Desert Eagle

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Everything posted by Desert Eagle

  1. The Cool Picture Thread

  2. Sleeping surface and the health of your back

    I fold a cotton duvet to act as padding between me and the floor, I cannot fully rest unless I use it. Any spring or foam mattresses force micro adjustments and constant balancing in the muscles so they don't really rest and you wake up lazy and not fully rested.
  3. Blueberry/Renegade

    Being open and seeing all the expressions, I agree and it makes sense but I never experienced such visions before and no delineation was given. It's always the interpretation, something to be fixed. Were the religious preconceptions misguided or referring to black magic? (falun gong/buddhusm, islam/christianity) to still have some preconception but try to go by experience is conflicting. But why does the circle have to be in the night and not day? I have the same conclusions now about all your points and you said that your yogic experiences were better. Were I live there was no good prior opportunity to learn or experience these things. Thanks for your input.
  4. Blueberry/Renegade

    everyone has seen groundhog day but there is also another good one by bill called "the razor's edge". As opposed to being human and them being other entities? I trust your opinion though the experience was unsettling and dis-empowering for me.
  5. Blueberry/Renegade

    Thanks Vajra, I haven't seen those movies. I did feel things though, when I took the full cup something was pushing up and shaking me throughout, then light show and geometric windows screen saver, then white light, it felt like my spirit was trying to get out from my forehead but couldn't leave much, maybe not enough drink, maybe fears about these sensations, maybe fears from religious preconceptions. I was convinced these were spirits and that they were inherently evil or harmful.
  6. mental obsession

    Is it just thoughts on the concepts and details or he's also physically obsessed? does he watch lots of porn and have porn magazines and wall paper? is it curiosity or lust? Could he be eating too much spices and heavy stuff like meat, cheese and eggs? Is there a possibility this could be discussed in order to zero in on the source of interest and translating it into something achievable or transformable? and see the pros and cons? Ok. I meant it in a wider context to do some rationalizing and future prospects on what new interests should be taken.
  7. mental obsession

    Engaging the physical through kungfu, yoga, MMA, dance, external qigong (not just energy work). Changing subjects of interest by finding new interests (not just hobby). Aversion therapy smokers tip: wear a rubber band on the wrist and snap it every time the thoughts take hold (using it as a metaphorical rescue rope), this builds on the weak desire to stop.
  8. Blueberry/Renegade

    Very good! you did good to practice all that time before DMT. So the subconscious gunk would manifest as such things? how about the golden creatures? the flying crocodile? the light body aliens that some people see? What is supposed to be done during such visions? I did a circle in Peru with shamans and some in my group also did yoga and had greater visions and experiences and saw those light creatures. I saw geometric shapes and chakra symbols with rainbow colors, also a snake was looking at me and opening it's fang, and my mouth was opening seemingly by a force. I only took small amounts though and most of the visions were with the normal amount. I did feel that I wasn't ready and that I was being overpowered all the time so I took it easy. I paused that thai film midway and went to do other things and forgot about it, it's budget quality and slow paced. looking forward to more weird movies. EDIT: I sped through the rest pf the thai movie and it felt like a reality show / slice of life.
  9. Blueberry/Renegade

    Wow Amazing film! they recreated the ayahuasca visions! Thanks a lot for sharing. What are those things in the visions though? I remembered the plant message of tobacco and it gave me more resilience. I will watch that uncle movie now.
  10. prenatal jing and chi-how to cultivate it?

    Do they stay like that for the rest of their lives? How do they manage?
  11. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) experiences?

    I didn't know that, thanks for the information.
  12. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) experiences?

    I read somewhere that you need 8 grams of arginine and that it can cause herpes breakouts so they add lysine to antagonize it but thus canceling its effect. Thanks, I agree that HGH is invasive and risky. I will try deer antler (velvet). I also read that TCM uses boiled cow or pork tendon soup but I tried it and it tastes gross and it feels like it has too many toxins or heavy metals. Thanks for the tips. I didn't know about that but I heard hormones are used. But I read that it is used for growth issues and there are positive experiments with elderly.
  13. What Type of Physical Training Do You Do?

    It's included under "other". I dance a lot and sing too. play around, bounce, balance and sit on exercise ball.
  14. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) experiences?

    Thanks Immortal4life I will read and check the links.
  15. prenatal jing and chi-how to cultivate it?

    So did anyone ask master Wang Liping? What was his answer? How many ejaculations until total prenatal jing loss? What are the symptoms?
  16. TaoBum Love

    very good thanks
  17. Chat in an external program

    it's java, there is a module to download here but the basic client uses a web page someone tried an IRC client to connect but nothing furhter on what happened you could try these settings in irc and see? alternatively you can open it in a different browser. e.g. browsing taobums in firefox while chatting in chromium to prevent from crashing firefox.
  18. the greatt taobums experiment.

    did a search, it's possible several options, didn't try them. 20 people ? ? 4 people 3 people
  19. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?
  20. I found this interesting information that I would like to share Ian Lungold Secrets of the Mayan Calendar Unveiled (1of3) Ian Lungold Secrets of the Mayan Calendar Unveiled (2of3) Ian Lungold Secrets of the Mayan Calendar Unveiled (3of3) his last lecture before death, The Mayan Calendar - The Evolution Continues - Part 1 Mayan Calendar: The Evolution Continues part 2 his website a site to calculate your mayan birth date with all attributes reddit search for ian lungold my teacher liu showed this same image when talking about directing our lives to the new point of life image from part 2of3 in mysteries of mayan calendar, 1 hour 23 minutes in. he also mentioned solutions such as to start community farming and using alternative currency such as community dollars a la permaculture.
  21. there is an option to ignore posts by member name. is there an option to also ignore topic (hide topic listing) by member name? if not then can it be done? best regards, DE
  22. Breathing life into practice into life

    I tried an exercise ball as a chair because I read on a forum that some one found it better than the 1000$ ergonomic chair. when I got tired or over worked I put back the flat cushioned chair which doesn't force micro-movements. Then I switch back to exercise ball when I feel like it. I can bounce around and exercises on it from time to time during sitting. and it trains those muscles affected by normal chairs so I felt the burn the first few days then my low back pain reduced significantly. a new one I bought was PVC and gave off toxic fumes when I inflated it, so I left it on the roof or the yard where the sun and wind gas it off for 2 days then it was ok.
  23. consciousness and the mayan calnedar