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Posts posted by Perceiver

  1. The good life to me is to know what you want out of life, to be honest with yourself and to go after it with no excuses.


    The even better life is when you succeed at this.


    The supreme life is when you also make other people's lives better in the process.


    I am aiming for the supreme life. Working my way, step by step. Perhaps some day ill succeed :).

    • Like 4

  2. Yep, i have. Have trained in his system for two years and am getting great results. Am nearly done with the fusion practices. Have gained an incredible insight into my ego, feel more proactive, understand emotions better and lots of other cool stuff.


    His dvds can be a little lengthy and disorganized to me, but i back them up with Skype sessions with some of his instructors.

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  3. In experienced Dark night of the soul recently - back in July last year. I believe it was as part of my spiritual awakening.


    It probably lasted two or three weeks. It feels like forever when you're in it though.


    I think it's an unavoidable part of a remapping of your consciousness; a stronger perception of emptiness is being opened to you, and you experience it as complete lack of stimulation and interest - for the time being.


    My advice to you would be two-fold:

    1. It doesn't last forever. And don't listen to the people who say it does. It can feel like forever, but it isn't. Just know that.
    2. The key to beating it is to not try to beat it. Just be in the experience. Embrace the nothingness. Tell yourself "okay, this is what I feel. Cool. I feel nothing. This is an experience. Let me feel the nothing then. And let's see how long this lasts". Just accept it and be glad for experiencing what the moment gives to you.

    Don't worry mate, you'll be fine :ph34r:

    • Like 1

  4. Great post 4bsolute.


    I agree with you. The manifest world is ego. Everything that is manifesting in the world reacts on some level of ego.


    Believing that something is preferable to something else is ego also. The manifest world is ego by necessity.


    The only thing we can strive for is more knowledge of the depths of our ego. And this, I believe, will result in an experienced deeper ground of pure intentional choice.

  5. I often see what I believe are misguided views about Enlightenment.

    People sometimes believe that doing "normal stuff" is always and in every way ego-driven.

    So if you want to buy a new house that would be ego. Desiring a girlfriend is ego. Wanting a new job is ego. Anything that you "want" is inherently ego.

    Well, maybe that is true, but that also raises the question; what is Enlightenment then, and what is ego and to which extent is ego necessary and unavoidable?

    Here are my thoughts:

    It's never really the thing - it's how you relate to the thing.

    There is nothing wrong with choosing to manifest in life and do the things that you find meaningful in a moment of reality that you co-create.


    We all live. We don't not-live.


    We need to relate to the life and reality that is.


    Relating to that in a healthy way is seemingly to live, co-create and co-manifest the things that we believe make sense.

    Manifesting that which you intentionally believe - from a ground of intentional choice - is not inherently bad. It is not negative ego. It is what you choose to create in the reality that is. That's what life is seemingly about.

    Is that ego? Well, maybe not. It's never really the thing itself - it's how you relate to the thing.

    Wanting a girlfriend because you hate to be lonely is ego. Wanting a girlfriend because you have an intentional desire to meet a person with whom you can connect, learn from and co-create a higher mutual experience of spiritual progress, is not necessarily ego. It is an intentional and pure desire to manifest something that is true, beautiful and good for both of you.

    The same goes for a new house or a career: From which level does the need come? What is it based on? This is what determines whether it's ego or not.

    And this of course raises the inevitable question; what is ego?

    Well, wanting to "destroy your ego" is ego itself.

    Trying to transcend the need for love and relationships is ego too.

    Trying desperately to transcend the need for sex is ego too. And I just don't think such strategies work.

    Instead, it might be better to understand the aforementioned needs from the inside out; why do you desire sex, for example? From what level does the need come from? Is it based on an honest desire to meet and have sexual relations with a women you genuinely like. Or are you.. well.. wanting to torpedo-fuck every half-attractive girl out there?

    If it's the latter option, well that seems very much like a desire-driven need for sexual conquest and domination. Doesn't seem so rational to me.


    Are you getting lots of that? I sure as hell am not. And when I realized this I also realized the inherent irrationality of that desire: I was spending hours fantasizing about sex that I would never get anyway. That's when I started to abandon and transcend that need; because I understood it from the inside out and realized the irrationality of its nature. Suppressing or "escaping" it never really worked (you can never escape a thought, but you can understand it).

    So what is ego? Well, that depends on the level that your desires are coming from.

    Or perhaps it may be that some aspect of ego is just an unavoidable part of what it is to be human.

    I recently saw a much celebrated and seemingly spiritually advanced person get himself into a political argument. He got so emotional, insisted on his own truth and did not see the truth in his opponent's view. Seems like ego to me too.

    And we're all sitting here on Daobums, reading posts and enjoying it; writing our own posts and caring about them, wanting people to recognize their truth-avalue. Seems like ego to me too.


    And I'm not sure that's negative at all; it all depends on the level from which our desires are coming. Do we desperately need people to like our posts, and do we feel resentment towards those that disagree with us? Or do we put our ideas out there with a smile, hope the world benefits from them and rejoice at the feedback we get?


    Dat was all from me my friends.


    Would love to hear your thoughts on this (ego-alert, and non-ego alert, hehe).

    • Like 4

  6. I got a college degree in business. I never liked it, and I never liked the people there either.


    Now I've got an academic business job. I've never liked it, and I don't like the people there either.


    So was my college degree wasted?


    No, something that you experience is never "wasted".


    My college degree has taught me what I don't want to spend my life doing (= a business job). And now I'm slowly rebuilding my life and career in another path. A few years from now I think I may succeed. I've got all the steps mapped out, and I'm following them one by one.

    Something that is experienced is never "wasted".


    Cheers everyone :)

    • Like 4

  7.  The kind of person who has transcended the false egoic self may have cupboards full of photo albums, but he won't have the slightest desire to look at them.


    Really? I'm not so sure my friend ;-).


    I know there is a widespread belief that if you go around and do normal stuff like take pictures, desire women or want a new job then you're "trapped in the egoic false self" and so on.


    I'm not sure that's always true. Whether you're trapped in your egoic self depends on how you relate to it. If you take pictures and sit and stare at them and long for days long gone then yeah, that sounds like egoic behaviour to me. But if you take pictures because you think it's fun, inspiring and it adds a meaningful little extra touch to your life then I'm not sure it constitutes a negative behavioral pattern.


    There are a lot of seemingly egoic things you can do not because you "need" to or feel helplessly pulled towards them, but because you're manifesting in the world and choose to do them from a ground of intentional choice. You intentionally do them because they add something to the reality that you co-produce. You intentionally do them because you're manifesting in the way that you want to and because they make sense in the moment that is. 


    I sometimes upload goofy pictures to Facebook with even goofier captions. Why? Because I "need" to and because I cling to them? No, because I am manifesting myself and in that moment I found it be a fun and enriching thing to do.


    It's never really the thing itself. It's how you relate to the thing.

    • Like 2

  8. Alright I'm gonna say the opposite of most guys in here:


    1) Your pictures aren't lost. Deleted files can be restored - you just gotta find and pay for the kind of specialist that has the skills. Files can be restored even when magnets have been scrubbed against a harddisk


    2) My suggestion to you would be to not go to spiritual extremes. Deleting all of your pictures because you want to "destroy" your ego or whatever is in my opinion similar to a medieval Christian monk who neglects his body because he thinks it's sinful. Instead, you can try and understand your need for pictures from the inside out - why do you need them? From which level does the need come? Is it absolutely necessary, or can you transcend it? Can you perhaps even retain the images but relate to the whole thing in a different way? That is in my opinion a more healthy approach to personal and spiritual development.

    • Like 5

  9. Hi perceiver,




    Let's imagine I meet my friend and best man in a bar for a beer.  The music, the barmaid are all part of the scene and so is the mental imagery of the wedding and the stag party.  They all arise in that moment together.  It is an illusion to think that some of these phenomena are in the present and some are memories.


    Even my fiend is a complete stranger to me, but my attitude is that I know him already, and this attitude empowers me to make all sorts of direct and relevant intuitions (although you could also say they arise automatically as part of the flow)


    There is a different koan that captures this:


    When the Master Daito saw the Emperor Godaigo who was another student of Zen the master said: " We were parted many thousands of years ago, yet we have not been separated even for a moment.  We are facing each other all day long, yet we have never met."


    Actaully the first sentence refers to the illusion of space; it is the second that deals with the illusion of time. 


    Hope this helps!


    sorry, but it doesn't :). still don't understand it.. would like to though..

  10. I look at the face of my friend and I also see time.  I intuit the day we met, the things we share.  But we have never met before, I only believe we have, and it is this belief that gives my intuition full power and accuracy and makes my friend someone I can share with.


    Hi Nikolai, this point piqued my interest.


    Can you elaborate what you mean when you say "we have never met before"? - regarding your friend.


    Is it the same kind of thinking that "if a tree falls in the forest, but noone sees/hears it, then it didn't happen"?




    Yes I had the exact same experiences and the method to get rid of them Perceiver. Few years back. Hows your kundalini now, did it settle in nice with time?


    Still having lots of crazy experiences. But I'm not sure if it's the kundalini or a spiritual awakening I'm in. Overall I'm moving towards something great, I feel.


    The qigong exercises harmonized the physical side effects of the kundalini, by the way.

  12. I have a theory that most of humanity has lost their minds to these entities... they are able to mind control, thought suggestion, implement desires/ cravings within humans and other animals that lead to self destruction.


    From my limited knowledge of the astral realms our own negative thoughts and desires can manifest as nasty-looking entities in the astral realm. So it could be the other way around: We have desires and negative thoughts, and they manifest as entity-creatures that "latch unto us" if perceived with an astral gaze.


    I have recently rid myself of a lot of negative thoughts and desires. One of them being my manic sex drive. Now I only desire sex if I meet a woman with whom I truly connect and it feels right. I no longer have any need for masturbation or porn.


    How did I accomplish this - by doing stuff to rid myself of entities? No, by questioning my own thoughts and desires, understanding the level from which they came, and seeing them for the pointless suffering that they are.


    If you find yourself plagued by desires, cravings or negative impulses I think you would do much better to delve into your own psyche instead of seeking entity-cures.

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  13. Some background knowledge would help. Why do you need this?


    When I had my kundalini experience I saw a lot of these negative entities/parasites. They weren't really dangerous plus they are easy to destroy. Nothing that I worry about. If you suspect yourself to be plagued by energy parasites then there are easy ways of getting rid of them. You can do that by visualizations and energy intentions, or simply by working on permanently raising your vibration.


    Let's hear some background info and maybe we can help you.

  14. Been thinking about trying this out.


    Robert Bruce has supposedly invented the "rope technique", which lets you astral travel relatively easy.


    Since my kundalini experience I've had some experiences I believe to be astral in nature.


    They usually all start the same way: Being conscious suddenly in a dream state. Can feel my body lying in the bed, warm. Body is buzzing all over. Especially at chest area. Feels and sounds like a washing machine spinning at great speed. Then it stops, and then something in the dream starts to change. Someitmes an opening in the fabric of the dream will start to show itself. Sometimes I'm just transported to a new place. Sometimes I'm just in my room, but a version of my room with more dull colors.


    In the beginning four years ago I had some negative experiences, probably because of all of my fear. Seeing negative entities and so on.


    Since I've become more positive about the whole thing I don't see them anymore. Now it's only positive sights. They can be quite beatiful. Some days ago, probably ten days or s,o I was seeing what seemed to be a sand-colored ancient Assyrian building against a bright blue sky.


    Maybe it's only lucid dreaming, I don't know for sure. But I do know that I'm conscious.


    Anyways, my main point is this: What's the benefit in astral travelling? Do you progress spiritually from it? Or is it something you should just do because it's fun?

  15. I think time is very real.

    Time and space; Heaven and Earth.

    Two gears meshing infinitely.


    Time is of course real in the sense that it is something we as humans perceive.


    Everything in the universe is real. There is not a single thought or quark that is not real.


    But in a theoretical higher state of consciousness time as we know it does not exist, I believe.

  16. Interesting topic Nicolai - a favorite of mine!


    Here is my view:


    Time does not exist. The only thing that exists in the universe are particle changes. We humans then look at those particle changes and assign time to it. We do that in order to measure, quantify and understand those changes. But time itself does not exist outside human consciousness.


    In absolute God reality, time also per definition cannot exist.


    Absolute God reality must per definition be one non-stop timeless now.

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  17. I recently considered if my yang/right side of body is out of balance?


    I accidentally stimulated the kundalini about four years ago, and have had an energy imbalance every since. I have been using qigong to ground and harmonize myself, and it's working great. Only "problem" is that I have to do the exercises on a daily basis in order to feel okay - and be able to sleep at night.


    So every day I have to do the orbit, standing in stillness and pan-gu (michael winn exercise) in order to get myself grounded. Can put a strain on your calendar if you'd like to learn other exercises too.


    I recently wondered if my right side/yang side of body might be out of balance, and causing the problem? My right/yang side of the face looks different than the left/yin side: Yang side has less firm skin, thicker cheek, looks more aged around the eye. And the eye has a "harder" look. Yin side looks slimmer, has a more natural smile - which makes my mouth drop a bit to the right side. Left eye looks "happier" in a sense; more glow, more intensity.


    I might be over-analyzing, but I've been aware of it for some time.


    I'm very much a yang person. I like structure, organization, facts. When I was younger I was fascinated by masculinity, martial arts, war. To some extent I am still influenced by it. Listen to yang music mostly - heavy metal, EDM, dubstep, heroic movie themes. My qigong discipline is however deepening my understanding and appreciation for yin perspectives and -people, something for which I'm very grateful.


    I do the pan-gu exercise by Michael Winn, and that one is supposed to integrate and harmonize both body halves. For me it has been one of the most healing exercises I've ever experienced.


    Could it be that I have an overactive/out-of-balance yang side? And is there any way to remedy this?

  18. what about the mornings where you are halfsleep halfawake state? And what control you have over it in dreams?


    My sexuality overall has changed. I'm simply not that interested in sex, unless there is an emotional connection. So I don't have any sex drive in my dreams either. If I get drunk it changes though - then it feels like I've been degraded a couple of levels spiritually, and for a few days I will feel more need for "conquer-sex".