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Everything posted by gentlewind

  1. Sadly when people have opinions about subjects like UFO's they are often ridicule based. Having a mature discussion about UFO's and ET's is almost impossible - as this thread is evidence of. I appreciate the effort of those who have posted their opinions without making fun of the subject, refreshing when it happens. Namaste, gentlewind
  2. John Lennon - Radio Interview re: UFO. Namaste, gentlewind
  3. amused by so many !!!

  4. Yes ! Death threats ! The level of abuse is beyond belief cat, disturbingly so. That was it ! Just the one - PHEW ! But the damage has been done. I would never have agreed to go on such a program, the mainstream media is controlled - jeez, what isn't ! Check out Megawatts1066 You Tube channel cat, their are in depth interviews with the three abductees there. Marie's own story is truly harrowing. Joanne ! Yes, their are a few stories floating around about her ! The fall out is continuing. Namaste, gentlewind
  5. They exist ! And yes their has been a huge disinfo campaign going on for yrs. Go back in history and see earlier UFO and ET encounters, many people will be surprised by what they'd find. But ridicule is such an easy option, and as a species we do it really well - too well to be honest ! Namaste, gentlewind
  6. I know Ellis, lovely man. A genuine gentle soul. I met Ellis in 2006 at a conference and we became friends, and still keep in touch. He is friends with another amazing lady, Mary Rodwell, who set up an organization to help abductees/experiencers. Some of the AMMACH interviews will really stretch the skeptics here, as I say their are many levels to this subject; AMMACH go up another level ! Sadly AMMACH is in trouble after they were filmed for CH4 in a recent documentary - more like mockumentary. The abductees in the CH4 program were made to look like fools, and one of the abductees has been receiving death threats ! What a wonderful and caring species we are - NOT ! The Mock U mentary. I knew it was a mistake for AMMACH to go ahead with this, and have been proved right. From the opening credits I knew what the agenda was, and the backlash has been horrendous. I would never have agreed to take part in such a program, but these people were told(lied) that it was to be a balanced and serious program ! Mary Rodwell. Ellis Taylor. Namaste, gentlewind
  7. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Mixed bag ! Namaste, gentlewind
  8. Disinfo - for sure, its everwhere - almost ! I also view religion as disinfo. Anyway..... The UFO Cover-Up In 10 Minutes Namaste, gentlewind
  9. Got a number of photographs with orbs, especially around one particular tree. Some really big orbs. A couple I know wrote a book about photographing orbs. Also some orbs may be advance probes from the main craft, like the one seen near the River Mersey in Liverpool, England; although this was metallic in appearance, orbs could also be probes. Another theory is some orbs are spirits returning for a visit, and also some orbs may be nature spirits. Namaste, gentlewind
  10. Indeed cat ! Sad that we come to expect this infantile response from some. Its refreshing when you travel abroad or meet people from other countries who are at least open minded to discuss this subject respectfully. Thankfully I have friends who are also interested in the subject of UFO's and ET's, I've met a few fellow abductees too, one of whom is on YT; nice to be able to share with like minded souls. No doubt their will be another juvenile attempt to follow shortly. Namaste, gentlewind
  11. The Tao of Dying

    Strange eh cat ! Egypt, yes another mysterious country. Didn't Edgar Cayce gave a lot to say about Egypt ? Graham Hancock comes to mind also, remember him talking of his visits to Egypt and the pyramids, and he even found the name of his grandfather etched at the top of one pyramid some 50 or so yrs earlier. An explorer not only of this wonderful physical world but of consciousness too, Graham has taken ayahuasca several times. A man worth watching - and a posh Englishman Blessings to Everyone Namaste, gentlewind
  12. The Tao of Dying

    Will read this later cat when all is quiet ! Appreciate the link and am looking forward to the read. Have tried watching the Afterlife video of the lady lawyer and fell asleep twice - no reflection on her though as what I've heard was very interesting ! This also happens when I sometimes watch videos about the UFO topic - its as if I'm sprinkled with 'sleep dust' ! Effort number three coming up ! Namaste, gentlewind
  13. Governments are not going to admit to the fact that we are being visited by off planet beings, it would be a major own goal because it would reveal they are powerless to stop the 'visitors'. Its in their best interest to keep this secret and encourage people to make fun of this subject. I watched a UFO documentary in which one of the participants suggested taking random photographs of the sky, and so I did as was suggested and hey presto I have photographed two UFO's, both disc shaped. Another suggestion was to use infra red cameras as many craft cannot be seen with the naked eye, again UFO's have been captured on film this way. Their are so many different levels to this subject it is fascinating. Then we have interdimensional beings - one of whom I have had an encounter with, again this will give people the opportunity to poke fun at me; well, so be it. Their are beings far more advanced than us, heck I really think that we as a species are still in the dark ages when I see how we treat our beautiful planet and our fellow travelers ! Always makes me chuckle when I hear folk say how intelligent we are ! Namaste, gentlewind
  14. The very well dressed Timothy Good of England, excellent researcher. Only a 3min time investment of your time ! Skit away and make jokes of this subject for it matters not one iota to me ! I have experienced this in relation to the subject of ghosts, so it is expected. Some folk just can't help themselves ! But do try to be original - and funny ! Of course their are those who fake their videos and photographs in order to seek publicity, something I've never done, and will never do. I value my privacy, but can say enough online without revealing who I am ! To be in the company of high ranking military officers who have seen non terrestrial craft is good company to be in, my favorite being former astronaut Gordon Cooper. A TV program from the UK. In 3 parts, just click the 'watch next part' under the video.∂=1 Namaste, gentlewind
  15. Hello

    another welcome but this time without the weather moan ! Freaky friday ! Namaste, gentlewind
  16. New tothis forum...saying hello

    Welcome norbu ! Here in the UK the weather(I know us Brits and the weather !) at 1.24am is shocking I say - shocking ! Obviously tame as to what has been going on elsewhere, but to us Brits........wind and rain.....sssshhhhh....yes wind and rain. Cup of tea anyone ?!?! Namaste, gentlewind
  17. Watching The Birds

    Now we see two sparrows regularly !!! So happy ! Namaste, gentlewind
  18. What are you reading right now?

    Just began a wonderful book, and only read the first chapter and a few more pages. Darryl Bailey, 'Dismantling The Fantasy'. Awesome. A recent interview. Namaste, gentlewind
  19. The Tao of Dying

    Interesting lady. Namaste, gentlewind
  20. Fine. You spend a fair bit of time in a thread of which you think silly. Classic signs of a 'WUM'. Go look for yourself hydrogen. You'll find policemen, commercial pilots and even the occasional astronaut who can provide you with a 'good alien story' ! Meanwhile another video. Namaste, gentlewind
  21. What are you watching on Youtube? Namaste, gentlewind
  22. From The UK ExopolitiCS Conference 2012. On June 23, 2012 35-year veteran of the CIA Chase Brandon went on national radio in the United States to tell the story of a box he found at CIA headquarters which confirmed to him that the 1947 UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico was indeed an extraterrestrial event along with extraterrestrial bodies. At the same time a shadowy figure of the 1980s named Falcon, who claimed he was representing a high level group in the government who wanted the UFO story disclosed, was recently revealed to be a high level CIA official. Was Brandon telling the truth? Was his public outing of the CIA on Roswell a signal that we are about to get disclosure? Was Falcon actually on a high level UFO disclosure mission? Were these two men the only government leakers or is this part of a pattern of disclosure that has been going on since the dawn of the modern UFO era? Grant Cameron has been on the inside of both of these breaking UFO stories that have caught the attention of all UFO researchers worldwide. Whether you are a believer that disclosure is imminent or someone who believes that the government is telling the truth and knows nothing, this is a lecture you should not miss. This lecture will recount the many stories over many decades that show a pattern of gradual disclosure. You may not be convinced but be assured you will hear a lot of stories from the inside that you have never heard before. Grant Cameron presented "Disclosure: The Inside Story of How We Are Being Told the Greatest Story of All times" on Sunday August 5th at the 4th Annual British Exopolitics Expo held at the Static Gallery in Liverpool. Namaste, gentlewind
  23. Namaste, gentlewind
  24. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Most enJoyable. Namaste, gentlewind
  25. The Tao of Dying

    A healer rid me of my cancer in 2009. I actually felt the cancer leave. It was a beautiful experience. It was Life unfolding. The cancer was in my nose and it was if someone had placed a magnet at the spot where it was and pulled it out. Amazing ! I have read that cancer is seen as a dark energy in the energy body, and I'll concur with this as I know from my experience that cancer is an energy form. Could I have been responsible for my cancers due to my thoughts, feelings and emotions - I think so ! Mind is the Builder. Yes ! Totally agree cat. I have walked amongst ghosts who have been blissfully unaware of my presence. Their are many 'realities' co-existing at the one spot - everywhere. An Englishman is what I am !!! But I do spell like an American on occasion !!! Agreed. I've never really looked into the crystal skulls though. Again cat - I'll concur with you again. Glad you enjoy them cat !!! And not a bad idea !!! I've just watched this excellent video cat, you may enJoy Not about transition but Life Unfolding. I loved it - apparently !!! Namaste, gentlewind