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Everything posted by witch

  1. Problems with visualizing the MCO

    That's not what happened to me. It went up to my heart and then came out in orgasmic bursts. The last few months I've been feeling it returned at my sixth chakra. I know that sounds really nutty but there it is. That one time when I was sitting up, then that energy was released through the top of my head and I had that CCO thing. But usually I try to cycle the sixth chakra energy down and release it through my heart again, this time going down instead of up. Like a 8, that is if I were exchanging energy with a man.
  2. Problems with visualizing the MCO

    Sticking my nose in here, because I am trying to figure out what has happened to me. For me the energy wasn't visualized, but it did rise and it certainly wasn't through any sort of martial arts training. Marital arts training maybe. I'm relatively sure I did generate this energy, and it was through PC muscle flexing, not chi kung or anything like that. I still don't know what the energy is called, whether chi or jing or kundalini, but I had some startling and life-changing experiences and just trying to figure out what happened.
  3. All he does is ask people to do what they say they can do. They design the test--he just adds safeguards.
  4. Increasing Breast Size...

    Thank you. I may not know about chi and crown chakra orgasms, but I do know quite a bit about sexual physiology. I'm feeling like I have to show my credentials now, so I'm going to pimp my book. Here The Orgasmic Diet Margot Anand is endorsing it.
  5. Increasing Breast Size...

    There is no link between fish oil and penis size, except that fish oil improves circulation and will give better erections. A harder penis is technically a bigger penis.
  6. Increasing Breast Size...

    Here's an extensive analysis of his quack ways: http://www.thundersplace.org/forum/showthr...2517&page=1
  7. Increasing Breast Size...

    Dr. Lin is a charlatan. He takes some things that work--hell I recommend fish oil, and some of his stuff is basic tantric stuff he's lifted from other places. But his science is lousy and he's ripping people off. The original poster didn't ask how he could give women screaming orgasms. He asked specifically how he could make his penis bigger. I answered. Thundersplace is the best place to go if you want to find out how to make your penis bigger. And seven inches is hung, ya big goofball. Get over yourself.
  8. Increasing Breast Size...

    Also at Thunders Place it's 360, you can easily read feedback that isn't filtered. Yes at Thunders some idiots there injure themselves, they push too hard or do some extreme things, but they advise men to play it safe and do everything possible to avoid injury.
  9. Just because a person is a scientist doesn't mean that they can't easily be tricked by a professional con artist like Geller.
  10. Increasing Breast Size...

    Dr. Lin is a charlatan
  11. No he has not. Name one time. I don't want to start a ruckus on the boards if this is an inflammatory topic so I won't keep on it, but I've been a member at his board for years.
  12. You must be kidding. Anyone who can actually physically demonstrate that sort of supernatural power could easily pick up James Randi's million dollars.
  13. Penis Size

    Honestly I am familiar with most of the herbs you listed, and am familiar with men who take them daily and believe none of them should be taken on a regular basis for sexual purposes. Medicinally to correct a temporary imbalance or perhaps recreationally (damiana in particular for women), but we did not evolve eating medicinal herbs regularly. Bitter herbs, yes--dark green greens of various bitter kinds. My two cents. On the other hand I do recommend women eat a half ounce of chocolate every day, and we certainly didn't evolve eating that--so I'm not exactly what you would call consistent. However I'm not afraid to be put to the test--I will compete against any herbal combination for improving female libido--my diet is in my intro. Month on herbals, one month washout, month on my full diet. See for yourself.
  14. anger

    TaoMeow you are a very wise woman. Thank you for your posts.
  15. Penis Size

    Oh yes, of course, plenty of exercises and techniques for improving performance--I was just referring to things you ingest.
  16. Penis Size

    Now this is something I know quite a bit about. There's no herb or combination of herbs that will increase size, except of course for the fact that a harder penis is a bigger penis. Yohimbe has passed clinical trials (in the form of yohimbine) for improving erectile dysfunction, but it is very hard on the heart--not something to take recreationally, check with your doctor, in particular check for drug interactions. Herbs may temporarily increase free testosterone or bloodflow or dopamine (or serotonin if a man is trying to slow down), but over time the effect will diminish unless cycled. By far the best way to improve performance is through diet and nutrition, for long-lasting, healthy and permanent effects.
  17. Penis Size

    I do tend to lower the tone wherever I go. Just some disclaimers about that site--which are there if you look for them. I don't think anyone there has gained more than three inches, at least not documented with pictures with ruler. But a number of men have gained two inches, and many increase girth. Some of the exercises improve erectile quality and stamina, some of the exercises decrease erectile quality and stamina. Which makes no sense to me why size is more important than those two things to men; I think after careful observation there that a lot of the size thing is really to impress other men with flaccid size in the locker room and restroom. But women get obsessed with designer clothes and anorexic dieting to impress other women, so who am I to say anything?
  18. Penis Size

    My apologies for responding to the post. At least the link I posted is a thread-killing link, it is exhaustive and final.
  19. Penis Size

    But only if the women have the requisite muscle tone.
  20. Penis Size

    I may not know a thing about taoism and chi, but I know a lot about this. First off, at seven inches you are definitely hung. Second, you can find everything you need to know for free about penis enlargement through exercise here: http://www.thundersplace.org
  21. That explains something So then I don't have chi at all. The thing I have been feeling is, I believe, kundalini rising. I certainly was coming from a place of nothing left to lose, being smacked down fucked over, laughed at and left alone. And it certainly did what it wanted with my body and I just came along for the ride. I just didn't have the body conditioning.
  22. Question for witch

    Yes, immediately afterwords I had lots of physical energy, I felt like a child. But to me it didn't feel like it was the energy being converted and stored. During the CCO, if that is what I had, it felt like the sexual energy went out of me through the top of my head. And it felt like the ensuing physical energy was from not fighting to contain that energy anymore. I was reading the Frantzis book about optimal posture, and he said the best way for health is to stand like a child, with relaxed belly and rounded shoulders. Men tense their bellies and throw back their shoulders as sexual display. I'm not saying I think men should be like peacocks all the time, but I think sexual display is worth the energy at the right time and so is containing the sexual force. To me the CCO experience felt more like an escape valve than anything else, like a regulator--with the first chakra generating the energy and the seventh chakra totally venting the energy if it became too much. That said, the experience was indescribably mind-blowing. Still, after having a sixth chakra orgasm, I much prefer those. If I'm going to hoard my sexual energy, it will be for those, and save the CCO experience for sexual energy overload emergencies. Margot Anand is endorsing my book.
  23. Question for witch

    Dependent on PC muscle tone, caused by G-spot stimulation. Here's a link: http://www.libchrist.com/sexed/Gspot.html While the Skene's gland does produce ejaculatory fluid, women do not have the valve men have to shut off the bladder, so at the time of an ejaculation orgasm all the contents of the bladder are expelled along with the Skene's gland fluid. A woman can minimize this by emptying her bladder right before having sex.
  24. Question for witch

    It's a really dirty thing. Instead of the energy going up to the heart chakra, it stays down there and comes out there. Feels very sexual and erotic and dirty. I personally see that as a positive, although I think it's more natural for women to let the energy go up and out. I like the feeling of camaraderie with men, and find it humorous that after I have a big one all I want to do is roll over and go to sleep. Gives a different perspective to a woman, I think. My two cents, your mileage may vary, yadda, yadda, yadda.
  25. I started having the sensations before I knew anything about them, and at first I thought I was having some kind of angina, that is if angina were incredibly sexual and orgasmic feeling. For me it is most definitely a physical sensation, located physically at the chakra. It flows out to the whole body, the same as a strong clitoral orgasm will flow out through the whole body, but it is centered at the chakra.