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Posts posted by TwoTrees

  1. Very glad you gentlemen like-ee. . .


    Saw it and couldn't resist. . .thought it would be enjoyed here. :lol:


    Neimad - I got that little quote from the Pocket Buddha, I believe. :D


    Trunk - All it takes is practice & focus, right? ;) Did you like the execution with the backswing? Full of grace. You could see the confidence in his expression (facial and bodily).


    GT - Was hopin' the fellow ninja would check it out B)

  2. I'd be worrying more about the interveiwers. Plato is a whipcrack at retort.

    His sense of humor is also the best I've ever gotten to experience. No need to worry about a man who can dish it, take it, and swallow it up and spit out the bones.

    If they want to bring it...that might be one hell of a show !


    I'm just disappointed that there was no listing for OH.... <_<

  3. I'll slice up a lemon or lime, roll the pieces in sugar, bag and freeze it. Take them out as needed.


    Michael, that is such a cool idea !! I hope you don't mind if I use that myself !


    The top three for me would go as follows:


    1. Toasted Rice and Panfired Green Tea - as offered by "Republic of Tea"

    Alot of people cannot handle the aftertaste that the toasted rice leaves in the mouth with this one, I find it strangely the most comforting. Reminds me of matzah or barley...


    2. Valerian and Cardamom with White Tea "home recipe"

    My grandmother always made this when I was "anxious" and it rocks !! Just remember that Valerian is a highly stinky substance *giggles*, but tastes NOTHING like the way it smells, trust me !


    3. Oolong and Ginger with fresh squeezed juice orange "home recipe"

    Forget the zinger taste...I love the way this one makes me feel ! ZENergized !!! (yeah, I'm that dorky, hahaha)


    And now my two pennies have had their last shine for the moment.

    Probably be off more than usual for a while . . .


    Pleasant journeys,



  4. Just a few things...


    Glucosamine was a big one a few years ago, I had injured my left knee when skateboarding and that helped majorly speed it up. There were two others, but can't remember them at the moment...


    Kryogreen daily for a couple years, its an energy juice that also works as a mild detoxifier, aids in digestion (most my life dealt with IBS)


    Aloe juice and Omega 3 supplement maybe 3 times a week (my doggie takes these, too, in his food)


    Hey, Max, you do not eat steak tartar anymore, eh?? ;)


    Long days and pleasant nights,


  5. And one more thing on Crowley, I want to quote Peter Falk from a post on this topic once upon a time that I can't figure out how to link to:


    Hey whatever happened to Mr. Falk, anyway?

    Did he take off to live in those mountains or what?

  6. Amidst the constant discovery of my innermost self and the universe, I've adapted best to service.

    This in itself has an endless array of option...


    Thousands of things are thought of and done by a person every day that lend either strength or weakness to that persons character and ability. Could learning patterns be of importance?


    That old saying of Edith Wharton's that goes

    "There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it"
    has echoed in me from the first time I looked at the words on a gravestone some odd years ago... That whole feeling of carrying sunnyshining happiness around everywhere you go so that perhaps you can spill a little of it onto yourself in the process of giving so much good spirit - people look at it in different ways ranging from in perfect agreement and love for it to loathing it because of the idea that it only goes so far for some people and that "shit end of the stick" syndrome has stuck it to them hard in the past and blockages may have not yet been removed or for some reason has been able to survive within the thought process and an absent-hiding-behind-the-scenes monstear rears its ugly head subconsciously.


    One fun goal to play around with is to uplift people, as much as I can.

    And help them to the paths of realization that lends capacity for meaningful lives.

    Because there most certainly is meaing to life.



  7. Is there a difference between monsters and men? j/k....but sometimes I wonder, though


    When it comes to the mysteries of these legendary myths and creatures...I try to keep an open mind always without totally giving myself over to just anything I read or what people tell me. Dragons? Yeah, I can see them being of intelligent prehistoric origin. Fairies and goblins? Sure, that takes a wider tolerance of acceptance, but I can still see it as personifications of the true natures of some long ago tribes/peoples/civilizations/etc.

    We could go on and on about theories and origins with thousands of these types but this kind of reasoning is something that you will find that most people hardly agree on. The truth is we cannot know for sure. But if you listen into your higher thinking and looked into your unbiased/non-brainwashed heart, perhaps you can learn more about these things...


    I agree that the spiritual path opens you to different kinds of thinking. Separate patterns and habits than the conventional lifestyle so abundant these days. The dwelling years of creatures and people of old ages are long gone, yet we still try to dig up the bones and fallen cities that contains pieces of the puzzle to figuring out all that we can about them. It is fascinating, I think, yet unimportant. Our existence and current reality will ebb and flow as the universe wills it, with indifference to any of our endeavors and accomplishments.


    And that always makes me think of things like collective consciousness and ascension.

    Just remember if you are chasing 'the point' around, you may be missing each other for a long time...





    Anyone who, even for a second, feels a pure, clear confidence on hearing the truth will experience immeasurable happiness. Why? Because, at that moment, that person is not caught up in the concept of a self or a living being or a life span. He is not caught up in concepts about the world, nor is he caught up in concepts about nothingness. He does not take any notice of the idea that this is a sign, or this or that is not a sign.


    For if you are caught up in ideas, then you will be caught up in the self. And even if you are caught up in ideas about nothingness, you will still be caught up in the self. That's why we should not get attached to the belief that things either exist or do not exist. This is the hidden meaning when I say that my teachings are a raft to be abandoned when you see true being.


    -Diamond Sutra


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  9. Here's one I've always loved:




    I like to walk alone on country paths, vibrant plants and wild grasses on both sides, putting each foot down on the earth in mindfulness, knowing that I walk on the wondrous earth. In such moments, existence is a miraculous and mysterious reality.


    People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don't even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child--our own two eyes. All is a miracle.


    -Thich Nhat Hanh, "Miracle of Mindfulness"

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  10. I admit I'm a big fan of the ultra-violent and super-gorey flicks, but still have a long way to go before sickbastardom. (at least I could hope so)


    I'm excited to see Hostel myself. It just came out today, and unfortunately I haven't had a chance to go out and dive into it. But, hopefully the schedule will provide in this coming week. I also enjoyed Saw/Saw II, yet I'm wondering what you ghastly film lovers thought of House of 1,000 corpses/Devil's rejects. As a small note, I really thought the weirdest thing about the last two forementioned was how 180 the two soundtracks were. Just gave you a totally different feel altogether, much like the strangeness of Kill Bill/Kill Bill 2.

  11. When I was taking herbal/natural foods intensives there were SERIOUSLY stressing staying away from multivitamins. The problem is that they pack so much processed material into one small lump that it just passes right through your body and doesn't get a chance to absorb. With processing, these vitamins become something that your body does not recognize as easily as something contained in fresh, raw form which naturally accomodates your bodily functions.


    The funniest part- they said it just makes really expensive pee. But what could you do with that??


    :rolleyes: perhaps that should just be left to the imagination...

  12. I had a conversation with a Cincinnati instructor/enthusiast a few days ago that involved the scenario of overcoming distraction and destructive intention (most often taking the form of criticism and negative interaction)


    He made a very good point in the midst: That experienced masters and ignorant meandering fellow man are equally important and they both have something to teach us. Masters take the position of improving on honed skill and knowledge whilst the other take the duty of reflecting what you've already earned. When face to face with them, you are challenged in dealing with them in a refined way-hopefully after you are not "thrown off track" and keep your balance, like our friend Harry has so done himself recently, am I right? B) and if you have done well, perhaps this part of you will be desired in the one that tried to break it down in the first place?? Interesting thought there...just thought I would throw it out...


    The more you practice ethics, meditation, and wisdom, the more difficult it will become for you to act in a way that is contrary to an ethical, compassionate attitude. But you must take heed in that when effort is too strenuous it leads to strain and when too slack to laziness. I found it best to make a firm determination to adopt the middle path, not allowing yourself to struggle or to slacken, but recognizing a thousands things that are the fruits of a calm and equable way. That magnificent escape from anguish and ignorance never happens by accident. It results from the brave and sometimes lonely battle of one person against their own weaknesses.



    And here's a small exerpt from the Dalai (sorry, couldn't help myself it just fits)

    Now, there are many, many people in the world, but relatively few with whom we interact, and even fewer who cause us problems. So, when you come across such a chance for practicing patience and tolerance, you should treat it with gratitude. It is rare. Just as having unexpectedly found a treasure in your own house, you should be happy and grateful to your enemy for providing that precious opportunity.


    -His Holiness the Dalai Lama




    Just as a monkey roaming through the forest grabs hold of one branch, lets that go and grabs another, then lets go and grabs still another, so too that which is called "mind" and "mentality" and "consciousness" arises as one thing and ceases as another by day and by night,
