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Everything posted by witch

  1. enlightenment

    But xenolith, aren't most of the people here already following Mantak Chia? I would assume they are already striving for CCOs and/or have already experienced them, but in any case already know about the path you are on, following the same teacher you have. He's written lots of very popular books.
  2. Tao Meow's diet

    Thank you--now I know what I needed to know. I've read up a bit on allergies, and I'm going to kick this hayfever naturally. Two ways I can do that are by avoiding food allergens and by eating foods that help with respiratory allergens. I'm working at this, I never want to go through this again!
  3. Tao Meow's diet

    Red onions and red apples are highest in quercetin, which is supposed to help with allergies. I'm going to give it a try. And the local honey desensitizes to local antigens. So far so good, I'm sticking to it, pretty much. Three questions--was poultry off the list? And also what about corn, like homemade popcorn? And is butter okay? (Please tell me butter is okay!) I will never drink coffee because it immediately makes my spontaneous orgasm ability go away for several hours (because of the serotonin-raising effect--it raises dopamine but it raises serotonin more). Even if I eat too much dark chocolate I get the same effect.
  4. Lama Dorje

    Thank you rain, we are of like mind. There is a difference between losing energy and giving energy. And while Green Dragons are quite tasty, I'm not interested in collecting disciples. I am still very very frightened of the man.
  5. Lama Dorje

    I said I wouldn't post and here I'm posting--curiosity, my besetting sin. My experience with the PUA martial arts tricksters out there; the last thing they want is to be with a woman who excels at extracting energy from men during sex. They don't like a level playing field. Don't they run like hell once they find out what you are?
  6. The Brutish Brain

    I am certain my brain has changed since I've been on my diet (nine years now). There are studies showing ADD and ADHD may be caused by omega-3 fatty acid deficiencies. It stands to reason that today's young people, so starved of these essential nutrients may show some signs of short attention span even if they don't have full-blown ADD.
  7. Lama Dorje

    Jumping Jehosaphat! I just noticed and watched the video. I had my suspicions seeing his picture, and the video more than confirmed. Excuse my French, but bodhisattva my ass! He's got tremendous power and I'm certain the corresponding knowledge but I am quite frightened of him. I won't post in this thread anymore, don't want to be a naysayer, but had to say my say.
  8. I'm not quite following your fire hydrant analogy. There's only one outlet? It seems like I have five-- 1.) my normal and natural way of outpouring, which is through the heart chakra. 2.) Also I can get rid of the energy through excessive ejaculation. NOT that I think there's anything wrong with ejaculation! But I'm more of a once every two weeks kind of person, not seven or eight times a day. 3.) I'm assuming, extrapolating back remember the experience of breastfeeding, that I could send this energy into my milk. That would be very near the heart chakra. 4.) I can push the energy up further where it triggers sixth chakra contractions, but I don't think I could send the energy "out" at that point. More of an "intake" place for me. But I had that experience where I was sitting up, and it accidentally all poured out the top of my head and I had that strange loss of self one with everything experience, where I lost awareness of the self for I think about twenty minutes and had this strange smell and sensation all over my skull. That was an interesting experience, but not something I'd want to actively work at repeating. 5.) I can send it out through my hands to heal people. My heart chakra orgasms never just "happen." They always have an object. Not that it's always visual, it can be a mental imagining. It has to be a man, and it helps if the man has an open heart (although I can do it even without, it just feels like a Barbie, no, um "parts). It can be very visual, triggered by pictures of men with intent gaze, particularly if I can see their chests. Like so: If I avoid thinking of men or looking at men's chests or feelings of love for men--maybe "love" is the wrong word, a wanting to outpour and give this energy to men feeling, I'm assuming similar to how a man feels when he looks at a picture of a pretty naked lady, then it doesn't happen, the pressure builds up and I have to ejaculate to avoid feeling uncomfortable. I never had allergies until this year, where at work I am sitting right under a vent that pulls in air from outside over a field of ragweed plants. I've done some homework and am going to start eating lots of red onions, red apples, apple cider vinegar and local honey to get rid of them so this doesn't happen next year. I've also asked my boss if I can move my desk. This sounds really stupid but I do have problems with light bulbs and electrical appliances. I seem to short things out or something. Particularly my bedroom lamp.
  9. Lama Dorje

    My ears are pricking up at "Egyptian" (I follow Hathor). What sort of Egyptian?
  10. Cultivating Female Sexual Energy

    Very interesting indeed!
  11. The Brutish Brain

    I think the explanation is simpler--dopamine levels in the brain have dropped with changes in the food supply. Low dopamine means less sensual sensitivity and less sensual pleasure.
  12. ? But having heart orgasms doesn't take a lot of time and doesn't leave me physically drained. It vents my yin energy, but I have plenty more where that came from. It's only when I try not to have them that I am forced to ejaculate a lot like that, to get rid of the energy. My point is that I have a lot of energy, and I send most of it out and that seems natural and healthy to me.
  13. I'm a wicked witch, my tulpas are human. That breaks all sorts of witch rules. At least I have permission from this one. For a while in between I did do it the correct way with a real tulpa, my Chernabog (very Fantasia), but it didn't have sixth chakra capability--despite the horns! I simply don't understand the point of the MCO. I suppose health, and right now I could use some of that! Dratted hayfever. But usually I am quite healthy and have a tremendous overabundance of this energy--should I call it yin energy? Even in my solo practice I practice to share the energy sexually. Now sometimes, like right now I have to hoard the energy to fend off sickness, and sometimes I hoard the energy to send through my hands to touch someone if they are sick, to help them. But in general I like to pour out in heart orgasms, into a man's chest. Does this cause problems for you? Men I have done this to--either during social hugs or after sex--they tended to get attached in an odd way, so I stopped doing that. But it's hard, because the only other way I know to get rid of the energy is to ejaculate a lot, like seven or eight times in a row, and that takes a lot of time and leaves me physically drained. I know, I know, MCO.
  14. What do you think of this?

    Hmmm.... http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/dmt/dmt.shtml Be careful with that stuff. By the way, that quote is from here: http://www.akasha.de/~aton/NeoDMT.html On the one hand... http://pt.wkhealth.com/pt/re/addi/abstract...#33;8091!-1 on the other hand.... http://sulcus.berkeley.edu/mcb/165_001/pap...ripts/_391.html
  15. I don't cycle my energy in the MC orbit, and I've never felt anything like that. Right now I don't have any of that ability at all, I have very bad hayfever and it's stripped me down to nothing. For a few days I didn't even have an orgasm! Yesterday only three, today twelve, so I am building back. The way mine seems to work is by building up a big ball of energy from having lots of non-ejaculatory orgasms (if I ejaculate I lose the energy). My usual is at least 40 a day, typically more like 60, during horny times of my cycle or with someone hot I can go lots higher than that. This ball of energy goes up to my heart, straight up, and sits there until I shoot it out in orgasm--it feels like an orgasm, complete with rhythmic bursts, shooting straight out of my chest. Then sometimes I feel energy coming back to me through my sixth chakra--I can feel it flexing like my PC muscles, opening to let something male in. My experience is very different from the other people here. I'm not sure what to make of it.
  16. Do you feel the actual orgasm in your navel? Or does the stimulation of your navel cause an orgasm in your vulva? This is an important distinction to make. Certainly I can orgasm from stimulation from just about anywhere, if I am paying attention. Once I orgasmed when a, okay I'll say it, a PUA after talking to me briefly touched the small of my back. I am vulnerable that way, with this ability. I'm assuming since you said the link between the upper lip and the clitoris, that it is triggering a regular orgasm. My heart chakra orgasms are completely centered in the heart--at first I was worried I was having some sort of strange angina.
  17. I've never had any sexual sensation at my third chakra, which is a little above my navel. Of course behind my navel and down is the top of my cul de sac, and boy howdy I am orgasmic there! I would say most of my orgasms are cul de sac orgasms. My toy drawer is full of things designed to hit that spot, in wood, steel and silicone. And of course men are handy too! Occasionally I can have spontaneous orgasms there with no external stimulation, but they are tricky, not easy like the spontaneous G-spot orgasms I have from flexing. I have plenty of erogenous zones, but the only places I have had orgasms are my clitoris, vagina, fourth, sixth and seventh chakras. I have had orgasms triggered from a kiss or from eating something or from nipple stimulation, but the orgasms themselves happen in my vulva. I'm not very deep, my cul de sac can be hit with six inches--which is pretty handy. I'd say most women their cul de sac would be much closer to the navel. Is that the sort of orgasm you are talking about?
  18. Lama Dorje

    Tell me his lips aren't kind of blue. I assume he's a vegetarian, he's probably not getting enough iron. The man might be able to walk on water but he still needs to eat, doesn't he? And it's not a prejudice against Tibetan masters, for example I think Lama Surya Das looks very healthy and youthful. Yoda, thanks!
  19. Lama Dorje

    Well actually part of me enjoys being fat. But I know what I need is more fire work and air work, more moving my body and breathing properly. I need those male things, I'm all earth and water. I mean, I'm here, aren't I? We all have strengths and weaknesses and can help each other. It took the common sense of a woman to fish the starving Buddha out of the river and feed him--nobody knows everything. Speaking of which, in particular I think the man needs iron, I think he's low on iron.
  20. Lama Dorje

    Men. You read that Discover article and from it you got that exercises and taoist energy and right-thinking can change your DNA. That article discussed two things--food and other ingested substances, and the effect of maternal care on brain development in infants. The only odd thing out was the spines in water fleas. Jumping from water fleas reacting to predators to humans changing their DNA through deep-breathing exercises and yoga is a pretty big stretch. Particularly since I doubt VERY much that this teacher has had any DNA testing done whatsoever. On the other hand, it does make a good argument for the importance of a good diet and avoidance of pollutants. Which frankly it looks like your teacher could use, he looks old and a bit sickly for his age, undoubtedly due to the rigors of what he has gone through to acquire his extremely impressive lineage. I don't understand why he just doesn't talk about his lineage and the experiences of people who come to his seminars. He hurts his credibility by talking junk science. Don't mind me, I am very opinionated and not a taoist. I guess I'm tao-curious. I'm also very fat and right now I have a bad cold, I'm not saying I'm enlightened or anything like that.
  21. Lama Dorje

    It's frustrating, because I'm sure this guy really does have mastery, but he blows his credibility by talking ridiculous science, like having a black hole in your brain! People not only need to know what they know, they need to know what they don't know. Like physics!
  22. Lama Dorje

    He claims to be able to change a person's DNA! That's one for the Randi Challenge! Easy enough to verify. A fool and his money are soon parted.
  23. Gambling and the I Ching

    Don't discount Western astrology. It only uses the sun, moon, planets, dwarf planets and asteroids, no stars, but there are way more than fifty; it is quite complex if you know what you are doing. Transits have to do with how the current state of the heavens relates to one's own natal chart, where the planets were at the moment of birth. In that it gives the edge over Chinese astrology in gambling because it addresses personal luck, not general cosmic weather.
  24. I had a conversation with my mentor, a doctor expert in sexual dysfunction, about heart chakra orgasms. I described them to him and he said that they were related to the vagus nerve too, and that in men this overwhelming feeling is triggered by normal ejaculation. I guess men experience an outpouring feeling from orgasm that women can't? Maybe the vagus nerve doesn't go down as far in female bodies, I have no idea. But yes, I suspect you are right both about it being a vagus nerve thing and it being a woman thing. I don't think it is triggered by my diet directly, however. I am pretty certain it is triggered by the number of vaginal orgasms I have; they seem to build up the pressure to have one, I would assume similar to the feeling of having full balls.
  25. krill oil

    I am using "ultra-refined" simply to refer to the concentration, not the processing method. I stay away from pushing a particular brand. Always good to hear feedback about specific brands, though. Do NOT take any sort of cod liver oil at the dosages I recommend for fish oil. That would not be safe, I am recommending VERY high doses of fish oil.