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Posts posted by TwoTrees

  1. Great thread, I especially enjoyed QiDr's post because I'm interested in learning more about TCM.

    I agree with what you said about the major emotions being counterproductive if they are resided in excess, but I also feel that they are essential to the human condition when being understood for what they are as they occur.


    I haven't verified this, but the word aggression is said to derive from the word meaning "to move forward" and it does get things done in the right proportions.

    The prefix a- means 'pertaining to', and -ggression being the major part of the word progression, yet the prefix pro- is what brings about a meaning of advancing or projecting forward or outward. But, the suffix -ion makes it more interesting, denoting 'action or condition' into the word.


    'Der angriff' has been bringing about alot of response here.

    Too bad I've already posted some major thoughts onto Leidee's thread about the same thing a couple of days ago. The question was posed toward women there, but is an issue with some who overly feel it, or not at all. Either way can be unhealthy, depending how you look at it. I may post some more thoughts on it later.

  2. Very interesting topic, Leidee.


    In my early teens I was quite the angry person. I'd been dealing with a step-family that was not particularly warm and welcoming (very much the opposite), being an overweight & unpopular nerd, and standing in the shadows of the bad decisions cast by others - yet having to assume an unwilling kind of responsibility of them.

    I would get into physical fights constantly, cry myself to sleep after fits of rage (most usually after breaking something), be involved in juvenile acts of destruction, cursing incessantly and partaking of illegal substances ... the generally typical outlets


    Not exactly the glistening bright path of an awakened spiritual being, but I feel has been highly transitional.


    Just when I thought I would split at the seams and had attempting things I'd later most certainly regret, some things changed for the better. I think it was just another shining example that things happen for a reason.


    There are problems you have to face and problems you can walk away from. Too often we stay a middle ground where anger and frustration ferment. Have a plan, face it, walk away from it, or make peace with it.


    Last, I believe that in our inner core there is a deep peace. Its our sacred birth rite. We can't always access it, but its there, waiting, almost like its watching us. You can find it on walks and during meditation. So even when shit piles up, its there, and no matter what happens, eventually everything will work out.




    The thing about being subject to anger too much is that it affects you more than it does the subject of your anger. Not letting it build up and dealing with it quickly will keep you from crossing the line of resorting to violent degradation. Hiding it or rationalizing it always feeds the flame more than helping to pass through it in a healthy manner. Touching with it, and understanding it (when you are not a being of excess in its manner like the experience above, like in Leidee's case) is a much different application, though. I must say that this is not a cause for worry, but is well worth the endeavor to open a connection to, as long as you find a positive means to direct it when you finally do. Creation or grounding in hard work and honorable ambition are excellent ways, in my opinion, to work yourself through it, because this keeps you from directing it to another person. I am also a fan of martial forms and combat exercise, they are also healthy ways to steam, or just lightly touch base with the more harsh emotions that we feel, and with that comes the careful consideration of your sparring partners (I've been very fortunate this last year and a half with a great spar-buddy). I will say ... that I've done some writing from those earlier years, and my goodness, I couldn't believe it when I came back in retrospect years later and read through some old journals. I wouldn't be able to even repeat it anywhere, it was soooo filled with anger, fear, shame, frustration ...


    This has been the work that ensued from the years following being introduced to my first spiritual teacher.

    An amazing and highly energetically luminous Shamanic healer.


    Boy, did she have a time with me at first. Learning to adjust my frustration and discouragement took so many forms. She walked me through being critical, cynical, introverted, sarcastic (in the meanest sense), unmotivated and listless. She'd drilled into me things like - fear being a survival tactic, in that the mind creates a moment of crisis so that we will radically change direction. They are basically irrational; most can be overcome, even as you are deep in their grasp. She'd reminded me that a person twisted up in hatred and negative outlooks are destined to the repeat of events - being fired from jobs, rejected in love, denied the honor of leadership and generally reclused from most people, making meaningful interaction between you and the individuals you come across nearly impossible. She strove to bring me to higher levels of tolerance, thoughtfulness, honesty, kindess, and a loving nature to diffuse the constant purgatory of anger I was living in. If she had not been there and my problem left unchecked, I may have remained in a pattern of self-punishment, loathing, and reproach ... too wrapped up in its grips to truly change for the better ... maybe not. I do know that I am ever-grateful for her presence, then, and now - beyond the confines of the human body.


    Leidee - With every person it is different, and I feel that you are fortunate to not be a victim to its constant intrusion ... and I hope that you find a healthy, safe, conscious way to connect to this energy, and pass through without harm to you or anyone lending assistance ... and may you find your way on the journey to wholeness, happiness, peace ...


    Kind regards,

    Michelle THTT

  3. Even though we do not know him personally, it is easy to recognize certains things about his reasons.

    No matter what was on his mind when he started out, it is apparent that has changed in him somehow.


    But I don't think that facing military prison is anything close to the easy road.

    In the chance of going with his men and orders, and the possibility of being shot or mauled by Afghani's he has better odds of enjoying a sense of freedom from the pain of punishment with men who would treat him like a pigfaced traitor and pansy.


    That takes some serious cajones. I take my hat off to him in his atonement, no matter what the reasons.

  4. "Not participating in war crimes" is a good decision.

    American hero.


    That you can ever give up your ability to make your own choice (as long as you're conscious and reasonably healthy) seems far fetched to me. Just cause he signed a piece of paper saying he'd go kill people when someone else says, "go!" .. I don't know, call me wild, but I think that going to kill people is weighty - and that coming to your senses, taking your self-determination and moral compass back (which you can never really give away, imo, though you can give them up) is legitimate.


    I think that when you're on your death bed, at the Pearly Gates, however/whenever you face your own Reconciliation, that "duh.. I was just doing what I was told" doesn't wash blood stains off. Isn't an excuse for anything. You did what you did. You have to live with yourself and die with yourself.


    He's a man.


    As always, I delight in your insight.

  5. Hey P,


    When I saw the site you were proposing this through, it brought me a smile. I am familiar with the site, a firefighter friend of mine is going through that same one, promoting a book to raise money for the education and sustenance for kids over in Bosnia. He's been working on stuff like this for years. High ambition & drive meets a great big ol' heart.


    You've got my vote on there, and I've sent an invite to over 20 people through email, also I'm posting up the link with description up in my blog. It will reach a wide variety of seekers of change. I even have a couple of lama's on my buddy list! :D



  6. TwoTrees, you might have seen me before online, I get around.

    Have you ever been to Goddess Gathering, or large Sabbatt circles ??

    I cannot shake that I know your face. And there are very limited places that I visit on the net. And only one or two of them are forums of the like.


    Anyway, I think you will find many here who will delight in corresponding on aforementioned interests.



  7. Taomeow,


    You articulate these hypothetical series of observations in a very genuine, and enjoyable fashion.

    I have to admit, when I first read this question when it was posed, I just didn't know what to say.

    In a way, initially I was slightly pulled to wanting to say something, then perhaps it must be well thought out, even though it is highly probable that my own genuinity seemed apparent right away.


    After reading all the posts to the reply of this, it made me realize how wonderfully rounded that this forum has become. I am in total agreement with what Michael (thelerner) had posted about what he'd noticed with the forum as of late. It is indeed continually on fruition to a good base of regulars and new ones coming in with fantastic backgrounds and diverse perspectives to build an ever-widening, potentially very enrichening community of respective and contemplative members.

    Also ...

    thelerner - A foolish practice done sincerely probably bares more fruit then great practice done foolishly.

    100% spot-on.


    Even at the times one may get perplexed at continual topics and not always the exact answer one would hope for, there's going to be something that will bring you back to comfortable arms in a sense. But that does not have to mean you have to stay in that place.

    Why no go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruits lie? (classic adage)


    Leidee and forestofsouls - I love where you're coming from here. Just like everything else, the kind of communication that goes on here is in irregular, yet carefully stategic flux ...

    there are days when people are on the same page and will feel compelled to communicate further on a subject, and other times where you are just listening. And quite often when all will not agree and even less likely, unanimous in nature. And, I feel, that doesn't have to mean that all involved have nothing to offer.


    And Max - Your simple and outstanding reply says a lot. The only way to learn from others is to be patient and listen, and you can condense all the gems you feel are worthwhile into your learning. And sometimes I've noticed, on the lucky occasion there are opportunities to get involved on topics to a deeper level by being active in questioning and sharing your own experiences with others to bring it to better understanding, perhaps in ways there were not thought before. For me, I do not find it constructive ever that I may know something as a definite and unchanging form.


    And, as Taoist81 so elegantly put, you can also learn from an immense wellspring within yourself and the tao in the most likely of ways to be overlooked by many. Just imagine the possibilities of this in syncronicity. :)


    MASTERforge - As soon as I add bizzare rituals like eating yellow berries under a half moon when saturn is aligned with venus to align my yin chi then I know its time to cut down on reading the taobums and get some fresh air.


    From my understanding Taoism got turned into a religious practice a few hundred years after the tao te ching was written. This was when the methods for cultivation began and the dogmatic teachings were developed. Some of them are extremely useful and other are a waste of time. Common sense is needed!

    !!! Your analogy is very humorous and well put. Good sense is immeasurably significant in this way.


    Wayfarer - you made many excellent points and they did not come off as preachy at all. Just right on time. (in a non-chronological sense :D )


    I guess the only thing left for me to say is that the universe consists of all kinds. It is fortunate indeed that you have already given much thought to what resonates within yourself and a lot of what doesn't work with your nature. A real challenge is in dealing with all community regions of thought involved, while remaining true to your character/spirit/personality/disposition/nature.


    I am in the hopes that you may attain what you are looking for (right on time).

    Pleasant journeys,

    Michelle THTT

  8. Gotta love that superpower, observation. :ph34r:


    I would like to suggest again if anyone would like, if you include information for messengers.

    Not for the sake of quantity, but quality of conversation, where there is a deep possibility of potential here.

    (my messenger included in profile)



  9. I've been wracking my brain .... just below the surface, but it just won't allow clarity ...


    you look so, so familiar.


    Ahhhhh, where are my manners? Welcome to the bums.

    You may find metaphysical conversation here quite enjoyable.

  10. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

    *laughing so hard that she'll have to change her pants*


    Masta P, I'm in agreement with 'Smile', there. That was so out of character as I read it, I was thinking the exact same thing. (though, I am a woman, so you probably won't think diddly of my opinion, ha ha)


    But also I'm in agreement that there's nothing disadvantageous or detrimental about it, Masta Y.

    I totally dig that you're spreading loving kindness through example. Way to do it, man.


    But the avatar is rockin'.

    Much better than the green phallus.

  11. JORDAN - Bob Saget (yes, from Full House, he is the dirtiest comic I've ever heard)

    hahahah, I still remember that crazy bit he did on "Half Baked"


    BOB SAGET - Marajuana is not a drug! I once sucked some dick for coke, man.

    You ever sucked some dick for some coke??

    - *ducks immediately*


    !! :o !!

  12. Leidee,


    Could you please post a scan of the card up here for us to see ?


    Interestingly enough I've yet to see it. I've had some recurrent dreams for quite a large part of my life in regards to something like it. Also hence the screen name I use, and the name of my upcoming business.

    I've toyed with the idea of recreating this tree display in the front foyer of the building I acquire.



  13. George Carlin is a comic genius. He's been rockin' the comic stage since the late 70's.

    It's amazing how his looks haven't changed much, but at least he's not wearing bell bottoms anymore.

    Robin Williams, Steve Martin, and the Pythonites are very good indeedy.


    I'm a big fan of Luis Black, Dave Chappelle, and Artie Lange.


    Though I'm thinking you may not like the last two as much. :P

  14. I liked the Bose inear headphones as well. The soft rubbery lining that goes in the ears is very non-evasive and comfortable. As long as you are not jamming out totally it shouldn't damage your lobular vesicules.


    Picked up the Rush classics, eh, you don't waste any time :D


    Why don't you try some Dream Theater or Savatage, if you think about it sometime in the future ?

    You will not regret it.