misguided?

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  15. interesting :)


    1. How long does it take you to feel the Qi movement down through the throat?

    2. Have you tried hot instead ?

    I used to be into Hermeticism as practiced by Franz Bardon and modified by William Mistele, and I used to focus a lot on the sensation of heat. It would give me an emotional powerful feeling, a peppery taste in my mouth and raise my body temperature enough so I could be outside in the cold in a t-shirt where I would usually need a thick coat. But in experimenting with heat, I also quickly developed rashes, irritability and in the long term it exasperated qi-rising into my head with it's associated complications.


    Since then, I have been careful in working with the sensation of temperature because it can be quite powerful.


    I've been doing the tongue touching the roof of the mouth for a long time and have noticed very subtle results. If my forehead is pulsating with qi, touching my tongue to the roof of my mouth doesn't seem to change much, I usually have to do a lot of work increasing my sense of weight and create a suction feeling from lower in my body, and even then it takes a while.


    With this cold-tongue technique, the qi immediately and strongly comes down my brow, into my throat and down. I don't even seem to need to reposition my tongue that much, as long as my mouth is closed part of the tongue is touching the roof and the cold-tongue technique works for me.


    Quite interesting!





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  16. Discovered this by experimenting the other day and maybe it could help someone.

    If you touch the roof of your mouth with your tongue and focus on making your tongue feel cold, like remembering what snow feels like and feeling that sensation in your tongue, then it suddenly very powerfully draws a lot of qi from your head down your throat. 

    This seems like an instant fix for whenever I get a pulsating brow point or too much qi in my head.

    I want to experiment more with this by using the sensation of cold to emphasize yin locations, but I want to proceed slowly because it seems quite powerful.


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  17. I think I finally need to purchase that book. What puts me off doing the water/stillness method is the amount of time required, as Jane needed to stop working to do it...does the book detail the exact healing methods she did (I presume it was a mix of qigong and meditation?).


    Opening the Energy Gates consists of standing meditation with dissolving, cloud hands, 3 pivot sequences and a spinal stretch. The Tao of Letting Go just expands on the dissolving practice. Franzis is very detailed in the books and even though a movement seems simple on the outside, there's a lot that goes into it so it can take some time to learn.


    From my understanding, Jane mainly practiced the dissolving method and poured her mania into really getting good at it, but it's clear from the book she practiced a fair amount of forms apart from the standing meditation, especially towards the end of her book (but lots of progress seemed to be made from standing/dissolving alone in the beginning).



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  18. As for porn.. it's been looked into that looking at Porn is an addiction and alters the brains pathways and dopamine receptors as strongly as cocaine. Ita giving many young men erectile disfunction and ruining their views of the world.


    And yet porn is so widely accepted. Our culture just sees it as a normal thing that goes along with being a healthy sexual person. It's ridiculous.alot of porn involves abuse rape and sex trafficking.


    It should be banned in our country and just watch what happens to the men. Some may get angrier but many will transform their ways.


    Yes porn certainly is addictive, especially for young people who's brain's reward circuitry become hardwired based on the vast array of stimulation. 


    I'd be careful on equating porn with sex trafficking and rape though. In the west at least, porn actresses are often paid 10 times more than their disposable male counterparts and many male actors are actually expected to work for free. And overwhelmingly the addicts are men and young boys. But banning porn is not the answer, especially not under leftist rhetoric which pushes the 'predatory-male' narrative.


    A solution might include better education in schools on the effects of porn. At the moment it's mostly geared around making sure boys understand not to push porn behaviors on girls, but I think they should include more education on its addictive and escalation potential and how it drains the life-force (good luck with that) and how it makes them less effectual in the world.


    Having kids addicted to something at such an early age is pretty messed up when you actually think about it. If 90% of 13 year old boys were addicted to heroin then we might pay more attention. To deal with something like this we need a societal upgrade, like being able to teach kids mindfulness practices and how to bring consciousness into their behaviors. Not going to happen anytime soon, but one can hope.

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  19. [To the masses, nonexistent]






    You, men and women and anything in between, have been brain washed into thinking that people in relationships are meant to have sex frequently and often to orgasmic culmination for the purposes of creating a weak willed and easily controlled population.


    The reason that this method is so successful is that when people constantly and consistently spend their jing, they lose their potency and become easily manipulated, because the science behind it is thus:


    Upon orgasming, the testosterone receptors in the brain are downregulated, causing a reduction in Eros, confidence, creativity, sensuality and basically willpower.


    Weak willed people become Sheeple.


    Encouraged to engage in sex from a young age, through memes generated from a hateful few individuals who wish to create a herd mentality, most of the world's peoples are brainwashed to become sexual hedonists from a young age. Most Disney movies have hidden sexual content in them. Go google it and see.


    By encouraging a culture of sex, everyone becomes mindless drones.


    Anyone who has 'sexually fasted' for more than two weeks knows the benefits, regardless of whether you are male or female. You feel more energized, ready to go out and get shit done.


    Nature doesn't encourage frivolous use of sexual energies....cultural memes and scripts have been created by hidden few that say it is manly to have sex often....


    If you know how to have non-orgasmic, non-ejaculatory sex, good for you. Most people do not have the skill/control/discipline to withhold. They haven't built the habit energy.


    there is more coming, but I am being interfered with unfortanately


    There is a 'conspiracy' going on around sex, but it's not really related to the frequency of between couples. That really has just been going on since forever. Think of how much sex Ghenkis Khan had for instance.


    Some women will want to satisfy their man so he's not going around being a Ghenkis Khan in the world though, for instance i have a friend who's girlfriend is insulted if she cannot give him oral sex first thing every morning. She divulged she does this so he's not looking at other women when he goes off to work. This is not related to government or conspiracy though. 


    What's actually going which is more in line with a conspiracy is in the realm of pornography. The amount of people, especially young boys, addicted to pornography is outrageous. Many have developed warped tastes as a result of escalating their ongoing need for stimulation. They get bored with one thing and then can immediately find something else more 'interesting' around the corner on the internet. I practice retention for months sometimes, so I've also visited non-Taoist places where people practice this, and there seems to be a lot of boys in their teens / early twenties who have grown up with high speed internet who have become addicted to certain bizarre niches of porn, particularly transsexual porn believe it or not, that seemed to be a common one that kept popping up. These poor guys become extremely confused as a result, often suicidal even.


    There's also other dark things involving the media, fear and shame going on, but it's probably outside the scope of this thread.



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