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Posts posted by Perceiver

  1. I've done some things that have greatly helped. It has reduced my side effects with 90%, if not more. There are three exercises I would recommend you:

    1) The microcosmic orbit

    This one is a life-saver. It will teach you to make the energy go in a loop in your body (so the energy doesn't get stuck) and you will learn to ground the energy in the lower belly in the end. It's the most important kundalini exercise I've done and I still do it daily. It takes about 20-30 mins. Do it slowly, and focus on grounding in the end. Took about a week for me to feel the full effect.

    2) Standing in stillness practices

    Work great for grounding energy into the earth or out your head. Can be done in 2-3 mins.

    3) Pan-gu (Michael Winn)

    Integrates yin-yang and reduces most major polarity issues. Can be done in 5-6 minutes.

    These are the ones I would recommend you, and in that order of importance: The orbit is the most important one I'd say.

    This video should help you:

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  2. Mantak chia has a tendency to make exercises overly complicated. He likes details, it seems.


    In my experience with the mco i've found that the best results come from, as seth ananda says, a gentle concentration where you just let the orbit run itself while you observe it.

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  3. You can never escape a fear, as you can never escape a thought.


    But you can face that fear, and embrace it from a point of love and understanding. Eventually, with time, that fear will be a fear no more.


    Talking to a psychologist might also help, as they can give you some of the right tools.

  4. so you are prejudiced against the ancients who were decidedly closer to nature and elements than we are?


    I'm just a guy who likes to see evidence.


    We don't know for certain who the ancients were, how their personalities were or how true their ideas are.


    With astral travel you have numerous communities out there that are accessible to the public. There are hundreds of people reporting the same kind of experiences. In theory you could try it out yourself too if you give it some practice.


    That to me comes closer to something that is scientifically falsifiable than the beliefs of the ancients do. And therefore I am currently giving it more weight, although I acknowledge that with the topic of death we don't have absolute certainty.



  5. A lot of people are practicing astral travel these days. They report meeting deceased people on some of the astral planes. You can read about their experiences on some of the forums out there.


    In topics like these we of course can't be 100% sure, but I'd say their statements have more weight than old taoist and buddhist ideas.

  6. Maybe if we stopped spending more money than we have we wouldnt have a debt problem.


    But this is never gonna happen with today's politicians who are fighting to keep a welfare system and state floating that we cant pay for to the same extent as before.


    That being said though i think there are ways we might be able to pay for all of this and more, if we rethink our economic systems at the grand scale. But that too is never gonna happen with today's politicians who are not very visionary.


    I think all if our countries are destined for a long slide into less fortunate times, regardless of who is in charge. The boat will keep floating, but not more than that.


    The only thing that might permanently save us is an economic gamechanger of some sort, like the internet of things.

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  7. What are some great books that you've read? Not necessarily with a spiritual content, but just a book that somehow made an impact on you. Or a book that simply entertained you, or that you found readable.


    We've got a lot of interesting people in here - would be nice to get their input. Perhaps people can be inspired for some new additions to their reading list for the coming summer-vacation :).


    I'll start out:



    It's a classic and I'm not ashamed to list this oh-so-obvious book on my list. It's amazing how you can read it seventy years after its first printing and it still gets to you. Some parts of the book just made me shiver with compassion for a man who does not even exist.


    A Brief History of Everything - Ken Wliber

    The most impactful book I've ever read. I'll never look at reality the same way again.


    A Dance With Dragons - George R. R. Martin

    A different kind of fantasy story - one with moral complexity.



  8. Space has atoms. Dark matter is not "nothing". An absolute vacuum has never been found. In the physical world, everything is something, it seems.


    When it comes to the metaphysical world i think bearded dragon may be on to something: in our minds, nothingness cannot exist. Because if it is nothing, then how could it exist? The word reveals its own paradox. In the metaphysical world, everything seems to be "something" too.


    If nothingness does exist, then I believe it could be one of those paradoxes of reality that cannot be understood or explained with, as BD says, the thinking mind. Perhaps it can only be lived and known through absolute consciousness.

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  9. The idea is not necessarily to get your head examined. But you did mention that you saw no great desire for living. This is not normal or fun and i hope you will find a solution. Not an expert here, but sometimes when people lose the urge to life it is because they don't know where they are going with either their career or with love. A psychologist can help you find out what's wrong and how to progress.

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  10. As a kundalini syndrome "sufferer" I can vouch for some of the stuff in the opening post: I don't know how many yoga teachers I've talked to who don't know the qigong equivalent basics of grounding energy, such as the microcosmic orbit, or standing in stillness practices. They basically just told me to do barefoot walking, eat heavy meals etc. No functioning energy exercises..

  11. All I need is to be of service, no more powerful medication out there for entity attachment.


    Also, I am afraid that medication will reduce my light not too mention that I feel happy as long as I help people and don't get a failed removal. I just wish the people I am helping would come to me instead of me having to search for them. That would spare me a lot of time.


    Sometimes "just helping people" can turn into escapism from one's own life.


    I don't think you will transcend your problems if you don't start living your life, or at least try to. If you live only for other people then you'll still be caught in a negative thought pattern where you don't attach any value to yourself or your own life. And that may still cause the entity to be there.


    I believe the only way is the hard way: What do you want out of life? Write it down, make a plan and go after it - step by step. And remember not to approach personal problems from a masculinist "I must defeat it" viewpoint. Remember the feminine wisdom: Acknowledge and accept problems as a means of transcendence.

  12. However, I don't care about me at all in this. I have become a walking disaster for humanity and honestly I can't even say if one part of me didn't even want for it. It's hard to tell these days what is mine and what isn't. All I know is that the last thing I want to bring to the planet is suffering. I have been thinking of committing suicide and putting an end to this, it's that bad.


    Have you considered that the entity maybe clings to you because of exactly those thoughts above?


    For chrissakes man you haven't killed any babies or raped any nuns. How come life doesn't deserve you? You are forgiving of so many people yet you can't even forgive yourself.


    I don't know much about entity attachment, but one thing I have consistently read is that there needs to be a loop of some sort. A negative pattern that they feed on. Well, your guilt is the size of Mount Everest and you don't even realize it's all for naught. You can leave that guilt behind in an instant, and just learn from your mistakes and move on.


    Be happy about life. Watch that inner negative voice that you have. It's controlling you. You can't predict what will happen in life. Last year I was fucking frustrated and without a voice for 5 years and counting. Now I'm doing presentations for our tech startup and loving it. You can't predict life, so go out there and grab it, and someday that entity may be history only.

  13. I used to suffer from social anxiety, but was cured by a psychologist. Now i do public speaking and enjoy it.


    So here's some advice from me: you can do all the exercises you want, and its not gonna help. Because social anxiety is caused by unconscious thought patterns. You need a cognitive behavioural psychologist.


    Best of luck

  14. "Nothing" can not exist.


    It is inherent to the word. If it is "nothing", then it can not "be".


    Only "something" can exist.


    "Something" must by definition always have existed, because "nothing" could not exist before it.


    And the "something" is by necessity oblivious to its own cause, as the knowledge of one's cause would indicate an ever new "something" before the "something".


    We live in the mystery that is. The paradox of spirit.


    Ain't it the coolest thing in the world? :)