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Everything posted by witch

  1. Question for witch

    I'm probably not the person to ask, I don't think I'm representative. This has been my experience. I think ejaculation does deplete energy, although I imagine not as much as man. Part of the energy depletion I think depends on how long the stimulation goes before ejaculation, and the quantity. At one point a couple years back I decided to stop having heart chakra outpourings, worried that maybe somehow the energy was actually transferring and perhaps causing harm. So I stopped for a few weeks, and ended up having to have a lot of ejaculations to get rid of the energy--like six or seven a night. Which was a pain and also physically tiring. So I gave up and went back to my bad ways. I assumed the person, who was an adept, could shield if it was actually getting through.
  2. What can I say, it worked for me? Thinking, desire, sexual energy, all deliberately hotted up. I had the sixth chakra thing I was yearning for. I've been feeling very discombobulated since, for the last 30 hours, but I'm mostly getting through my day. It's taking me a while to process it, but in a good way. I certainly could use a run around the block! Very out of shape and overweight. Don't think I need a master though, I already found what I was looking for.
  3. I'm expecting the boot

    Doesn't matter. What I've been hankering for happened this morning. Whew. It's definitely sex!
  4. I'm expecting the boot

    Hmmm...I was thinking that it came from the heart of the woman first, and the man returned it by the forehead. Must be something different.
  5. I'm expecting the boot

    I think prenatal, but that just might be my vivid imagination Funny, I was going to ask you the burning question in my mind for some years, but I realized I suddenly knew the answer. I know there are a good many questions I should be asking you, but likewise you already know those questions. Very interested in that story, starjumper! Please post or pm! Taoist wizard sex... now that's something I've never tried. Actually now that I think it through it's probably a dangerous thing for me. I generate a lot but I deliberately pour it all out. I think to have sex with someone like that it would have to be in a love relationship, so I wouldn't tap myself out. I apologize for the flirtiness, wasn't thinking all the way through. Cat, glad you are enjoying the amygdala-popping thing.
  6. I'm expecting the boot

    Neither can I! Not lacking for volunteers in the regular boning department.
  7. I'm expecting the boot

    Sixth chakra-wise. You can do that?
  8. I'm expecting the boot

    Check my dosages
  9. You can say that again! Of course I knew that about taoists, I just came here with the wrong motives, wanting to know more about the crown chakra thing that happened to me. Was forgetting the context.
  10. I definitely don't belong here. Attachment is the only thing worthwhile!
  11. Good God, that's the exact opposite of what I've been doing! Clearly I am as far away from kundalini rising as a person could possibly be. Well now I am as confused as hell! I think about sex ALL THE TIME. I don't think five minutes goes by where I don't give it at least a passing thought. I usually have at least one orgasm any time I drive anywhere for any length of time, for goodness sake. I should stick around as an example of what not to do! The closest I've found online to what I'm doing is this http://www.mumyouan.com/i/ae-8a.html
  12. I'm expecting the boot

    Yes he is! http://www.geocities.com/billyzfan/BZPics2.html I've moved on to this one though http://wonkyear.com/w/main.php?g2_itemId=1406 I don't even have neil slade's book--I think that's about it, although I do think he's right about that particular thing. At least for men.
  13. I'm expecting the boot

    Thank you! I think so too, particularly the cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. What I've read of what they experience sounds exactly like my heart chakra orgasms.
  14. I am quite certain the woman who said she was having heart chakra orgasms was having chi leakage, using your definitions. The difference was that she was leaking the energy from her heart chakra on purpose. It wasn't "leaking," she was "sending" it. Letting energy out from the heart chakra means it isn't there to build up to the next level. It must be held in to reach all the way to the top. Or received back amplified from a man at the sixth chakra. What I'm trying to say is that I've been cheating! Like this-- 8 It is faster with two people of different genders.
  15. I'm expecting the boot

    I've done a little poking around on the questions you've asked, xeno, and will do my best to answer. As for jing turning into chi, I know a little how that feels because I have done some very basic Tai Chi. With that qi gong (sp?) breathing, everything is smooshed into the third chakra, and I assume you then push it up. With me the energy accumulated at the top of my vagina, at the cul de sac, and was generated by having dozens of flexing orgasms each day. That spot is lower than the martial arts spot. It felt like a ball of throbbing fire. I've been a crazy fangirl for ten years, on my diet for eight years (with corresponding very high libido), exercised my PC muscles and became spontaneously orgasmic for four ,almost five years. I've been having these heart chakra orgasms for three years, not two, lost count (go by my youngest daughter's age, forgot she has a birthday coming up). Funny sixth chakra feelings for two years. I've noticed since I've been working the sixth chakra so much I can now touch the spot without being vaginally orgasmic, but I was that way for two years. I wasn't trying for a CCO. I thought I had had one already, but I was wrong. It was like when I have a heart chakra outpouring but I have no energy left to pour out, so I feel the sensation but nothing comes out, I assume similar to a man having a dry orgasm after he has no ejaculate left. What I thought were CCO's were like that, I had a tingling there but nothing was coming out, and I didn't have the one with everything feeling or loss of self. I described already what I did immediately before it happening. The month before I was doing a lot of backwards amygdala work, both flexing at the I'm going to call it an opening because that's what it feels like, similar to flexing my PC muscles, and also feeling a sliding feeling penetrating back to my amygdala, kind of like cul de sac stimulation. I'm sorry, but it really does feel exactly like sex, even with the sort of stretching feeling. The feeling that triggered the crown chakra was different, like the feeling when you go on your toes or do a pullup or flex your butt, except it was in my brain at the top of my sinuses. I think your ming men is my third chakra, but I'm not sure. I think in men and women the first chakra is the same--the PC muscles. The second chakra is the testicles for men and ovaries for women, and from on up we both have the same parts. But I'm probably wrong about that. By Crown Center I assume you mean my brain? Because I wasn't storing the energy there, as soon as I moved it up there from my third eye it came out. I've had the ball of energy at my third eye for a few months now.
  16. I'm expecting the boot

    I'm so grateful that you don't think being a fangirl is stupid that I will happily tell you everything. My editor isn't going to find me here. The fish oil goes by weight. For a 150-pound woman I recommend 1600 mg of EPA and 1300 mg of DHA per day. 250 pounds double the amounts of both, adjust amounts in between for weight. Always take a good multivitamin when taking fish oil. Take with food, start off with one capsule a day, slowly increase a capsule a week until the full dose. Check with your doctor for drug interactions. Use ultra-refined fish oil, EPA+DHA >500 mg in one one-gram capsule. Do not take fish oil like this if you have a defibrillator, are on blood-thinning medication like Coumadin, take lots of OTC pain relievers, are allergic to seafood, are scheduled for surgery. Along with the fish oil and multi I recommend men and women take the RDA of calcium/magnesium/zinc (which usually results in extra zinc because there's zinc in a good multi). Extra Vitamin C, I usually drink a glass of orange juice a day. Women who are able to menstruate some extra iron, 10 mg (check with your doctor to make sure you don't have the condition hemochromatosis). A half ounce of good dark chocolate like Lindt 70% or Dove Dark Promises. Women should get the Gyneflex device and work the muscles until they are able to shut level #4. Men can do lifts with a towel over their erection to strengthen the muscles, and I believe the Aneros device will help strengthen the muscles too, if men are open to that. Although I certainly don't need to post that part here, I'm sure you all know more than I do about exercising the male PC muscles (or BC muscles--I'm not sure in men which one causes the orgasms). The food part is do not eat any transfats, avoid all polyunsaturated vegetable oils like soybean oil, corn oil, safflower oil etc. Canola oil is fine, so are monounsaturated fats like olive oil. Saturated fats like butter and cheese and fat from meat are good. Low on starches and sugars, carbs should mostly be fruits and vegetables. Meat and fish--protein at every meal. The goal is the 40-30-30 balance of carbs, protein, fats on many low-carb diets. No tofu allowed on the diet, or soymilk or anything soy. Soy kills the effect of the diet. No caffeine, not even green tea. Lots of women cheat on that one, it just makes the ability go away temporarily so no big deal. No hormonal birth control. And of course no smoking. The food part of the diet isn't as important as the rest. And that's about it, and after writing a book on it I am heartily sick of typing it out! The fish oil is the most important part. I'm intensely curious about what would happen if men like you went on the diet. I'm not a fangirl, I've been practicing bhakti yoga! By the way, I'm still a fangirl, just moved to someone different. Thank you so much for translating for me!
  17. I'm expecting the boot

    Xenolith, I know you think I'm an asshat. And unlike sex boards, where I know I know lots more than 90% of the people there and try to tell what I know, I'm not doing that here because I know I'm an ignorant newbie. I came here to find out some answers because I was confused and I don't know what the hell I'm doing. But if you are going to prod me, all right. First off, I think it's easier for girls. We don't ejaculate, or at least not at first. In the same way it's lots easier for guys to figure out how to have an orgasm on their own, I think it's easier for women to get this energy moving, because we don't have an outlet at the base the way guys do. I think it might be like the game Chutes and Ladders, and if someone is doing it on their own, the slow steady way is the right way. But I think women can take a shortcut. I think I took an accidental shortcut. Oh what the hell, this is anonymous. I was one of the Titanic fangirls. Very hardcore. Not Dicaprio, Billy Zane. Who by the way happens to be a witch, not wanting to out him out of the broom closet, but thought I'd mention it. I was dementedly devoted to the man. I think that sort of unrequited fangirl love in a woman can stimulate the rising of this energy to the fourth chakra--I think those young girls fainting at the Beatles or Frank Sinatra, some of them were having heart chakra orgasms. I know that sounds humiliating and ridiculous, but really at the heart of it isn't it very similar to Krishna worship? Being a gopi girl? So I've been having lots of heart outpourings for a couple years. I don't know the technical terms for any of this, whether it's kundalini or chi or jing, but I'm basically getting my rocks off through the center of my chest. Then of course there's my diet. I personally am taking it much higher than I recommend to women, to dangerous levels. I'm like an Inuit or a cavewoman or something. It does raise nitric oxide levels, I know that, I've got the study abstracts, and here on this board it says that helps raise kundalini. My mentor at the NIH hired an anthropologist to study correlations with seafood consumption, and universally it was associated not only with pronounced female sexuality, but also mysticism, compassion, non-violence and spirituality. Some of the women who have gone on my diet have also reported a tantric awakening, I think it happens automatically by increasing the output of energy at the bottom. I've been having at least a couple dozen orgasms every day for some years now. For a couple years I've been having an automatic vaginal orgasm if the center of my forehead is touched, like a doorbell. I've been fooling around with the amygdala clicking, from that website, but I like it better going the wrong way. The center of my forehead feels like a pussy, to be frank, and I'm just wondering very much if there are corresponding boy parts. I know that's the wrong place, that it's supposed to be between your eyebrows, but it's farther up for me, in the lower middle of the forehead. I could really use a good boning. Which doesn't make sense. So anyhow, I've been fooling around with this sixth chakra thing intensively for the last couple months, feeling thisclose but not quite, like before I had my first orgasm. And I have found that after doing it, my overwhelming libido goes away for a day or so, so I must be getting off somehow. It certainly does feel really great. A while ago I was working late at the office and I was really, really horny and I had the bright idea of doing the sixth chakra thing for a while to take the edge off. So I did, but I got distracted, I think because I was sitting up in my chair instead of lying down the way I usually am, and I went up instead of back, and when I went up the crown chakra thing happened. I'm not sure how long it was, I think about fifteen minutes. I won't say I lost consciousness, because I was fully conscious and aware, but I lost consciousness of myself. For that time I felt like there was no difference between me and the rest of the cosmos. The only thing I could feel was like someone had poured warm honey all over the top of my head, and the top of my sinuses felt funny, there was a smell like it wasn't a smell, because it was coming from the inside. I've seen where you describe it as magnolia, but I think it was more of a food smell. Like if you were baking sugar cookies and simmering a burgundy pot roast at the same time. I lost all feeling of desire, not just sexual desire but all desire. When I came to, that's not quite right because I wasn't "out" but when I came back to myself I felt very funny. It took some time before sexual desire came back. Also now after I've stimulated my sixth chakra I don't feel fear--which isn't necessarily a good thing. I didn't realize how much I had been using fear as a motivator to get through my daily life, so I've had to do some readjusting. Someone almost got in a car accident right in front of me the other day and I felt really calm and hyperaware, different than I usually would in that situation. It was an experience to feel that, and I know I will feel it again, but to be honest I think it's more exciting to be one with a particular person rather than everything. I'd rather experience that, haven't yet, and I think that's the sixth chakra draw.
  18. Natural Viagra

    Oh my God, that explains it. Thank you! I would think an energizing partner would be one who gives back chi through heart chakra orgasms.
  19. I'm expecting the boot

    No, I'm a solitary. The diet involves a number of things, which I'm not supposed to be posting anymore online publicly because I have a book coming out in the spring. It's kind of a flame war-starting topic anyhow. The main thing is the fish oil.
  20. I'm expecting the boot

    I think we might be in disagreement, after looking at your website, but I hope that's all right. Thank you all for the welcome. TwoTrees, you might have seen me before online, I get around.
  21. What is the Most Important Thing?

    Hm. This is a woman's answer, I suppose, and not Taoist, but I don't think there are things, so I don't see how they can be important. Only other people are important. All my tantric practice has been to improve my ability to connect with other people.
  22. Microcosmic Orbit

    What sort of things does he describe?
  23. Brain Meditation

    I apologize for the newbie ignorance, but does this have anything to do with this? http://www.neilslade.com/art/Brain/chap1.html
  24. I'm expecting the boot

    But I want darkness instead of light, I'm female. I already have light and stillness, I want darkness and movement. I'm probably not making sense. I'm not a Taoist, I'm a witch, and I don't have a master. I don't think that preferring darkness makes me wicked, though. I am very cheered up about the sixth chakra information, thank you! And happy new year!
  25. I'm expecting the boot

    Well I would be lying if I said no one had ever said I had an overly voracious appetite. But I am as generous in giving as I am insatiable in taking. Sixth chakra stimulation does seem to hold me for a day or two, which is why I am very interested in it. Are there men who can sexually pour out from their sixth chakra the way I can from my fourth?