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Posts posted by Perceiver

  1. Emptiness is experienced as a calm confidence about yourself, life and the manifest world. The absence of fear of death. A still ocean inside. The ability to understand why things happen the way the happen.


    Kindness can be experienced as a warm fuzzy feeling in your chest, a feeling of emotional pleasantness. A feeling that you love the world and that love is inscribed in the fabric of reality. It is a very pleasant feeling, and people will notice it.


    Wonder is experienced as if the world has a touch of magic to it - as if everything is somehow perfect, yet somehow mysterious and endlessly fascinating. You will feel that all of your movements are fluid and perfect, and that every time you turn a corner on the street there's always something new and magical manifesting there. It adds a mysterious energy to life, and makes it a voyage of perfect discovery.

  2. What is 'kindness' ? It is just another kind of human action, the application of ones reasoning and moral code with the excessive of choice. How one judges cruelty and kindness is unique to each observer. Giving money to a beggar might be kind, but perhaps that small amount of money actually binds the beggar to continual dependence.


    Kindness is not necessarily tied to any specific actions, or political behaviour. If thus defined we would all be locked in a debate about which specific action, which policy, which idea etc would be "the most kind". And that would get us nowhere because reality is so hypercomplex that arguments can be made for both sides.


    In my opinion kindness is tied to the state you experience internally and project externally: Do you meet people with an open mind, do you realize that your actions have an impact on other people, are you capable of selflessness? And so on.

  3. A free market definitely works better than government control as in, say, Soviet style communism. Most people would agree with that.


    That being said, free markets can also create some problems. Most people would probably agree with that too.


    The question then is; how do we best engage the problems of capitalism without undermining it, or denying its positive effects?


    That's where the real debate lies, IMO.

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  4. Hmmm. I think that emptiness is more fundamental than "kindness" but I think that "kindness" is more necessary than emptiness. "Wonder", I could give or take. I tend to see it as more of a byproduct of the interplay of the previous two. If you're empty, then you won't cling to a certain way of viewing things; if you're kind, then you will orient yourself toward the positive; if you do both, you will probably experience more moments of wonder.


    Kindness without emptiness can lead to naivety. One would lack wisdom, insight and pursue the wrong ideas.


    Emptiness without kindness can lead to the mad genius: The master puppeteer who knows how to pull all the strings, but does so mainly for the benefit of himself, and at the expense of others.


    Both are IMO necessary. I don't think we disagree really, and I like especially the last part of your quote above :).

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  5. After looking at some gurus' faces, I have come to notice something.


    It seems to me that we have two spiritual currents which must manifest in our consciousness if we are to be fully enlightened. One is kindness, and the other is emptiness - or clarity.


    I believe this can be seen in people's faces: Emptiness is the degree to which you have presence in the now; the degree to which you are conscious of your thoughts, emotions and intuitions. It is your ability to be mentally proactive, rather than reactive. People with emptiness find it hard to be irritated, or swept away by irrational impulses. It is evidenced by a relaxed and intelligent look on one's face (in my opinion).


    Kindness is the degree to which you have moved towards love and selflessness, instead of lust, hate or anger. It is your tendency to seek relationships of mutual love and respect, instead of impersonal lust. It is the natural ability to see the quiet potential of human beings, and to like them for what they are. It is the ability to give every person a chance before judging them. It is evidenced by a friendly open and non-judging face - and a warm and sympathetic smile.


    I am thinking of adding a third spiritual current: Wonder. The ability to find the manifest reality wonderful, mysterious, intriguing - endlessly fascinating. This is what adds a certain energy and a secret smile to the face of the enlightened one.


    Personally I see myself being heavier on emptiness than kindness.


    David Verdesi, Adi Da and Muktananda. In their faces I see emptiness, but not kindness.


    Sadhguru, Kalu Rinpoche and Gopi Krishna. In their faces I see emptiness as well as kindness.


    I know this is going to be controversial, especially since it's based on personal opinion only. But would love to hear your thoughts.

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  6. It doesnt matter if corbyn wins, he's not going to enact any major change, just as Obama didnt enact any major change.


    The cause for this isnt that he's incompetent or lazy. The cause is that our political paradigm favours heavy compromises that often result in watered-down solutions. A conservative administration isnt very conservative and a Labour one isnt very leftist.


    Oh and there are a lot of longterm factors that influencw our economy and societies, but our politicians only deal with the short term. So often they treat the symptoms but not the cause, and their initiatives end up being moderately effective at best.


    The solution is for all of them to listen to me, of course. And then we'd all be better off, ahem :).

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  7. The reason for why isis can flourish is that they are protected and supported by the sunni clans who form the majority in western iraq. The sunnis have been alienated by iraq's shia-dominated government. As a consequence they cooperate with isis, and give them shelter and lend their tribal warriors to their cause. As long as that isnt resolved with diplomatic means it will be very hard to oust isis.

  8. Sure, we can describe people in terms of physical and physiological characteristics; we can describe people in terms of their differences. And I have not argued that specific populations do not share certain characteristics; clearly they do. I'm not denying ancestry, I'm not trying to suggest that all humans are exactly the same.





    No, it is never a clear categorical function. The whole point of the concept of race was to categorize humans into clear groups based on phenotype. This is, as all competent scientists agree, impossible nonsense.


    If it floats your boat, you can generalize. All white people have less melanin than all black people. All white people are tall? All white people have light eyes? All white people enjoy the music of Frank Sinatra? All white people love to subjugate and murder foreigners?


    I have a feeling you just don't like the idea of a "race". Some people just don't like that differences exist among people, and will go out of their way to explain away the race concept, gender differences or why one culture is more successful than another. But just because you don't like it it can still be true.


    I happen to be quite at peace with the fact that there are differences among people. And just because it's not PC, races still do exist. The ethnic group that I belong to for example shares chromosomes and genetics with Germanian tribes mostly. Or look at it this way: How many ethnic Swedes look Asian or African? And by the way, generalizing is a necessary aspect of life. Everyone generalizes. If they didn't they would end up as blabbering relativists who would never get from point A to point B.


    Ah well, I fear this debate could degenerate quickly. I also fear I have some part in that with my provocative statements above. Somehow I also think that you and I probably agree more than I've expressed with my above jabs, since you actually acknowledge ethnic differences. Maybe we're just arguing where to place a few commas in the race debate.. Sorry if the opening lines came out too strong - perhaps I needed to state a few things. Perhaps because you ended your post with a "white people love to subjugate and murder foreigners"? Yep, that was it. I answered a provocation with a provocation of my own. So much for enlightenment :).



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  9. Not sure what you all mean by "race".


    It is impossible to separate humans into distinct categories. The idea of race is of no value or meaning.



    cobi: "The African are the only race that is pure homo-sapience DNA" -- this statement is meaningless. There is no "African race". There is more difference between populations on the African continent than any other. Do you separate all of them into "races"? No. They're just "black", or "African". A convenient label, not a separate biological group.


    To suggest, as people generally do, that there are distinct categories such as Black, White, Asian, Latino, etc, shows a remarkable lack of understanding of human geography and biology.


    People should have children with whomever they choose. I'd love to see more people reaching across borders for love, proving just how meaningless all these self-imposed categories really are. But as we are all basically the same, "race mixture" isn't going to create some super-breed.


    Some broad generalizations can be made though. I for example have a skin disease that mostly white folks get - especially those of Celtic or North European stock. It's almost impossible for black people to get it.


    I agree that race is not always a 100% clear categorical function. But some broad generalizations can be made. Skin color, facial features, height and so on.

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  10. Some people just see conspiracies everywhere.


    You can transcend that by using rational-analytical thinking, as in thelerner's post above. You could also ask yourself if you really believe leaders in charge to be willing to murder 3000 of their own innocent people? I dont buy it.

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