Republic Of Zen

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Posts posted by Republic Of Zen

  1. I've started taking Panadol, which makes the pain go away. Taking extra time out this evening to do qigong and taichi, going to keep my attention on the pain while doing it.

    I intend on spening the weekend making love so i am going to look up possitions.

  2. Republic of Zen,

    What do you practice? I ask because it makes a difference if what you are feeling seems to come from out of nowhere or is a response to something that you are trying to do.



    When I do my iron shirt qigong with extra focus on my sore areas, only stretching it so I am only aware of the discomfort and staying in yin stance it feels better.
    Going out about with fiends such as dancing in bars hurts. But yesterday I sat upright for 3 hours and my back was fine. I going keep super attention to my posture.
    I was making long hard and vigourous loving making last night which seemed to hurt my back afterwards. I dotn know what possisitions are good for back pain. My taoist teacher told there was some but I am not seeign him for another 6 weeks.

  3. nature has the the best temples anyways

    enjoy your journey, sounds like a big time under taking, preparedness is key

    are you going it alone?

    here is one of the temples i visit



    Myself, my friend and his wife are touring Europe living in the back of a car. We have little money so will be checking out sustainable living communities. Spending a lot of time with the Rainbow Gatheirng of the Family of Light. I'll be spending a week in a zen monastery so I can compare lifestyle choices.
    I would stick to living in Dublin city if I didnt have to work in an office. It takes about 40mins to get to wilderness and I have a lot of spiritual friends, but the mundane culture is too over powering. I find it difficult to relax around these drunk violent apes that insist they make rules for me to live by.
    • Like 1

  4. Hey R.O.Z,


    Yes Barcelona is the only one I know of. If you don't like Google try Yahoo lol.


    If I was to offer a friend advice regarding what you have asked I would say forget temples, forget travelling, the Tao you want to know is already where you are. Enter the temple of nature, spend time sitting among trees, rivers, wild meadows. Every single one of us already KNOWS. We were born Knowing - it is deep inside of us but we overlook it by constantly DOING and trying to get somewhere.


    The antidote is not-doing. Smell a flower and Be. Then you might notice the sweet fragrance of your True-Self. You are the Teacher.


    Good luck, whatever you decide.


    That is sound advice. I am escaping the office to live nature from August onwards. A temple would just help boost chi excercises.

    • Like 1

  5. "In the West, people often look down upon such magic as manipulative"

    Most people dont believe in magic.

    "people are often willing to use love magic to find or return a lover as well"

    Not true at all.

    "We are all taught what to believe, what is right and wrong, from when we are little. "

    I have no memory of being taught what is right or wrong as a child.

    "What takes place when we use pusanga is not a direct change in other people, but a change in ourselves."

    Placebo effect. Not magic.

    This OP has nothing to do with free will.

    I experience choice, hence believe in free will.

  6. I woke up two sundays ago with a pain in my lower back. The pain goes a little then comes back and I dont understand what I am doing that makes it better or worse. I am trying spinal cord breathing and I cant tell if that helps or not.

    I also cant identify if it is my sacrum or coccyx.

    It is this lumpy bone above the crack of ass. It hurts sitting or bending over.

    Any advice?

    Any video instructions to massage it myself?

    Any meditations?


    Route I am thinking is taking nurofen and going for a medical massage tomorrow.

  7. If I may suggest: Just watch a few videos with an open mind and see if the information makes any sense to you. If it does, who cares if Darryl Anka is channeling a being that many consider an "alien"?


    I gave him twenty minutes to me over. Fine he gives good advice. It dose matter if he isnt speaking to aliens because that is lying.

  8. Surely the answer is everything, as we are all One. We are all connected. And we too are an alien race to those who observe us.


    I was abducted back when I was 5 or 6, although my memory of this is somewhat blurred. But it was, and still is a big part of my Life. I am still being abducted. As are many others.


    We limit ourselves by remaining in the thought patterns we have trained to accept.


    I choose to bungy jump way beyond our limiting mental constructs.


    Taoism is all inclusive - ET's are more than welcome. It isn't an exclusive club.






    You still have to prove to me that aliens exist.

  9. Won't find any Taoist monasteries that I know of.


    Most temples, you can't really STAY to live in from what I know.

    Buddhist monasteries though. It's full of them in Europe.


    Google is your friend.

    I really hate it when people keep suggetsing I use Google. It is very rude.
    The monastery I am visting I found through recommadtion. "Googling" things doesnt nessicary lead to getting answers.
    • Like 1

  10. I am wandering about Europe from August onwards. I'll be stopping in zen monasteries to find a place to live. But I can be convinced to practice taoism in a temple somewhere. Does anyone know any in Europe to train as taoist priest? I'm giving up mundane life.

    I have been practicing the tradition of mantak chia which is associated with Dragons Gate Taoism.

    I am not aware of away to get to Asia but I can try.

    • Like 2

  11. Hi,

    I like doing my qigong in the morning followd by the inner smile and microcosmic orbit. About a third of the time I become agitated and I cant focus. It is hard for me to still the mind and do the excercises at the sametime.

    Last time it happened I tried to just sit still but at this stage my energy was going out of control and making me move about.

    Basically my question is, how do you stop your mind running off and making you stop your meditation?

    My teacher, who I wont see for another moth, follows mantak chias tradition.