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Posts posted by tantien

  1. I'm pretty amused!!! :lol:


    Of course God is empty of defilements, which I see the first few replies understood. The best jokes in this thread are poking at the reality of the Buddhist-nihilism stereotype, which I grok despite realizing Buddhism is not nihilistic or even in denial of a soul.


    I think these terms have been defined enough, so I will refrain from the requests for further samadhi on linguistic constipation. Of course emptiness of many things are possible: defilements, perfections, self, etc.


    I did expect a bit more directness: "Yes, your so-called God is empty!" -- quote from a hypothetical semi-polytheistic buddhist :)

  2. Does anyone here know any experts in TCM herb farming? I'm trying to grow some. I'd like to know which ones are best suited for this environment, which seeds to get, and how to get the best results from growing them...


    Big questions, I know :)

  3. On 9/14/2017 at 1:08 AM, Orion said:

    Ironically, the most powerful place I've experienced was the state capitol building in Madison, Wisconsin. It's built on an Isthmus and on the intersection of powerful ley lines. The aboriginals used to go there for healing but of course white people usurped it from them.


    When I entered the center forum I had kundalini awakening like I have never experienced in my lifetime. It felt like I had literally entered a higher dimension of bliss and I was connected to the entire planet. This was completely unexpected and I was dumbfounded. I walked away from the spot and then came back just to see, and the same thing happened. Dead center of the building, right in the middle of the architecture.


    Just goes to show that the free masons really know about architectural planning. I'd love to visit more state buildings to see if the pattern repeats itself. I would also love to know if there's an accurate map of ley lines out there in the world somewhere. I haven't been able to find one. If there is one it's probably a well guarded secret by the elites.


    Makes me wonder... if we examine where most of the buildings of power are built in the world, would we find that there are also energy centers there.


    The only other place where I felt similar power was in Nepal.


    Interesting... So many disconnected writings on so-called "lay-lines" but none agree on GPS coordinates, methodologies, measurement, etc. Would be nice to build a database of those too so folks could converge on the truth!

  4. I travel a lot and I'm sure others here do too... I want to ask what the most powerful temples, churches, locations, or objects you've experienced coming in contact with. It would be helpful if you would list:

    1) The name of place or object

    2) Your tradition

    3) Your experience with said place or object

    4) Approx. date or year of said experience


    I would like to collect these in one place for their potential as tradition-agnostic. For example if a buddhist has been to many places, but their most powerful experience was in a buddhist temple - then that would be accounted for here. Furthermore, if a Hindu, Buddhist, and Jew all had a most powerful experiences in the Himalayas or Pyramids, then that would be interesting to account for here as well! I also want to account for the potential of experiences with objects - like coming in contact with the remains of a Saint, for example...

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  5. The title says it all. I live near union square in San Francisco, and I'm looking for experienced practice partners who wants to push hands or work on any of the various TaiChi practices which are done best with others (one of my old masters made this hanging rope thing to simulate the hand of another, to at least practice sticking and your own flow).


    The school I studied at (in case that says something about my practice :) -



    I've plenty of space in my apartment for this - but we could also find a park.


    Message me or post here and we'll sort out the details!


  6. Hello everyone,


    I'm a TaiChi practitioner and meditator living in San Francisco. By joining Tao Bums, I'm hoping to find some practice partners nearby...

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