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Everything posted by witch

  1. krill oil

    No, it's not better than ultra-refined fish oil. People taking fish oil should take antioxidants, but separately.
  2. krill oil

    That's typical ultra-refined, that should be fine. Is the krill oil purer than that?
  3. krill oil

    I think someone is ripping you off. Check the labels. EPA and DHA content per serving size must be clearly labelled, just compare amounts. You want the smallest volume with the largest EPA and DHA concentration for the purest product.
  4. erm...I welcome teachers! I don't know what the hell I'm doing with all this, I just know the biochemistry behind it. Although from scanning through that book at amazon, I think I've already gone through a lot of that sort of accidentally.
  5. Here are links: http://www.masters-of-photography.com/imag...isneau_kiss.jpg http://www.gallerym.com/images/work/big/ei...ss%201945_L.jpg http://jblstatue.com/pictures/t_sset.jpg Bother, I can't find a Hindu one, but every Indian restaurant I've been in, just about, has a picture of a women embracing a man with this same thing, very excitedly pressing her chest against his, head thrown back.
  6. I've never had a teacher in this, except a long while ago a tai chi teacher, but that was more for fitness than anything religious. So I can only relate my own personal experience. I had been having two or three dozen vaginal orgasms a day for I think six months, it's been a while, most of them minor spontaneous flexing orgasms (those seem to build up energy best when a man is not involved). I started feeling a rising of energy in my abdomen, and pretty soon it had made its way to the center of my chest. There was a constant feeling of pressure, almost like a full bladder or full breasts when I used to breastfeed, except it was in the center of my chest, at my heart. One day it came out, in what I call a heart chakra orgasm. Since then I have these frequently, typically once a day, sometimes more, sometimes less. For a while I tried to stop having them altogether and it was very difficult. I had to have seven or eight ejaculatory orgasms a day to get rid of the energy and it was time-consuming (those take longer than my regular cul de sac orgasms). So I went back to my bad ways. I don't think this is the same as what people talk about when they say the heart chakra opening up. This ability is greatly stimulated by chest-to-chest contact with men, particularly naked contact. It feels natural for me to make a thrusting motion with my chest to elicit this when I am embracing a man, and when it happens my back naturally goes back in an arch, and I feel almost like jets of energy pumping from the center of my chest, very similar in feel to watching a man ejaculate, similar timing and duration. After it happens I am most definitely drained of energy, not completely but there is a decrease and I feel satisfied. If it is a strong one, sometimes I faint afterwards, and I frequently burst into happy tears. It is an overwhelming and deeply sexual sensation and feels very emotional. Since then I have seen pictures of women who seem to be doing this, but I might be wrong. I will hunt around and post links. Generally if I do this to men, even if they don't know, it changes the way they relate to me. It seems to form an emotional attraction. I generally feel the need to do this after having sex, both to be polite to return the energy, also because it feels so good.
  7. I must respond--for health reasons someone taking high-dose fish oil should always also take a multivitamin. So Yoda, have you found less post-ejaculation depression if taking fish oil? The DHA part of fish oil is fast-acting, you should notice the effect within a couple hours. I think our bodies use DHA as a sort of currency. Breastmilk is high in DHA (when the mother is well-fed) and so is semen (the DHA is absorbed through the vaginal walls). Also, my two cents--if you are surrendering your energy to "the Tao" and expecting it back tenfold, wouldn't it be better to visualize surrendering it to a female personification of the Tao? I would think it would at least be more effective.
  8. I'm pretty sure my diet will fix that. Semen is high in DHA. Would you be willing to be a guinea pig for a couple months and try it? Another theory of mine--make sure to never ejaculate during masturbation, always ejaculate inside your partner during sex. Then she can take your energy and give it back to you through a heart chakra orgasm and you won't be depressed, because your energy will be returned at a higher level.
  9. Too much Yang?

    Yang energy is fire and air. All right, I do have a fire singleton in my chart and my chart is also very air heavy, but I am very earth and water-focused. My testosterone is perfectly normal for a woman--it's my free testosterone that is high, because I have a low (healthy) level of SHBG. I have very high estrogen because I am fat and my body works well--I am always wet. I spend most of my time either alone and meditating or taking care of my children, when I am not at my job. My job is a very quiet programming job. My orgasms are yin energy I believe. They are vaginal orgasms, not clitoral orgasms (corresponding to the male orgasm). My rate of clitoral orgasms is perfectly normal--usually three a week, sometimes more, sometimes less. I am a walking sinkwell of yin.
  10. Gambling and the I Ching

    Interesting. She chastizes those she loves. Western astrology has transits--not just what the heavens are doing on a particular day, but how the current planetary positions interact with one's natal chart. Does Chinese astrology have that? It is particularly handy with gambling, because while everyone has the same current planetary influence and therefore equal chances at winning, transits give an individual edge, for example Venus trine Jupiter.
  11. opiate like being

    It's the fish oil. If you don't believe me, go off the fish oil for a couple weeks. At the end of those two weeks see if this is still happening. Then start up the fish oil again and at the end of two weeks see if it has come back. It's the high dopamine from fish oil.
  12. Gambling and the I Ching

    You didn't check planetary transits?
  13. Isha

  14. opiate like being

    That is caused by the fish oil. It has a definite physiological effect, it raises dopamine. Opiates also raise dopamine. The fish oil doesn't exactly cause those types of states, but it makes entering into them much, much easier
  15. Jing and the Golden Flower

    Well of course I'm a big fan of fish oil, if you don't have access to fifteen different kinds of fish and fish eggs, particularly with mercury contamination so prevalent now. And it will certainly put some zing in your jing!
  16. How to Pick Up Girls

    Did go out your forehead or the top of your head? Because if it went through your forehead that's the sixth chakra, not the crown chakra--and I do believe energy can be directed from there.
  17. How to Pick Up Girls

    Rain, are you able to actually direct the energy from a crown chakra orgasm? It was like my self disappeared when I had one, I don't think I would retain enough control to direct it, even with practice. Are you able to have heart chakra orgasms?
  18. Cultivation question

    The first step to wisdom is knowing what you don't know, and I don't know a helluva lot! I'm getting questions from a member here new to taoist practice who is on my diet and now doesn't know what to do with all the extra yang energy. It's easy enough to cultivate when a man is on a vegan diet and having to hoard scarce resources; what does a man do when he's got too much and doesn't feel depleted after ejaculation? I was asked how I handle it, but it's different for women. I just orgasm. I can orgasm just from flexing my muscles and it doesn't show. I also take care of myself three or four times a day--I'm fast, so it's no big deal. Helps with the libido, however neither of those depletes the extra energy, but I also have heart chakra orgasms or ejaculate, both very effective at venting it. Any advice for the man? Maybe Yoda? I know you are already on the thing. Or more importantly, links to threads already discussing this, with tips?
  19. How to Pick Up Girls

    From my own experience, I am quite drained after having a heart chakra orgasm (and also when I ejaculate). It takes a day or two, sometimes a few days to build back my kundalini energy level after I have one. The way I gain energy is by having lots of orgasms, I can build back my heart energy faster the more orgasms I have, particularly spontaneous flexing orgasms, flexing the PC muscles (clitoral orgasms are neutral, they do not build up the energy). What I don't understand is if I can also gain tremendous amounts of energy from having a man ejaculate inside me, why can't a man extract the energy from my heart orgasm if we are in naked chest-to-chest contact? Or even more obvious, if a man is wanting to collect energy, why not skip ahead and have women have these heart energy ejaculations outside of sex? Then the man doesn't lose any energy, and he takes the energy from the women. It is a simple thing for me to generate this energy; I generally have a heart chakra orgasm every day or every other day.
  20. That makes me feel a lot better! I've only had one crown chakra orgasm, and it was accidental. Usually I am lying down when I'm trying for sixth chakra orgasms, but that time I happened to be sitting up, and it just slipped up. It was interesting, strange and life-changing, but not something I'd want to do on a regular basis. I like my illusions of the material world and sense of self.
  21. Cultivation question

    I don't know about this. The healthiest menstrual cycle is generally considered one the same length as the lunar cycle. Being a witch, I try to get mine in sync with the moon, using similar evening lighting, although lately I've been too busy. I was joking about penis size. If you only knew my backhistory on that particular topic! Although I will confess since I've gotten so crazily cul de sac orgasmic, I do like six inches. And I doubt you would be happy sexually with a man with a 1.5 inch penis, the size of a gorilla penis. I don't know about light, but of course I can absorb the energy from a man's orgasm, and as you say that has nothing to do with penis size. Betty Dodson's boyfriend was very good at giving that second chakra energy; each time he came it felt like a grenade going off inside me. It was unbelievable. He practiced some sort of martial arts thing to do it, I forget the name. (He was also quite hung, but that is neither here nor there! )
  22. Cultivation question

    I knew bonobos had huge balls--didn't know about penis length however! Definitely proportional though!
  23. Cultivation question

    Hm. Primates also have much smaller penises! Older isn't always better. I'm not talking about synthetic hormones like Premarin, I am talking about bioidentical hormones. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioidentical_...acement_therapy What I know about non-human primate menstruation can be fit on the head of a pin, but a quick googling seems to indicate other primates do overtly menstruate: http://www.kband.com/reports/000116.html
  24. Divine Love Poetry

    As the mirror to my hand, the flowers to my hair, kohl to my eyes, tambul to my mouth, musk to my breast, necklace to my throat, ecstasy to my flesh, heart to my home -- as wing to bird, water to fish, life to the living -- so you to me. But tell me, Madhava, beloved, who are you? Who are you really? Vidyapati says, they are one another.
  25. Cultivation question

    Now that I have a hard time believing, that stopping one's menstrual cycle is good for health. The only way I could see that is if a person is in danger of malnutrition, particularly iron deficiency, but that's not a danger in this day and age. I know a bit about this. Heck, women who have gone through menopause see improved health by taking bioidentical hormones cycled to bring on a "period." Menstruation helps cleanse the body. Maybe spiritually it does something?