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Everything posted by DeadDragon

  1. OUT of BODY EXP./ ASTRAL Projection

    Good luck on your travels. If you ever encounter an unpleasant being, such as a demon, imagine yourself surrounded in a sphere of light. You will be protected. This is not always true for death but is always true for astral travel.
  2. The MCO is Taoist fundamentalism

    The source is the movie "What the bleep do we know?". I haven't seen the movie in awhile, but I don't think they specify if it was double blind. Perhaps you can go learn more about it if you want. From what I've learned, all words and objects already have an energetic signature, either naturally occurring or which has been developed through our individual or collective consciousness over time. Keeping a book like the Tao Te Ching or I Ching near you when you meditate is a good thing to do, because it has a very wise / high / enlightened energetic signature to it, or something like that. So I've been told. You can do an experiment yourself. Place a piece of paper with the word love written on it on your friend's shoulder. Have them hold their arm out parallel to the ground. Put pressure on their arm, trying to force it down while they try and hold it in place. Next try with the word anger written on a piece of paper. Do the same thing, and watch as their arm crumbles with less pressure from you. Do not show your friends the words until after the experiment is concluded. Maybe you can have another friend put the pressure down, so that way it is double blind. Studying Feng Shui might help you learn more, I don't know I'm no expert.
  3. I am a good book / dvd / guided meditation learner. I have been practicing spring forest qigong for awhile, but I don't think I'm entirely satisfied with it. What my goals are, any technique / practice you mention hopefully helps with at least one of these, in the quickest way possible - -Opening third eye -Leaving my body at will - or specifically how to attain full body vibrational state with ease, once at that point I can figure it out again from there. I can do it from the point of sleeping, every once in awhile, and it will probably start happening more often now that I'm trying to achieve it again...but I can't do it at will. Getting the body to be filled completely with energy basically, which the microcosmic orbit specifically found in SFQG isn't helping with, although it has (usually) been helping in other ways for health and reduction of pain...but that's not my goal. -Learning to survive on no food, water, or sleep at all, ever (breath is OK). This one I have no idea where to start. -Strengthening inner guidance, which I assume will naturally occur as I elevate my spiritual perceptions I feel with those skills mentioned above mastered I can achieve my other goals in my own way - such as healing every being I encounter if they are open to it energetically, physical immortality, miracles such as creating objects from thin air, showing people how to do the same, etc. None of this is for selfish reasons, and I feel I have the universe's support / approval. I've seen a lot, dealt with demons before, and I am prepared to deal with any situation that may arise from OB and third eye practice. I am confident in my ability to balance my energy after any such practices as well, and how I can utilize such spiritual perceptions to help. I have literally all day to practice. I am open to any schools of thought, and any tools or practices - Taoist, modern or other. I'm here not to transcend life and death but to help, but it's kind of hard when I cannot seem to help I humbly ask for your assistance in any way you can provide.
  4. Edited - got rid of some garbage There are a lot of people in my family with severe problems, my whole family is basically twisted, and very little money or trust in me in the fact that energy work could help them. That I don't get to see often and when I do, I don't always have the opportunity to practice qigong for the 2 people who actually believe me. These skills / goals of mine are especially useful for external healing and long distance healing, or so I've been taught (the third eye opening and leaving one's body). But in the meantime there's no reason I can't show people how to heal themselves as well. After doing a formless meditation today and things not going well...and then saying whatever let's go back to the small universe. What a difference, you're right there's no reason to stop what is effective already. If it wasn't for SFQ I'd be in a world of pain. If I don't practice I'd be right back in a world of pain. There's something special about it, at least for me. Going deeper and deeper will happen naturally in its own time, no need to be in such a hurry, no other techniques necessary even other ones Master Lin teaches besides the small universe and the active exercises.
  5. The MCO is Taoist fundamentalism

    For me the small universe and standing meditations from Master Lin has helped me with depression, anxiety, instantaneously healing muscle pain, helping heal a sprained ankle in 1 hour after 1 day of spraining it back to full function, releasing me from most addictions except those pesky cigarettes. Within a couple of months of every day practice (consistency is key). I require less sleep, food and water if my practice goes smoothly, with more energy to take on life. Which it doesn't always go smoothly in which case it can cause minor problems like headaches. Though Master Lin teaches so many practical and wonderful things, a lot of it going beyond healing, including a few techniques to stop a headache. It doesn't go smoothly because I "think" something is going wrong (after all I have read many of these posts about how doing the MCO is bad). I "think" that maybe I'm putting too much energy into my head (because I know the channels there are narrow, supposedly), I "think" my energy is getting stuck somewhere in other places too, getting nervous about it. I "think" that what I'm doing might actually be dangerous. When really just relaxing, reminding myself the energy can flow perfectly smoothly, that all blockages are gone, everything is being perfectly balanced, releasing any unhelpful information accumulated, it will flow properly and the pain disappears. Just by using messages and intentions, the energy knows how to best balance itself and where / how it is best to flow. Which doesn't always align with your focus as you go through the orbit, and it's best not to force anything. It's not just rotating energy. There's more to it than that. Messages are powerful things. It has been scientifically proven that a plant with the word "Love" taped to its container will grow much healthier and fuller as opposed to a plant with the word "Hate" taped to it...which will not be too healthy at all. Given the exact same growing conditions. He says that doing the small universe will open blockages all throughout your body. It is like the great ocean that all rivers flow into, or something like that. I have no reason to disbelieve him, and it does work. For example doing pushups and leg lifts and my arms / legs have that acidic muscle pain. After doing the small universe it immediately disappears. (I never used to exercise previous to my small universe meditation practice, heh) The technique or posture doesn't matter so much, as long as you feel it is working, or you enjoy it or it resonates with you. Personally I like the small universe. As I was told, it's not necessary to learn any techniques beyond the stuff in level 1. That you can go deeper and deeper just using those meditations. I think bringing any excess energy back to your center (lower dan tien), and starting from that point is always important no matter what type or school of meditation you do. By imagining it spiraling or spinning clockwise when ending. And also keeping the tongue against the roof of your mouth and keeping your spine straight. Those are really the only keys you need to practice any kind of meditation. The symptoms of schizophrenia and the fruits of very deep meditation are eerily similar. Thinking you can predict the future, thinking you can read other people's thoughts, seeing things that aren't there (or at least things that most other people cannot see), communicating with other beings, etc. That can happen with any meditation of any kind. Best not to worry so much. Everything is an illusion including this reality, everything is already one / Buddha and as such you have nothing to fear at all. When doing all these practices he also incorporates acupressure and various stretching / exercises that are supposed to help balance energy as well, that you do right after the meditations. So I feel it is completely safe and effective, if you actually do what is instructed, and he also teaches that it is completely safe. Only good better and best. You have to be careful what you tell people in regards to their spiritual practices. It's always a sensitive matter and you could be doing damage or setting people back without realizing it. Lucky me I don't really trust anyone, and can reject information pretty easily. Best to learn more from him if interested and not me, I'm not a certified instructor...and I'm not sure how much I should be talking openly about his ideas / techniques and mixing them with my own ideas. He says go spread the techniques and healing for your friends and family but...this is a public forum. Despite the fact that I like to think of everyone as family...even if I forget that sometimes.
  6. I disagree with you that anything is impossible. It says anything can be achieved in the Tao Te Ching. Jesus basically also said you can do what he could. Master Lin purportedly went 49 days without food except for an apple, and no water or sleep. As I learn more about him all the time, I am inclined to believe everything he says. My current practice does allow me to eat, drink and sleep less so I don't know what I'm so worried about. You're right though I somehow always forget that unconditional love and detachment are more important than any techniques. It seems like it happens on a daily basis. My memory especially short term is not very good, that hasn't been healed completely. I won't ever open my third eye or obtain the full body vibrational state if I'm trying so hard to achieve these things. I trust the instinct I have now. It tells me to do things like eat vegetables and meditate and other positive things. You think I'd be smart enough to ask it about what meditation to do (or not do) like I almost always do according to each moment...but well, my memory I tell you. Sticking with what I do now is fine. Thank you for your concern. I can be so dense sometimes, please forgive me everyone on these forums if you still put up with me.
  7. Because I'm not a Taoist. I'm not anything but me, and "one with the soul of all things" even if I don't fully perceive it at the moment. Open to new information, ideas and techniques, no matter the source. From within, nature, religions, any person. Rejecting any information that does not help me personally. "Think for yourself, question authority." - Terrence McKenna I wish to survive off of nothing so I no longer need money. So I can devote myself 100% to helping others in the "greatest way possible" without feeling obligated to ask for something in return. But I guess if I could create food from thin air well then I wouldn't have to go without food. I don't know how long that is going to take to achieve, and really it's just one way of performing exercise and self discipline and training - surviving (healthily) off of less and less. Most everyone else seems to be so concerned with achieving unity. Most everyone acts like life is a bad thing. I disagree. Life is wonderful even when it appears to be terrible, and could be 1000x greater if everyone were to unlock their true potential. The soul of everything can guide you even if you are not 100% unified with it, because after all everything is already Buddha / one / god, if you can learn to listen. Though I'm still in the process of refining my hearing, so to say. That's fine if your purpose here is to transcend life and death, but that is not my purpose while I'm here, we are not all here for the same reason to do exactly the same things and all be exactly the same. Everybody's different, everything is always changing - as such what is best for me may not be best for you. I can easily do that if / when I die. By simply letting go of everything, but I'm not ready to give it all up. It is very very simple and easy, but it cannot be forced, it requires nothing but a complete lack of attachment to anything, good or bad. Good luck with that. Here you still are, not unified. Which is perfectly OK. Everyone wants something and if they didn't they wouldn't be here on this planet. Why do some Taoist masters practice qigong for healing, try and achieve other various feats while alive, such as being buried underground yet still surviving, walking on water, creating flame and electricity with their hands, etc...instead of going straight for the source? Because they too enjoy life. My motivations are not self driven, I have been instructed by the universe to accomplish "the flowery trappings of the Tao". If I always did what I want I wouldn't be concerned about any of this. Thanks for the suggestion of the longman pai, I'll look into it.
  8. The Coming; Enlightenment Through Technology Movement

    Technology / psychedelic drugs are tools. Just like chanting om, visualizing, focusing on a single point etc. these are tools too. They are just much less effective tools, and on the same token they are safer. All of them tools that someone / something else has given to you. You can always come back easily enough to the physical if anything happens that is scaring / exciting you during regular meditation, and you'll never go beyond what you are prepared for in that moment. Which in my case right now is not much at all, heh. Eventually yes you let go of tools, because eventually you won't need them any more, and if you wish to go "all the way to total unity" then you must let go of everything, but there's nothing wrong with taking advantage of them to get to the point of not needing them. You can cause great suffering from tech / drugs / working with your body's natural meditative state of sleep, but on the same token, you can learn and grow much more much faster. Suffering is not a bad thing, it's a good thing. With greater suffering comes a greater opportunity to learn. If you are a wonderful loving being, and you've come here to help in the greatest way possible, life is going to make you suffer a lot more than most people, demand things from you more than most people...because that's the only way you can grow, seems kind of backwards from the karma perspective but it's true. There's a lot of suffering going on for everyone during these times because well that's just what it's going to take to bring about a grand awakening. No doubt the internet is a great tool, but of course like any tool it can be improperly handled. All this information, connecting with all sorts of people that would otherwise be unknown to us. There's no way I could've learned about qigong, various other meditations and so much more, and what people are truly capable of without this gift of the internet. It is in my mind part of the reason why / how everyone on this planet can become awakened. Awake, not enlightened. There's a difference. Human life on the planet is not going to cease to exist I don't think.
  9. The universe wants nothing of you. You can do what you want and that is why God is God and we are not. I tell you I have had very deep spiritual experiences, including approaching unity, while living a very unhealthy life. No exercise, video games 12 hours a day, weed, cigarettes, alcohol, shrooms, ecstacy, etc. It didn't take years of practice or meditation, in fact I got there rather on accident through exploring out of body, a skill developed (over the course of 3 days) through taking advantage of the hypnagogic state. Sleep is natural meditation, rejuvenating and healing you, deeper than most people can achieve if they set out to achieve anything in their meditation. I cannot recommend this path though, but I guess it depends if you want to go the hard way or the long way. Meditation is good training, no doubt, when you do advance beyond this plane it will be easier to stay focused and calm. So is learning to control your desires instead of being controlled. It isn't necessary really, but it depends on what your goal is and what you want. Everything is already one, everything is vibration - rising and falling waves of yin and yang which are not actually separate - the only thing that limits you is the information / beliefs you hold and the desires you have. Nothing is impossible unless you believe it is impossible. Because everything is one, you are therefore capable of achieving anything that can be conceived although you must advance yourself to higher levels of vibration in order to achieve "miracles". From physical matter, to sound, to light, to beyond. As you raise your vibration, your reality becomes easier to shape using your consciousness...since everything becomes more intangible and volatile. And I'm convinced it's just a matter of creating an object in this higher vibrational state and finding a way to bring it back down into the physical plane. Unconditional love is a very high vibration and will get you there, but there are other ways to raise one's vibration. Picture a wave, a line, long gradual curve going up and down. Heavy, slow. As the distance between the curves, bumps, becomes shorter, it becomes faster and lighter. Now imagine the vibration is going so fast that there is no distance at all between the bumps. Yin and yang united, god, infinitely fast, passes through all things and is all things, always. That is just my theory, a feeble attempt at a "scientific" explanation of enlightenment. The only reason I'm still here on this planet, is because like you I want to help, I like it here and I know how much more beautiful it could be. The only reason you're here and everyone is, is because they want something. Nothing wrong with that. There is no right or wrong, what you project is what is reflected back on to you. Love and be loved, karma, blah blah. It's up to you to decide what is desirable and what is undesirable. The only way to bring change is to show people why they should want to do the things you do. Not by telling them, but by showing them how wonderful it is to be you, they will naturally wish to be like you. So, create some food from thin air, heal people of all their diseases, heal the planet, regrow people's lost limbs, live forever, create 7 billion different bodies for you to inhabit - one for each person in the world so they might all have your personal instruction if they so desire. Tell them they can do the same and show them how. I don't see how you could ever show someone why they should want to be fully unified with "god"...since there's no way to show anyone that state...and if someone really wants that unity, there are plenty of different teachers who can help them with that. If it makes you feel any better, the great awakening is coming. Approximately 60 years or less. We've managed to avoid complete destruction by those beings mentioned in the OP. There are a huge number of other beings who have decided to come to earth for the purpose of helping it in the past 100 years or so. Not that we can shirk our own personal responsibility.
  10. In Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism there seems to be an idea that the individual self must be relinquished in order to know true peace. That the ego only brings suffering to itself. That everything is one, and we are on a path to obtain that sense of awareness. But just as day always follows night, and death always follows life, doesn't this mean that even if we "reunite with the spirit of the universe" "transcend life and death, time and space" that at some point we will again find ourselves lost in individual consciousness? Does that mean basically we are "stuck" forever in these cycles? All of these religions claim that you can transcend these cycles for eternity, but that seems impossible given the dualistic nature of all things - including "one self" and "individual self". This is a very serious unresolved issue in my mind. There could be some sort of flaw in my knowledge or logic here, a limitation in the English language, or something that my mind cannot grasp. But the way I see it, why bother? I can meditate for years until I find contentment, but then I'm just going to lose it again at some point (not necessarily within this life). It's a very depressing thought. Makes me either want to chase pleasures of the flesh for eternity, unfulfilling as they may be. Or just kill myself and continuously change my perception of who / what I am in order to try and avoid discontent. Perhaps I could research Taoist immortality more thoroughly and just never let this body die? Not exactly ideal, but it's better than the thought of ever having to go through anything remotely similar again to what I am going through now. Thanks for any help or insight you may be able to provide. I find my views typically most closely aligned with Taoism, and would practice SFQG much more often (both to heal myself and to heal others), if I felt there was any real point to do so. If I can define anything in better detail, or share anything else about myself, please ask.
  11. Is there ever an end of individual consciousness?

    Deleted. Nevermind. I'm wasting time here, better spent elsewhere. None of you nor I truly understand, Lao Tzu didn't either, he just wrote of our ancient ancestors who did. Nobody has, not for the past few thousand years of darkness. The world would not be as it is if that were not the case. It would be a paradise. Nothing that couldn't be known, nothing that couldn't be done. If just one person understood, we would all understand. No offense. Peace.
  12. "they are always frightened or worried about things that you consider unimportant." Choose every word you speak with great care. I expressed carelessness in mine. You're right most people do not think about how their words can impact another in a negative way, even when spoken with the best intentions. Most people might not even realize when it's happened. I'm not sure who's personal spiritual growth I impeded, and which words they were, and I don't think deleting them can even undo what I did. But I thought it best to destroy them all.
  13. HI and my goals.

    Deleted. Now is still not the time for me to speak.
  14. Is there ever an end of individual consciousness?

    But if there's a reality without time, then a reality with time must exist. Logically speaking, or at least speaking from my experiences with duality in this universe. Can't have light without dark, short without tall, real without illusion, etc etc etc, on an on to infinity. After consulting "the spirit of the universe" again however I feel this is not true. My mind simply cannot grasp that all things can become one, without ever separating again...since my mind can only conceive of duality. Even just talking about it, it's not quite right. It's not "one" exactly but beyond that as well. When it comes down to it, Taoism and Buddism are separate religions / philosophies for a reason. While sharing some common traits, they are different in some ways as well. It's time for me to be quiet again, I am not exactly a model Taoist and I'd just give it a bad name by saying any more. But thanks for your help, all of you.
  15. Is there ever an end of individual consciousness?

    Hi, thanks for all of the responses. I do not disagree with any of you. Except for the part where a person "stops existing as an individual". I have experienced such a state of being, where my perception was no longer of an individual. I literally was the trees, the buildings, the sky, etc. The point is, one day "I" am going to forget any of this has happened and it's going to happen again. That "I" am doomed to repeat these struggles again ad infinitum, that I will have to relearn every lesson ever taught. It happened at least once, I was born and forgot what I needed to know or not know in order to be balanced / happy / content / true. I do not disagree that this is an illusion, and none of it really happened / is happening. But that did not prevent me from believing otherwise earlier in my life, or prevent me from experiencing it as real at least in this moment. I do have a clear idea in my head on how to be free of all pain. However my primary concern at this moment is not how to "obtain" enlightenment. I'm not really looking for guidance on how to conquer this worry. Will it all happen again? Not necessarily as this person or awareness but perhaps as another. Or is it a choice, did "I" simply choose to be this person and forgot that I chose, along with forgetting everything else? I read somewhere that Buddha can take on the form of any being without forgetting the Buddha nature. But I don't know... My ideas are a mishmash, I hope not to confuse anyone, and please forgive me for communication is my weakest skill. I find language very limiting and I would remain silent but not when it causes me so much trouble to do so. I asked the spirit of the universe, but "it" is giving me conflicting answers.