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Everything posted by gentlewind

  1. how many labels are you blinded by ?!

  2. The Tao of Dying

    I'm in a place of such contentment that I currently am insult proof. If people questioned their thoughts more then it would reduce much of the negative consequences that follow. I've learnt my lessons in that department although I'm still far from perfect. On one occasion during a hostile football match I was hurled a beautiful insult - I was called a fat t**t ! I replied with less of the fat please, and smiled ! This could have escalated into something really ugly. It shows that as scriptwriters we must take our share of the responsibilty. sree you are as guilty of going off topic as everyone else here ! If you keep to death and dying then fine, so lets keep to the topics. But death and dying are popular topics - look at this thread with the many pages and replies thus far! I am looking forward to my death sree, it'll be a ball. I've been fortunate to witness some very graceful deaths. You obviously haven't! Learn to ride your dragon sree. I read that in a Daoist book. EnJoy Life, stop being the entertainment and enjoy the entertainment. OK! From this point onwards shall we all stick to the topic ?!?! Until death do us part Namaste, gentlewind
  3. The Tao of Dying

    if anyone can sree can! Namaste, gentlewind
  4. The Tao of Dying

    sree, I always 'take' it easy. Viewing women is what men do - what 24/7 ! Wow that is so dull my conditioned 'friend', you have some unwanted downloads(as we all do) to delete; a system scan is in order ! Our discussion diverts from the topic of death on occasion, but this is no major crime; humans often do this(especially politicians). You yourself have done so on many occasions ! The You Tube video was in fact on topic, it just happened to have a pretty lady interviewing a man about his NDE, maybe lady viewers thought the man was good looking ? sree, read back over your comments and check the number of times you go off topic - mixed Finnish saunas, Amsterdam and matters relating to welfare. sree - you need to heed your own advice more than anyone else as you are guilty of this more so than anyone else, and you can be quite insulting ! Oh dear ! I'm the last person you'd want advice from regarding women - well thats good as I don't give advice old chap ! Learn from your own mistakes is normally how us men proceed! hell is real if you create it sree. that is the key. I choose to create 'heaven', although I have been to hell through my own actions. you are the scriptwriter, don't be looking for whom to blame. The Woolwich Incident is a staged event, I've researched the events and their are so many inconsistincies its almost on a par with 9/11 and 7/7. Government sponsored and directed episodes also known as 'Problem - reaction - solution'. Funny you mention lust as many of your posts hover around lust, look close sree, the answers are within. Men who have an appetite for 'tarts', again sree, look closer. You keep bringing the term tart up. I don't see 'tarts' I see the 'person', you need to go beyond the labels and the conditioning sree. I embrace the Oneness of It All. The Mystery of It All. People who believe in the lies of religion are at a place where they need to be as they have certain issues to work on. Create from a foundation of Love and Light. Live from the Heart. I am not insulted sree -you insulted yourself ! I fell into no trap, my what a devious chap you portray yourself to be ! What I did was to speak as a human being from the heart, I defended the lady. You are the one who is under a demonic spell - to use your own words. You are obsessed with this lady as you keep bringing her up ! Men who are unable to control themselves are the problem, they are under the control of their lower ego. You are correct when you say tarts are not women, so meditate further on this as it'll help you understand what women truly are - a Beautiful Divine Mystery who are more spiritually evolved than than us men. Labels are so blinding sree. The Woolwich Incident is another staged event. The government want to instigate a riot. Oh now your a comedian sree! You brought up going to Amsterdam, which has a red light district. If you've been then you'll know. The USA isn't a christian nation sree, neither is the UK. Take a real close look. I don't view Americans as prudes, but I am amused by some of their antics ! Again your love of labels surfaces ! Prostitution is a crime in most countries but it doesn't stop their being prostitutes, the US has what are known as establishments where prostitues ply their trade, as do most countries. Politicians are frequent visitors of prostitutes, both male and female, and even under aged 'prostitutes'. Not a great endorsement for being a christian nation their sree ! I'm still here. Namaste, gentlewind
  5. The Most Dangerous Game

    I would refer you to Jim Marrs who is an excellent researcher and speaker on these kind of matters. I know I should post links, but I know the information is out there dmattwads as I've read it, but I'm just too tired to go and look them out ! Plenty of well respected folk have said what I've said, shouldn't be too hard to sniff them out. Another good source of information is John Pilger. Nowadays I'm more into exploring consciousness than the world of conspiracy, but still keep my ear to the ground. Here's some info on the British regarding WW2, which was brought up by a friend in the light of the Woolwich Incident yesterday. The British Government are up to no good, but whats new ! If folk questioned and researched they'd be thoroughly shocked at what they'd find. Links:- 1st Link about Woolwich. WWII BRITISH OFFICERS IN BLEIBURG MASSACRES part 1 Namaste, gentlewind
  6. The Tao of Dying

    Something doen't add up with this incident. The British government are in the process of making soldiers redundant and also recruiting soldiers. This may be a government sponsored event as Cameron is losing popularity due to the reforms his government are carrying out, resulting in a spate of suicides; Thatcher used the Falklands too back in the 80's when her popularity was almost zero ! People don't think ! They'd rather switch on the Idiot Box and receive their programming. Have a read of this excellent article by Chris Spivey but beware he swears a lot ! This incident may be used to bring in even stricter 'laws', and stop and search procedures; martial law anyone ! This will stir up racial hatred as has been obvious on social media outlets. Pathetic ! The sound of people snoring is deafening ! Namaste, gentlewind
  7. The Tao of Dying

    sree !!! agitated - me ? I never get agitated, too laid back for that kind of wasteful behaviour. The use of the word 'tart' reveals that you have downloaded the government sponsored download in regards to viewing women. Your observation is not truly yours, it has been modeled by the conditioning you have received(our conditioning begins in the womb) but you uttered these words and so must take the blame. I was defending the woman's honor as I saw nothing wrong with her outfit. You are the one with the problem. sree, any hell that any soul goes to is their very own creation. Its similar to when you go to sleep when your consciousness creates your dreamworld - an extension of you. I know where I am going and its Paradise, were I will catch up with my Loved One's. If you want to go to a Buddhist Hell, then fine, create away my friend. The human species are monsters. Am I wrong sree ? No ! The evidence is everywhere. Go to Iraq and Libya, check out the monsters at play - most of them in uniform. The ill treatment of every species we come into contact with, animal testing for example. Our governments carrying out experiments on the respective populations of their countries - all documented. So the word monster fits perfectly. You are not being dumped on - but told that your observations and statements are insullting to the lady in question; check your conditioning sree. Not all humans are monsters, but sadly we are willing accomplices of these monsters. Very few of us object. Me included, I am just as guilty. We remain quiet in our comfortable lives and go tut tut but then switch on the Idiot Box(TV set), their are brave souls who do object and do voice their opinion; many are silenced through the various ways available to suited parasites. One day when folk realize we outnumber the parasites then their will come a revolution, as in Iceland. We don't need violence as we have the power of numbers. Love and Peace are the only Way. Is it the Red Light district which appeals sree ? Yet more conditioning ! sree, oh deary me !!! How utterly pathetic and childish of you sree ! Apologize about what - saying it as it is, that as a species we are monsters ! Its not an insult its FACTUAL. We need to apologize to Mother Earth and all the animal kingdoms for what we've done. All you did was repeat what you were told ! Would you believe me if I said I've got a pair of wings ! I see acts which are shameful performed by say people from Runcorn, doesn't mean everyone who lives in Runcorn acts the same! Belgium beer and cakes, and chocolate are all top standard. Their national football team is currently pretty good too ! As for apologies, it would be the decent thing to do really. If not, then you'll be going onto my ignore list sree. You overstepped the mark as we say in England. Not to me, but Vaina doesn't have to read such stupid and vile statements. You were insulting the people of Finland. Namaste, gentlewind
  8. The Tao of Dying

    sree you are the 'tart' my friend, you have an unhealthy attitude in this instance. The lady is pretty in my eyes, and stunningly good legs; I have seen better but that story is not for your ears! Are the judge, jury and executioner on who achieves 'nirvana' - and sree, please give me your interpretation of 'nirvana'. No one amongst us can judge, as the fictional Jesus says, 'Let him who is without sin cast the first stone'. No one I've ever met qualifies. So shame on you for speaking like the conditioned man you are, they have indoctrinated you well. As for her breasts they looked fine to me and were not around her neck! Whether they are natural or not is none of your concern sree, just who do you think you are! The breats of all women are fine, why be so judgemental! Although your sentence - They are natural and not flamboyant like artificially shaped wonder bra Buddha-wrecking fun bags', did make me smile! You see 'fun bags' is another example of your conditioning sree, you have joined the Parrot Squad by merely repeating what the System wants you too. How far and how deep does this conditioning go? We are all affected - some more than others. This Life is about undressing ourselves from our conditioning, Its a continual work in progess. No thanks sree! Firstly I don't need to go to confession and get absolution! I am not a member of that particular cult! Amsterdam is a lovely city with plenty to offer to all. My wife is a pretty lady sree, no need for me to check out those pretty women dude! Why so insulting sree, that is uncalled for and an apology is in order. The Finnish people I know I not less discerning, and are not as you say, after anything with legs. This is revealing where many of your problems lie. But I did know someone who went after anything with legs - he was English and didn't drink alcohol! Herbals mostly. The occasional Belgian Beer, and thats about it. Namaste, gentlewind
  9. The Sun is Shining Again. Attack over for now!

  10. The Most Dangerous Game

    NASA is run by the Nazi's. Probably quite a few countries are, the Germans may have lost the war(or did they?!), but the Nazi's have been continuing their work ever since the alleged end of WW2. Prescot Bush helped finance Hitler. and the British 'royal' family, well check out why they changed their name to Windsor! The Vatican and the Nazi's have close ties. Namaste, gentlewind
  11. Do you practice at midnight?

    I meditate when it feels right for me. Never been one for structure or discipline, although both do have there place. If you listen to your body and go within you will find the right time for everything. Namaste, gentlewind
  12. The Tao of Dying

    sree, a pretty woman always pleases the eye! This pretty lady ticks all the boxes, nice legs and nice, ahem, smile !!! I'm not dead yet I've always been a leg man, how about you? Namaste, gentlewind
  13. having a wobble! feeling un-blissed. Feels like a psychic attack.

  14. The Tao of Dying

    My wife says I'm an NDE junky! Maybe she's right, as I can watch these videos day and night! I read books about near death too guess I'll be reading until I turn blue!!! ^^^a little poetry^^^ This NDE interview may well please the gentlemen of this thread, and the ladies too! Quite a seductive presenter one has to say!!! EnJOY Namaste, gentlewind
  15. you are believing your mind, its content being lazy in regards to getting a shower! question your mind and the thoughts therein - then enJoy a revigorating shower! Namaste, gentlewind
  16. The Tao of Dying

    I think it was Vaina who brought up the topic of grieving a page or so back, and I'd like to add my thoughts on the subject. Grieving is, I believe selfish! It reveals our ignorance about who we truly are, and about the door we call death. Death is our release mechanism from the physical realm allowing us to return Home. Unfortunately religion has further muddied the waters concerning the true nature of death. When a loved one leaves his/her physical body it throws those who were close into confusion, sadness, numbness etc; I am not saying their shouldn't be a reaction to a loved one's Earthly departure. It is the nature of the reaction that matters because an uncontrolable period of grieving has a negative effect upon the soul who has left their body. But due to our conditioning we descend into a morbid period of grieving, and it is of a selfish nature! In the UK most funeral services are attended by people dressed in black, and those attending the funeral are called mourners! You are expected to be long faced and miserable! Well not at my departure party! If anyone attends wearing black they will be turned away. No religious service either - I'm writing my wishes down. When my Dad died in 2001 I was very happy(obviously their was a part of me who was sad because I would not physically see my Dad again, but this was a brief sadness). His suffering was over(he had been battling lung, prostrate and skin cancer). Before he left his body we had discussed what happens when we leave the body, Dad had known his time was near. I told my Dad that he would be met by his Dad and others whom he loved, so I know he was not afraid of death. I have seen my Dad in my dreamworld and he looks vibrant, he has also spoken to me through a device called a Ghost Box, what is a Ghost Box:- A Ghost box is a device used to supposedly communicate with the dead. Ghost boxes are simple radios with a scanning function allowing them to search airwaves until they find a station to stop on. Woos disable the stopping bit and presto, instant ghost box. The newly made ghost box then permanently jumps though available frequencies, playing each one for a fraction of a second. The various sounds from snatches of transmission, static, white noise and interference are then interpreted, using some of the most extreme pareidolia and a big dose of imagination, as words and communication from spirits on the other side. The spirits are seemingly unable to just pick one frequency, stick to it, and speak clearly, but must instead speak on lots of different ones in quick succession in cryptic syntax. When my Mum left her physical body in 2006 I embraced her death for what it was, her return Home. She too had suffered health wise, she had both legs amputated late in life, and this really affected her because she had always been an independent woman. Now she had to depend on others, and this I know deeply troubled her. But it was a lesson she had to learn. None of us were able to get near to Mum, but for her last few years I was able to get a lot nearer than ever before. My own illnesses also helped us to forge a closer bond, and we even argued about whose was the worst operation! She said mine was! I disagreed because my Mum's operation took away her independence. Obviously death is a very emotive subject, because people will say what about the premature death of babys' and young children. But it wouldn't be emotive if we fully understood what death truly was - an illusion. Food for thought! I love exploring topics such as death, reincarnation and UFO's! If anyone is interested in UFO's why don't we open a new thread! There is already a thread for reincarnation. Rock n Roll everyone! Namaste, gentlewind
  17. The Tao of Dying

    My own Truth is Infinite. It is an eternal journey. Beautiful. The fictional Jesus said 'In my Father's House there are many mansions', and many is how many! Infinite! Eternal! Oh what a beautiful Mystery we Are. I have returned to the point of questioning everything, what I know for certain is I - my Consciousness, not this physical vehicle, is real; is eternal, infinite and forever expanding as I realize how little I know! The sky, ground and even our planet are all illusions, all temporary and will one day cease to exist. They appear real because we have been conditioned to believe it to be this way. We function like unthinking machines a lot of the time, for example when a baby is born the parents register the birth, send it to nursery, infants, juniors and secondary school; and all because they have been conditioned to do so without questioning why! Here's another example: A young married wife when making sandwiches always cut off the crusts. After a couple of years of marriage the husband asked his wife why she cut the crusts off the sandwiches. She answered because her mother had always done so. Another example is people who follow a particular religion - I was guilty of this myself when I became a born again christian, well up to a point! I blindly believed that I was a sinner and needed saving, Jesus was our saviour, his blood washed away the sins of those who believed in him. See I even remember the sales pitch! Within me though raged a fierce battle. At 12 I read 'The Third Eye' by Lobsang T Rampa and this is how my interest in metaphysics was aroused, I continued to read all of his books - 17 or so; and enjoyed every one. So my 18 months as a christian were hostile as I wrestled with what the pastor was preaching(I dislike that word immensely!), and I could not delete my esoteric beliefs - I knew it would be wrong to do so. The church wanted me to burn my heavy metal selection - I refused! Not a chance of that happening! I began to question this religion and the answer led me to leave the church and denounce my faith, I was free again like Jonathon Livingstone Seagull. He too was on a quest and he was forced to become an outcast because he would not conform. Our consciousness is everywhere and not confined with the physical brain, the brain is a keyboard which our consciousness utilizes to navigate through the Earth Zone. When I look at the Sun my consciousness reaches the Sun, as with the Moon and with people; my consciousness envelopes what I look at. I may sound somewhat cuckoo but I'm in good company! Have you seen any of Rupert Sheldrake's presentations? If not please do, you'll be in for a treat - I've included a presentation below:- Confusion is believing what we are expected to believe! Like I just explained above about my experience as a christian, I became utterly confused and unhappy! Because I was a gullible young man! The reason I became a christian was because my friend invited me to church and I saw what I needed - happy people(but were they really!). My own teenage years were turbulent due to my Mum's alcohol problem and the dysfunctional family which we became. When I saw all these happy clappy people I was hooked! In truth I joined another dysfunctional 'family'! Sadly, our Earth Family is in great danger due to us dysfunctional humans! Yes sree! Don't seek! Look were it got me when I was 18! All my answers were closer than my heartbeat - within. The monstrous human condition can be erased in a hearbeat by not seeking - whether that be power, fame or money etc. Know Thyself. Simple. We are conditioned by those who have been conditioned before us. Our true nature is Love, we are Love. And one day we will all know this beautiful Truth. A new(ish) religion is the cult of celebrity were people worship well known figures from film, TV(Idiot Box), music and sports. Yet more conditioning! One more diversion to contend with, and its planned this way by the psychopaths who are in power - well, the psychopaths are mere puppets who are well paid by the real powerbrokers - but thats another story! We humans get lost in our many stories. Stop seeking and see the stories for what they are - stories. I am stating the facts as they are sree. Our destruction of this beautiful planet, our treatment of animals(check out the documentary Earthlings on You Tube), and our treatment of our fellow humans - examples include what the Israeli Army are doing to the Palestinian people, the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, US drone attacks murdering innocent babies and children. So I am stating a fact when I say we are a monstrous species. Its not resent its fact. But I do! I can't change the world, I can comment on the state it is in though. I don't argue with reality as it never loses! I am not condemning the world but stating the facts of our current situation. I do not harbour any recriminations about the current plight of the world. These are observations based on facts. Phew, have I rambled !!! Hope I made sense! Namaste, gentlewind
  18. The Tao of Dying

    sree, you touch me with your concern, I appreciate your thinking of me. I have learnt over time to accept the health problems I have, it is utter folly to argue with reality as reality wins 100% of the time. If I were to argue with how things are with me regarding my chronic health I automatically lose and become a victim; being a victim is not what I want, so I embrace all my illnesses and accept each one. Rejection is not an option! The fictional story of Jesus can be seen as inspiring, and one day we will all achieve our own Christ like status by realizing the Truth lies within. Then we will again be in Paradise. Its the accepting of my body's chronic health that allows me to be happy. My body is in truth an illusion, soon I'll be free of this body, and then I'll rock and roll! I would happily have a healthy body! I used to run marathons, play football, badminton and squash; I ran 100 miles a week in training. If my body was free of my ailments I'd be pounding the roads eating the miles! Alas I am no longer that fit young man, but it will not deny me my natural state of being - pure Love! Mother Teresa was not a good woman, and your right her movement thrived on human misery, Their is a documentary which reveals the truth about Mother Teresa. sree! I'd be happy either way my friend! My desire wouldn't cease to exist! I am not this body, its a temporary vehicle which returns to the ground when the lease expires! I believe Finland is a good model sree. I will add a link from the UK about our two welfare systems: yes sree, please do! Humor is a beautiful religion! My four legged best friend Pippa had a lethal injection and went Home free of pain. This is how it should be for those who are beyond medical assistance. The price of losing your life is painful for many sree, the death penalty is their punishment; no need to make it a painful exit. Indeed I do! My two year old niece began copying me - sweet! Namaste, gentlewind
  19. The Tao of Dying

    sree, I have about 15 different health problems. Too many to go into detail about! But please know I am happy! No complaints from me! Why should we pay for anything! Everything should be free! Money only benefits the very few, and the majority suffer. Not one soul should suffer. Period. sree, I was joking with you Painlessly - by injection. Namaste, gentlewind
  20. The Tao of Dying

    Thanks sree. People who are followers lose their authenticity, whether it be following Deepak Chopra or Jesus or Buddha. In my own experience of being a christian I was never happy! Something inside me was screaming at me to get out! I felt suffocated and damn unhappy, but I learnt well from that experience - in my later years. You only ever find true peace when you stop seeking. To seek is to walk away from your own Truth. What we search for has never left us, it us who have left! The cruelty of our species is horrifying. Have you seen the documentary 'Earthlings' ? A fine example of why I call our species monstrous. Then see what is happening in countries like Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan - all in the name of democracy; again its all carried out for oil and wealth. When animals kill it is for food, that is not monstrous, it is nature. Not all animals kill. An even playing field will only be possible when we Live from the Heart. When we are motivated by pure Love. The world we live in now is what we have all helped create. Whatever life we are born into we have chosen before entering the womb. I have believed this for many years. My life is perfect for me, but would be far from perfect for another. I am 53 this year, I have never been happier! I'll post my favorites later. Namaste, gentlewind
  21. The Tao of Dying

    sree: Three operations? What were they for and when were they done? By being a guinea pig, do you mean that your operations were conducted on camera and watched by students? Did you get a copy of the recordings? First op was to remove my large colon and reconstruct the small colon into an ileo anal pouch, mine is an S Pouch. Second op was the reversal brought forward due to the onset of renal failure, an emergency op. Third op was to remove a tumor from my abdomen. I know my first op was filmed and photographed, I have seen the photographs - reminded me of the film Alien sree - we are all guinea pigs ! Look up at the skies and see the chemtrails polluting the skies with aluminium and barium and even blood cells. Our governments carry out tests on us all the time, the information proving this is in official documents. Remember the tests carried out on black men to see how they react when given syphilis ? Oh yes - we are all guinea pigs ! Number four was to remove a tumor from my nose, by a different surgeon. sree: You must have Viking genes. Even at 12 stones, you are not easy to get on a carving table. Being big is easier to operate on, I guess. One of my many nicknames is The Viking !!! sree: Don't you prefer a society that doesn't have to spend a lot on health care? Is it not better to have a world where nobody needs intensive and expensive healthcare and everyone is healthy? As people gets older, incidence of old age diseases escalates. The elimination of old age could cut healthcare costs dramatically. Even health insurance premiums would go down. For example, cars that new and don't breakdown are cheaper to run. Until we are all able to live in perfect health then health care should be free. sree: In your condition, you would not survive a day as an animal in the forest. Is there something wrong with human society or is nature too brutal? Even in death, animals don't have funerals and not buried. They are eaten up. Nothing is wasteful. This is partly true ! But thankfully I am a member of the human species ! But, their are animals who do look after their sick and vulnerable - its not all cut throat as you seem to think ! Their are many examples of this, and also of animals helping people in need - for example the dolphin who rescued a drowning man and took him ashore ! Also the very moving story of a group of elephants who had been rescued by a man in South Africa, they somehow knew that this man had left his physical body and they all travelled over 30 miles to where he had once lived to pay their respects. The elephants stayed nearby for three days and didn't eat or drink for the period of their stay. Amazing story ! Animals are not dumb and are far from heartless sree ! My own pet dogs have shown me more love than many humans, and I prefer the company of animals to people. sree: How long have you been unable to work for a living? Let me guess. Ten years? Hmm. Are a private investigator !!! sree: I can't say I agree with euthanasia although putting animals out of misery seems the proper thing to do. In the case of humans, which are strictly animals also, something makes it inappropriate. The person has to be dealt with first before the body can be shutdown deliberately. This is why the Tao of dying is important. If someone is terminally ill or has a condition which makes their life a 24/7 living hell then euthanasia is the right thing to do. Release from such intolerable suffering is justified. Namaste, gentlewind
  22. The Tao of Dying

    An early exit was appealing at one stage sree, but I'm glad my daughter stopped me. She was the only reason for my living, if I'd taken the suicide option I'd have hurt my daughter beyond words, she was nine. I could not inflict such pain upon my little angel. My surgeon saved my life, he's operated on me three times so he knows me inside out! A talented and great man who is also a good teacher to the medical students under his wing. I've helped him out on a number of occasions by acting as a guinea pig for surgeons taking their final exams(theory that is!) as a way of thanking him. I'm thrilled to still be in this decrepit shell of a body! I was 56 lbs overweight! I was 16 stones and should have been 12 stones, I held my weight well, as I'm over 6 foot tall; my Mum said I have big bones! Currently we have free health care, but the current parasites in power are in the process of changing this, unless the people of this land awaken from their collective slumber and perform what the people of Iceland did. Due to my chronic health situation I am unable to work. I also have problems with my hands(arthritis/carpel tunnel syndrome), and nerve problems in my neck, and walk with a walking stick! And as you say I spend many hours in the bathroom! As you can see I am a walking disaster or miracle! In certain situations medical euthanasia is right, we just need the religious monopolies to adopt their stance. If ever I reach a stage were life is of no benefit then I will commit suicide. No hesitation. Life is tough because each one of us makes it this way. People are conditioned by the System, they leave mother's womb and the indoctrination begins. Nursey - infants - juniors and seniors. The treadmill into submission. In short we are just like rats in a laboratory. And we laughingly think of ourselves as an intelligent species! I think the dolphins and whales are superior to us as a species - and I am being serious. We are still uncivilized and thorough monsters, both to our own species and to all others - and don't get me started on what we are doing to Mother Earth. We are a vile and treachorous species. The point to Life is why we are here! To enjoy the Mystery of All That Is. We write our scripts and hire the actors in our lives. The beauty of Life is to enjoy her divine Mystery. I am so thankful that I am here! And I believe we do plan our lives here! I've read and watched a great many books and documentaries on this subject. We've lost our memory of this for a reason - to keep us sane, or as near to sane as possible. This is your film sree, make it a bloody good film; will it turn out to be a tragedy, a comedy, a drama, a farce or what? Your the writer, director and producer. If things go wrong look to yourself first and explore why! Look within. The invisible helpers sree, we all have them - even you Whether you heed their advice or offers is up to you. For example when you get a 'gut' feeling, do you know from where that arises? Or a helping thought pops into your head and you have no idea where it comes from, but you know its right; well they come from your invisible helpers. They nudge and guide us without our being aware. Their is no g_d or devil, both are man made concepts. Life is what unfolds. Regardless of what we think of it! If you argue with reality you lose 100% of the time, I know as I've suffered! Dogs are the best! sree, if your life is hell, then you have written it so. Look within. See what is making your life hell and write a scene which is not hellish! Believe me I've been in hell, and it isn't pleasant - but I came through that experience; and you know whose fault it was? Mine! Not my now ex wife. Not my Mum or Dad. Not my brothers. No one's fault but MINE. I wrote the script. My responsibility. Ha Ha - me a christian! sree why would I believe in a myth? Jesus as written in the new testament is a fictional character. I advise people to read the bible as astro theology. Not literally. The roman catholic church is a dark enterprise. Look at what it has done in its history and look at what it allows today. The same goes for islam. No religion is of the Light. I know of the Oneness of All Life. We are not seperated. We all come from the One Source, whatever that is. We all share the same Place of Origin. Their is no g_d. Just another method of control by Man. Mind control. Religion is a physical, emotional and spiritual health hazard which has kept us all in the dark ages. Me a christian! sree, thanks for that! My wife will laugh when I tell her. I am at One with the writings of Lao Tzu. I follow no one though, we are all Family. As for the paranormal it is an interest of mine, one of the many components which make my life what it is. I also have other interests. Namaste, gentlewind
  23. Past Lives Just a Myth?

    Thanks Basher Namaste, gentlewind
  24. Past Lives Just a Myth?

    Everything is Life, nothing is death You are the Sacred Breath All That Is This physical arena is just one small part of our eternal journey. The orthodox religions have muddied the spiritual waters, have drowned those who became hooked on their poisonous fisherman's hook. Go within. All you are, all you need is there. No sacred writings required. No visits to churches or temples or synagogues required. Your Sacred Temple is within You, Your Sacred Temple also envelopes You. The trick is to enJOY your ride. Namaste, gentlewind
  25. Morning Ritual?

    I'd like to add that I lack discipline, but being a hippy what else would you expect ! After opening my eyes I send Love-Light-Healing to various parts of the world. Also people, animals too. Mother Earth also. Even the Sun, Moon and Solar System. And all That Is. All politicians are sent Love-Light-Healing and Empathy. As are all police and military. If anyone would like to join a project of mine to join me in this, from the comfort of their own homes/or wherever they are please PM me. I've only begun this and have one other person on board. Thanks - even if you don't join !!! I was encouraged to do this during one of meditations. Namaste, gentlewind