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Everything posted by witch

  1. Witch's "Orgasmic Diet"

    5-htp decreases libido by raising serotonin without raising dopamine. High-dose fish oil works pretty well as an antidepressant too, and it raises both serotonin and dopamine. You might want to give it a try for depression, as an alternate to 5-htp.
  2. Eating Flesh Pros and Cons

    I take twenty times the dosage he recommends of DHA alone. So I'd blow through that bottle in three days (and that's not counting the EPA I take too). On the other hand, it is conveniently in liquid form. If he sold it in bulk, it would be practical. Thanks for the tip, always like to learn about alternatives. By the way, to show how important EPA and DHA are for the human body, see this link: http://www.oilofpisces.com
  3. Eating Flesh Pros and Cons

    You are a young healthy man following Mantak Chia's practices--of course you have plenty of sexual energy. Even a bad diet wouldn't diminish it much, unless you were near famine. But I think if you try my thing you will be surprised at how much more sexual energy you have. If that's what you are after.
  4. How to Pick Up Girls

    You misunderstood my point. I don't believe sex is trivial. I believe sex without any higher chakra connection is trivial, particularly when someone works hard using taoist techniques to develop power for such an end. And just because a thing is trivial doesn't mean I don't like it! I do have several dozen orgasms a day, and have been known to go through multiple men in an evening, without higher chakras being involved. When pushed I can have hundreds of orgasms in a row. Such sex for me is very easy-- I can have it as easy as breathing. Most of the PUA I have come across online are most definitely not looking for the one, except as the perfect notch on their belt. And I'm not against polygamy at all--it is possible to be intimate with many people. But sex without intimacy is fast food sex, and the whole point of the PUA is picking up strangers--sex without intimacy. Intimacy is necessary for higher chakra connection. My focus is on the best sexual pleasure, for its own sake. I'm not above a cheeseburger now and then, but I do enjoy the higher chakra orgasms. I want it all.
  5. Eating Flesh Pros and Cons

    I do have sympathy for vegetarians. Vegetarians who eat fish obviously have a leg up over regular meat-eaters. Vegetarians who eat dairy and eggs can get the sort enriched with omega-3 fatty acids (achieved by changing the feed of the cows and chickens to grass-fed, free-range). The only reasonable vegetarian DHA supplement is Omega-Zen http://www.nutru.com/our_products/omega.htm Even so, you would have to take five or more capsules a day, depending on weight.
  6. All right. I believe there are four elements--earth, air, fire and water. The air realm is the realm of male magic and the water realm is the realm of female magic. The material world is the realm of earth and the world of action is the realm of fire. Almost every action is a mixture of all of these elements, and any sort of magic work will take the easiest route of fire and earth to reach its goal. So for example, the placebo effect is a form of what I would consider magic, and has of course been proven. Hypnosis, behavioral therapy--those sorts of things. I believe in almost all cases, the magic is interwoven with the earth element, so almost always there is a plausible earth explanation. In other words, the supernatural as Randi describes it rarely happens, the water element isolated on its own. However I do believe the Princeton EGG experiment has sufficiently proven the trace effect of this isolated magic. I of course agree that honing one's instincts to such a degree is an intriguing and worthwhile thing. I also believe that on occasion people can engage in telepathy, but not on a predictable measurable basis. I do not believe in remote viewing, only remote communication between minds. Water is also the element of confusion and dreams, so the difficulty of designing a provable experiment measuring this trace effect would be similar to determining real world facts by the contents of dreams.
  7. Witch's "Orgasmic Diet"

    5-htp will fight against the fish oil effect. If you are female I recommend against daily consumption of hot pepper. Dr. Beverly Whipple has done research showing this can lead to desensitizing of the genitals, leading to a decrease in sexual pleasure. It doesn't matter how much fish oil you take. There are some really diluted lousy brands out there. What matters is how much EPA and DHA you take.
  8. Witch's "Orgasmic Diet"

    Fish oil increases nitric oxide--in a healthy way.
  9. What is meaning?

    I will not argue with you about this point, because there is no doubt in my mind that you are far advanced in wisdom, much farther than me. I do have one question, though, do you have any kids? And if you do, do you have more than one? I don't think the idea that children need immediate and ongoing correction is particularly a Christian view; it's more of a female mammal view. All mammals childrear, and the higher the intelligence, the more they do it--even cats.
  10. What is meaning?

    Very good sense! Although of course unavoidable, otherwise we couldn't stand the little blighters. There's a reason a child in his natural state is called spoiled!
  11. I have no doubt that energy serves as a form of subtle communication. While I am not a taoist, I am a witch. But in my experience magic always takes the easiest path, and the easiest path falls along the highest living thing. I believe people can occasionally engage in telepathy, particularly in times of heightened emotion, but I think the ability you speak of, to sense the electromagnetic field of an inanimate object hidden from sight, would not be the natural path for magic to flow. Magical ability gives a heightened sense of intuition and an uncanny ability to read a person's body language. I would be curious to see if the experiment can be replicated without your student seeing the person who hid the object. Randi would most definitely consider this to fall into his definition of "supernatural" abilities, no matter what the person who did it would think. If this were replicable with proper controls, it would definitely qualify for the million dollars. However, I think the result would be similar to dowsers. I have no doubt dowsers are able to find water, but believe it is more that they are able to use their intuitive sense to read subtle signs in the land indicating underground water, rather than actually "sensing" the water, because this ability vanishes when the water is sent through pipes underground in a testing situation.
  12. Eating Flesh Pros and Cons

    Hm. I don't believe in an afterlife or reincarnation, and I'm not a taoist so much of this is flying over my pointy head. But I do know a bit about nutrition and sexual energy. The one thing that animals make that is impossible (realistically speaking) to get from food is EPA. DHA is extremely hard to get from plant sources; you can get it from algae, but I believe you would have to eat a lot of algae. It's available in supplement form from algae. I know the body converts ALA to EPA and DHA, but the ratio is so enormous (60 to 1) that it's impractical. Eating seafood is a far superior source of EPA and DHA than eating cows or chickens, particularly if it is fatty fish. Women wanting to increase their libido and sexual energy I tell them to take huge amounts of EPA and DHA, as if they were eating a largish salmon steak twice a day (which would be dangerous nowadays). Women who come to me who want to completely eradicate their sex drive, I recommend they go on a vegetarian diet with lots of tofu, whole grains, green tea, soymilk and very little fat. I also recommend any fat they do consume be polyunsaturated, like corn or soybean oil. This is a very effective way to kill sexual energy.
  13. Witch's "Orgasmic Diet"

    Xenolith, while you did invite me and I did initially post to find out what the heck was going on with my body, I assure you I also had ulterior motives. I refer you to my myspace blog to show I am telling the truth. My old myspace blog I also point out I posted with a younger, thinner, prettier picture of myself to see if anyone would bite (because I can always lose weight). (made the pertinent posts public so everyone could read them.)
  14. I'm not mocking special abilities, quite the opposite. I think it trivializes true abilities like healing and empathy. Personally I believe if a person can see a hidden object, what they really have done is honed their abilities at reading people, and they are reading the slight tells the person who hid the object has.
  15. Witch's "Orgasmic Diet"

    I have a British and two American publicists. They have tried to get me on the morning talk shows. I have done about thirty radio interviews and some magazine interviews. So I've done all the regular things--actually getting reviewed by the Times and the NYTimes is doing pretty well, according to traditional publicity paths. I've tried to keep the tantric stuff on the downlow; I'm freaky enough as it is. Like in my book, I toned it waaaay down. It doesn't matter anyhow. With my diet if a woman takes it all the way and begins having spontaneous orgasms, the energy rises automatically, I don't need to talk about it, except for a general caution that it might happen so women don't freak out when it does happen. Iron in your multi I suppose is fine, as long as it is less than the RDA. Men don't generally need extra iron. The extra iron I recommend in my book is for women able to menstruate. This forum drives me bananas. I know all the men here don't fall into these three categories but a lot do. There are men who are basically trying to improve sexual stamina and ability, and those are fine, but like using a Strad as a doorstop. Then there are the PUA men who want the power, for what? To get as large a variety of tang under their belt as they can. Not that there's anything wrong with that either, but it is irksome to use something so valuable for something so trivial. And then there are the chi-hoarding guys chasing after martial arts power and crown chakra orgasms and enlightenment. But once you are enlightened and know what's what, why keep repeating? Why not put that chi to good use, by satisfying a woman? And sure it's good to be able to develop your body so you can break a guy's arm in three places or defend yourself against a gang of five, but in this day and age it's all for show. If someone is really out to rob you or whatever they will bring a gun. A dragon flying straight is unlucky--a coiled dragon shows the way chi should flow. Like this-- 8. Exchange it back and forth for goodness sake. The last man I was with had martial arts training and sent his chi into me during sex when he ejaculated and it felt like a grenade going off inside me. Each time I returned it by having a heart chakra orgasm into his chest, and his chi was replenished. He didn't have sixth chakra ability and that's fine, but the men here who do don't seem to be interested in giving it to a woman that way, and it mystifies and annoys me. I mean I've found someone who does, so it's not personally frustrating to me the way it was, but I just don't get it. Maybe I'm misunderstanding or getting it all wrong, but this place makes me hot-tempered.
  16. I am hot-tempered when I come here, my apologies. I have abilities but I don't have balance. Posts like this bother me. If your student can truly do these things, it is a simple matter to do them for the Randi challenge. Please do them and prove to the scientific community that these abilities exist. Proof will encourage people worldwide to follow the path to enlightenment.
  17. Sexual Energy

    Blessed be. I'm certainly no expert, but I experience what you are asking about. I usually have one or two heart chakra orgasms a day. When I first started having them I thought I was having some sort of angina, except if angina were sexual and orgasmic. Now that I know a little more I don't worry so much. For me, the heart chakra energy at orgasm shoots out of the center of my chest. It feels weirdly like when I ejaculate, except of course centered in the chest and obviously nothing physical is shooting out. I have had a few brow chakra orgasms and I like those the best. I work on having those. One time I was sitting up in a chair at work when I was going for one, which was a mistake because I had a crown chakra orgasm. I know those are supposed to be the be all and end all of some types of taoism, but I'm not a taoist, I'm wiccan, and while interesting, it's not really my thing. Two things that can help with heart chakra orgasms. The first is the Brain Sync Ecstasy CD which has a second track particularly devoted to encouraging heart chakra energy. It's quite effective. The second is don't be afraid of those horny f@#king feelings. Those are to build up the energy so it can rise up easier. If you can, try to have lots of vaginal orgasms while cutting back on clitoral orgasms (and also avoiding ejaculating, if you ejaculate). My book will help with that, The Orgasmic Diet. Also, and I know this sounds silly, but you may want to try some simple heart exercises with your partner. It really is a physical thing. Sit in yab yum position, both clothed on your bottom half, but naked chest to chest contact. He stays still, and you rub your chest against his chest, almost like and I know this sounds silly like you have male genitalia coming out of your chest and he has female genitalia in the center of his chest, and make the motion with your chest like a man makes with his hips during sex. Let me know how it goes, if you try any of this.
  18. Witch's "Orgasmic Diet"

    I couldn't get a link to work in my signature. I feel a little foolish with this, but as long as the board doesn't mind, thanks!
  19. What do You consider moderate sexual activity?

    Long Zunxu can kiss my fat ass.
  20. How to Pick Up Girls

    The stupidity of those men is that they put so much effort into pursuing something so evanescent and ultimately worthless. True sexual pleasure comes from a deeper bond strengthened with one other person, a person who has matching tantric abilities. If those PUA techniques are used to find a suitable partner, as a means to an end, then it's all good. But wholesale shallow pretty girl sex will only turn you gay over time--look at Hugh Hefner and David Lee Roth!
  21. Witch's "Orgasmic Diet"

    It doesn't work like that. The amazon listings are very volatile, basically what has sold in the last few days, and it doesn't need all that many books to hit a high number. Actually after the NY Times reviewed my book my amazon listing hit 1400 and now it's dropping fast. The only way to get sustained sales over time is to gain acceptance online as something that works. So I'm hoping that will happen, because the diet does work. I only make about a dollar a book, and I would have to go into a second edition to see that dollar--my profits for the first edition were eaten up by my advance (which was modest). I make a lot more money at my programming job. The book really was a labor of love and I am promoting it because I want to help women, otherwise it wouldn't be worth the public humiliation. I think it might be useful to taoists, if sexual energy is the raw material you work with. I am quite certain that the diet will be much more effective for taoists than looking at porn, for instance! What my diet can give is a strong energy; how a person uses that energy is for taoist teachers to say. I just know things about the root, the beginning.
  22. Witch's "Orgasmic Diet"

    It also used to be standard practice in America to dose children with cod liver oil, which is fish oil with Vitamin A and D. Our grandmothers were smart. The difference is the dosage. A tablespoon of cod liver oil gives a small fraction of the EPA and DHA I am recommending. It is enough for improved health and intelligence, but not enough for the sexual reaction. And of course you are right about other things contributing to sexuality, and if you read my book you will see I agree with you. The fish oil will not work if the other things are wonky. But there aren't dozens--physiology-wise. Assuming a base of general good health, there are four things women need--high dopamine/moderate serotonin, good hormonal balance (in particular high free testosterone), good genital circulation, and decent PC muscle tone. That's all a woman needs. My book instructs women on how to achieve these things. It just takes some minor tweaking for most women, although some do need hormone replacement therapy. I didn't come here to promote my book, though, although I'm certainly pleased! To be honest I came here looking for a sex partner who could match me. Also I needed answers on what was happening to me, with my chakras. Having a crown chakra orgasm was wonderful, but disconcerting. I like sixth chakra orgasms the best, and I was looking for a man who could give them to me. You are a wise person and I respect your opinion very much. But in this small area I am quite certain of my ground and my science, kind of an idiot savante. And sure it might not be right to take it to the extreme I have, but I think a lot of people, women in particular, do benefit from increasing libido and sexual ability.
  23. Witch's "Orgasmic Diet"

    My ears were burning! Taomeow, fish oil does in fact raise dopamine levels in the brain, and I have the rodent autopsy studies to prove it. They are referenced in the appendix of my book. I would love hearing feedback from anyone who has tried the diet. For men, no iron supplements and the Aneros will work like the Gyneflex, although all you tantric men here probably don't need all that, you probably already have very strong PC muscles (or technically BC muscles in men). And I would definitely argue that my diet is very heart-centered. I have usually have at least one heart chakra orgasm a day. It does get more powerful over time. I have been on the diet for nine years. Do you see why my energy rose so easily, without instruction or effort? And any advice on how I should proceed?
  24. Problems with visualizing the MCO

    I live in Boston. I will make an appointment with Marie Favorito for a one-on-one class. Thank you!
  25. Problems with visualizing the MCO

    Yes, I'm very interested! Thank you, will get the book today. I'm just trying to get a frame of reference for what has happened to me. It's reassuring you have experienced the same thing. And if by peculiarly feminine you mean feels like a never mind. So all this is going to stop and I will move on to something different? I've been having regular heart chakra orgasms for years now.