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Posts posted by Perceiver

  1. One more thing, and im speaking from experience now: be careful of listening people who give advice about the kundalini but have not had a release themselves. They dont always know what they're talking about. For instance i dont know what rainbowvein refers to when she says the orbit can aggrevate kundalini. That goes against the wisdom of the community, energy theory and the direct experiences of the many kundalini sufferers i've spoken to.

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  2. Spiritual knowledge, wisdom, moral development and ability to reason are not all the same and may develop at different rates in a person.


    Muktananda might have had very strong spiritual skills, but not equally strong moral development. Other gurus I've come across seem to have great kindness, but on some points exhibit great naivety.

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  3. Don't worry my friend, there are lots of things you can do and in a few weeks your side effects might be significantly reduced. You haven't taken any damage by the way. I've been down to three hours of sleep every day for weeks on energy highs and no permanent damage. All of that worrying is only going to aggravate the disruptive energy sensations, because that's how kundalini functions.


    Five years ago I accidentally released it myself, and am now in a much better place. Here are some things you can do:


    1) The microcosmic orbit
    This one is a life-saver. It will teach you to make the energy go in a loop in your body (so the energy doesn't get stuck) and you will learn to ground the energy in the lower belly in the end. It's the most important kundalini exercise I've done and I still do it daily. It takes about 20-30 mins. Do it slowly, and focus on grounding in the end. Took about a week for me to feel the full effect. I see you are already doing this so that's great :).

    2) Standing in stillness practices

    Work great for grounding energy into the earth or out of your head. Can be done in 2-3 mins. You can combine it with the triple heater which will clear your central channels of any heat/energy.

    3) Pan-gu (Michael Winn)

    Integrates yin-yang and reduces most major polarity issues. Can be done in 5-6 minutes.

    These are the ones I would recommend you, and in that order of importance: The orbit is the most important one I'd say. All of them give you a way more harmonized energy system and less excess energy in the upper energy centers in the body and head. I can show them to you over Skype if you need it. Probably won't take more than half an hour or so.


    Also, when it comes to kundalini you need to acknowledge and embrace your fears. If at any time you think "oh no what will happen here", or "oh no what is going to happen if I don't do this and that" then fuck that: You can't control anything, you can't predict anything. Be happy for what is and enjoy that ride - that's the kind of mentality that is better for kundalini.


    This video might be interesting for you:

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  4. Yes, the monoteistic gods are cruel and religions are fake and inferior to the principles of evidence and reason. But John locke and Thomas hobbes demonstrated this already in like the 16th century, so isnt it about time to look for more sophisticated avenues of intellectual enthusiasm? Just sayin dawg :).

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  5. Doubting is good. Question everything.

    If you should question everything, then you can also question whether to question everything.


    Perhaps some things are better left unquestioned. Perhaps there are some paradoxes and mysteries of life that we'll just never solve.

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  6. Not sure if it counts as a "sense", but internal alchemy is making me smarter and increasing my cognitive capacity. I used to struggle a bit with understanding philosophy, and now im devouring philosophy books like they were youtube vine compilations, hehe. And i have become able to solve and grind down to the root of a problem in no time motherfucker. Feels good, and im only at the kan and li stage. Still many tao goodies left.


    Also i have a more "full" feeling in my body, and more amplified positive emotions, especially vital energy.

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  7. Squeezing the PC muscles won't help you as you'll just experience an internal ejaculation instead and the semen will go into the bladder and be flushed out next time your urinate. So no semen saved there.


    Also, PC muscle exercises can do bad things to your erection. The muscle can become too tense and cause premature ejaculation or erection problems. There are people out there who have hurt themselves using this technique and now have to do reverse kegels to balance it all out. I hurt myself using PC exercises and will never do them again.


    Probably better to try and learn how to use your mind to separate orgasm from ejaculation. I've heard that Michael Winn's Healing Love audio course is good for that.


    Spread de word.

  8. A lot of people are going to comment in this thread without having any experience with the astral plane themselves. It's understandable, but not always the best thing.


    I have some experience with the astral plane - not much, but a little. Here's what I will say:


    First, make sure that your experience actually takes place in the astral plane and not a lucid dream. In my experience the difference is that my energy body tingles, vibrates and shakes almost like a washing machine just before popping into the astral plane. In the astral plane I typically find myself floating, and I can use my consciousness to guide the direction of my floating/flying. Also, when in the astral I am conscious from the get-go, and don't dream a normal dream and then become conscious half-way into it. In the astral plane I also find myself near or in my bed when I access the plane and not in some fancy dream world. Often the astral plane looks kind of dull.


    Now, if your experience does take place in the astral world then there are a number of ways you can deal with it. Remember: The astral plane is made up of and manipulable by mind energy - intent, will, consciousness. So if you want these fuckers to go away you can visualize a big whopper of a sword and then swing it with your mind to chop their heads off. You could also just visualize the attackers being disintegrated, melting or spontaneously combusting. I got harassed by negative entities some years ago and when I struck back they disappeared. If it's a simple negative entity/astral dweller/astral junk then you should have no problem beating the crap out of him. If it's another entity - well, I've never actually spoken to a person who got harassed by anything else than a negative entity - the only people who talk about "demons" seem to be those who promote their "how to defeat a demon-book" - but if it's another type of entity then it maybe needs more whopping, or other methods entirely.


    You could also just project yourself out of your house, by thinking up and projecting your energy body through the ceiling. Probably better to stay and fight though.


    Another trick is to daily train the famous psychic shield or energy shield, as it will create an energy perimeter that negative entities are said to be unable to penetrate. Certain crystals like black tourmaline are also said to have defensive capabilities against negative energies.


    You can look up Robert Bruce who has written about astral projection and psychic self-defense.


    Best of luck

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  9. You mention yourself that you suffer from anxiety. Anxiety is always a cause of insomnia. I should know, because I suffered from that shit for 10 years and had horrible sleep problems. Got cured some years ago and on the very same night I slept like a baby.


    My advice would be to get some help for the anxiety from a psychologist. They can work wonders, sometimes. Meditation can help you too in putting you to sleep faster, and staying asleep.

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  10. Governments, corporations and "the system" aren't perfect. But they must be amended within the premises of the system - not by hopeless dreams of a country without laws or government. We need to focus on what's achievable in the next 10 years, with an eye to the next 30 years or so. We shouldn't focus on people's immature anarchist fantasies which have been around for more than a hundred fucking years and still haven't come true because such people don't understand the rules of the game that we are embedded in.


    Don't worry man. We will change the system - eventually and gradually. And probably the digital revolution will inevitably do that by itself. But don't deny the fundamental human mechanisms of the way the world works right now. Nothing good comes from that - only futile dreams and frustrations.


    So perhaps the real question is: What can we do right now to help that change come about?

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  11. For me the answer usually is 'the middle one'.

    that's just how i roll.


    For me the answer is "all of them, but each in their own way, and through their combination the best solution is found".


    To the OP: Before the answer can be had, a question must be identified. Your writings so far don't seem to be nothing else but postmodern ambiguous dead ends. Sorry to say man, but I don't see any wisdom there.