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Everything posted by gentlewind

  1. The Tao of Dying

    hydrogen, I have a great Teacher !!! One of the benefits of having an S Pouch !!! Namaste, gentlewind
  2. The first world still happening

    Religion is a dead end. Study of and devotion to g_d is yet another distraction. Religion = Mind control. Producing robots which perform their duties unquestioningly. Namaste, gentlewind
  3. The Matrix Trilogy Decoded by Mark Passio

    If people fall 'victim' of the 'new age movement' then it is meant to be, if that is where they are at in their journey. I became a 'victim' of the christian religion, I survived and became more informed through the experience, and I'm glad I did. People are where they are meant to be, regardless of how that is viewed. We have plenty of hurdles to hurdle over during our lifetime, whether that be 'new age', a particular brand of religion or a particular 'spiritual path'. To seek is to become lost. The Truth is Within. All else is distraction. The author of the Matrix is Sophia Stewart:- Namaste, gentlewind
  4. The Matrix Trilogy Decoded by Mark Passio

    And his weed is the best - obviously Perk of being the 'son of g_d' Namaste, gentlewind
  5. The Matrix Trilogy Decoded by Mark Passio

    I saw quite a few of the videos from the first Free Your Mind Conference, and I was very impressed with Mark Passio - who looks like a member of Black Sabbath, mind(pun intended) you Freeman also could be in Black Sabbath ! Love his chaotic shows, love his humor too ! Tom Lin, could you do a brief report on what you saw please ? Namaste, gentlewind
  6. Seeking is a mistake. Wanting to change others is a mistake and is impossible, a waste of everyone's time. The System is having fun with us, and laughing at us as we are pure entertainment to the unseen watchers. Cameron is merely a well paid actor carrying out the orders of his superiors, as is O drone a etc etc. The real power brokers are who Jim Marrs calls the 'shadow world governemt', made up of such groups as The Bilderbergers etc. We are two legged laboratory rats. Easily distracted ! Here in the UK football is a huge distraction, as are the various mind numbing TV(Idiot Box) shows - X Factor and Britain's Got Talent to name but two. The religion of the cult of celebrity is another major diversion. Go within. All else is a distraction. Namaste, gentlewind
  7. The UK is not a christian country. Its a multi-cultural religious playground with folk pretending to be christian only on a Sunday. I would recommend a happy-clappy church service were folk speak in tongues and do hands on healing - especially for parents who when 'worshipping' 'g_d' accidently stand on their young children(yep, seen this happen!). Health & Safety are urgently required at these services If your an insomniac then attend a church of england service - works every time. Want a work out then go to a catholic funeral! Up and down like a yo-yo !!! Eradicate all religion - mind control that works a treat ! Especially on lapsed catholics - I once said to my Mum that the fictional character know by many as Jesus may have been the first communist, didn't go down to well ! And she'd not been to a catholic church for many years. Live from the Heart. Namaste, gentlewind
  8. The first world still happening

    Religion is allowing yourself to be sucked into someone else's vacuum cleaner, you become entangled with all the other lost souls(dust and dirt) and suffocate in the darkness of dogma and ritual. Namaste, gentlewind
  9. The Tao of Dying

    My NDE tells me otherwise. Death is a transition. Our consciousness leaves the physical vehicle which then returns to the ground. When you sleep and you dream - everything you experience is created by you. We are not the body. The consciousness returns Home sree. We are not the body. We are not the mind, thoughts, feelings or emotions. The mind is our keyboard - so to speak. The 'person' is the mind, an Illusion. Their is no 'person'. How do you know its not answered! Each individual's Life is unique, their equation is unique. The Source answers all 'prayers' as Life unfolds in its Mysterious Way. We are not as wise as we would like to beLIEve. Everything is perfect because 'it is' what is. Reality. Lying is bad because it is avoiding the truth. Of course I've lied, everyone probably has. We even have a good lie called a 'white lie'. Cute aren't we ! Animals live in a tougher environment than us soft humans sree, they have camouflage for a reason ! Soldiers do too - which tells you a lot about the true nature of war. By the way sree, I'm ex-military. As were my Dad and brothers. I speak from experience. War is for fools. Soldiers are not heroes. See Dr Kissinger for viewpoint on soldiers, not very nice. But 'they' have us policing ourselves and killing people we don't even know ! The dalai lama and the pope just promote the propaganda of their brand of religion - a far cry from the Truth. I have no time for either. My Journey with Cancer is the Truth, not as I saw it sree but as I lived it. And I even have witnesses ! Medical papers too, even photographs of my tumors and polyps. Gruesome my wife calls them, art is what I say ! Want to see my stomach and the scars from surgery ? The peculiar 'tucked' in 4 inch 'hole' ? Or spend 5 hours each night with me as I empty my S Pouch. And sree I wake up each day knowing I may have another battle on my hands, but I adore Life and Dance(for you cat!), sing and laugh at every opportunity. Blessings to All who read this thread - page 30 !!! Wow !!! Who mentioned poker - LOL !!! One card game I've never played for money - only matchsticks with my Dad! Dominoes anyone !!! Some Bill Hicks (one of natural doctor's!!!) Namaste, gentlewind Namaste, gentlewind
  10. The Tao of Dying

    sree, my my !!! Always treading the side of the shaded side of the road, time to take a chance and dance in the Sun's Beautiful rays. Ghosts - spirits and the Afterlife all 'existed' well before religions appeared. Seeing my Gran in my bedroom when I was 12 was a pivotal moment in my Life, feeling her Love and being bathed in her Light was so beautiful. Fear death - NEVER ! Their is SO much we don't know about Life never mind death ! We live very limited and boxed in lives sree ! Exhibit One 'Your honor' - demonic spirits. We've been conditioned through the christian religion - especially the roman catholic 'superstore' to believe in 'demons'. So most do, too afraid to question and to research this for themselves. Lazy people. No wonder we live in a world which is built on FEAR. I have worked in mental health and have seen behaviour which the novice would say was 'demonic' - when in fact they were witnessing a seizure. My wife has witnessed strange phenomena, like her mother being pinned up against a wall by an invisible force; but she doesn't label it 'demonic'. We simply don't know very much about anything in reality, and religion has held us back. So ! No their is no devil (evil + d = devil & good - o = g_d). Namaste, gentlewind
  11. The Tao of Dying

    I hope that I am able to be of some benefit, and truly appreciate your lovely words thetaoiseasy I have a plan for improving my health, Mother Nature is benefiting me with turmeric capsules(and for my wife too), and I am going to try and consciously bring about a reversal of my chronic health through meditation and visualization; I have nothing to lose !!! Many Blessings to You. Namaste, gentlewind
  12. The Tao of Dying

    Knowing that your body is temporary is also a part of the Truth relating to death/transition. Their is no bad part in the process of dying, maybe in your mind their is sree, but some of us realize the nonsense of this mind set. The Tao of dying is that their is no dying as no one actually dies. My Dad left his body peacefully. Their was no ugliness or mess. Just the magical Dance of what is. Poker game sree ! I don't play games ! Your on your own their. So play away inside your head sree, and bluff all you desire. Its a solo game of poker your engaged in. As for being a liar - I am guilty of this in YOUR mind only sree, maybe you wish it so. I am happy for you, if this comforts you. I do not lie, not even to myself. I speak and write the Truth. Every word I have written in this thread, and the others is True. Namaste, gentlewind
  13. The Tao of Dying

    Be vigilant in all that you do. Check what ingredients are in our food, their are plenty of questionable additives and preservatives - and beware of artificial sweeteners, Aspartame especially. Tip of the day - avoid diet drinks! The water you drink is it fluoridated - if so don't drink. Check your shampoos and toothpastes for their ingredients, in some shampoos you will find brake fluid ! In short educate yourself as to what is safe, but beware its a big job - welcome to hazard hell ! hmm........sometimes I worry about you sree ! seeking ! is for fools ! Look within. Namaste, gentlewind
  14. The Tao of Dying

    cat, almost impossible due to the toxic state of the food we eat, water we drink, clothes we wear, our furniture etc etc - then their is the air we breathe which is heavily polluted ! We are also affected by electrical equipment - wifi is a bad 'un, but in all honesty remaining in good health is not something we can learn. Most of us are ill, some to a minor degree others high up the scale. The human body is under attack from every angle. But we can still love and laugh and dance, and enjoy the birds singing. Please You Tube Barrie Trower and watch some of his videos to do with the harmful effects of microwaves and cordless equipment. Harrowing what is happening to our bodies, especial in regards to fertility. Namaste, gentlewind
  15. The Tao of Dying

    the lerner made some good points about suffering and pain coming in a multitude of ways. My auntie suffered for many years after the death of her daughter after giving birth to her grandson, she never recovered. The pain, suffering and grief never left her face. How do you recover from such a human tragedy ? She didn't. But she also never burdened people with her heartache. She lived her days keeping her pain to herself. A brave and noble lady who lived until she was 95, so it was about 50 years of suffering for my auntie. What kept her going was her love for her family and grandchildren. She could have become bitter like so many people do, I have a friend who rages at g_d for the death of his cousin many years ago - he even blamed g_d for my cancer ! I told him he was being stupid as their was no one to blame. But again its a part of the human condition the blame game - utilised by legal vultures to make money ! A dear friend of mine has addiction problems - drugs and drink, his suffering and pain far outweighs mine. He has good health (well not anymore due to his addictions, but in comparison to me he has), age on his side; and yet he is in hell - all of his own making. I befriended cancer in 2003, I invited it into my life and we embarked upon one heck of a journey. I met some wonderful people during my four months in hospital, laughed with the nursing staff and trainee doctors - not with my surgeon as he was too stern ! I learnt how to walk again at 44. I spent a lot time practising patience due to S Pouch. My wife left me a month after my return home when I could barely walk down the stairs ! I was attacked by my step son(he was drunk) and luckily avoided being killed - his choice of target was important and he chose my face. In 2005 I met the woman who became my wife, my Angel. My relationship with my daughter truly blossomed (she'd been a mummy's girl), she chose to live with me when my wife left me ! My wife had given her the choice and my daughter stayed with me. So cancer gave me so much more than people assumed it took. It was a win win situation. And yes I suffered and came close to suicide, but I battled through. I want to give thanks to my daughter, Mum and wife as well as my excellent team of Invisible Helpers for their part in my making it. I know I am never alone -well hopefully at certain times ! My conditions are like add-ons, you know like the add-ons for your browser. When you know how to use the add-ons for your benefit then BINGO - its rock n roll time !!! Also as one of my favorite actors used to say, 'A man has to know his limitations'. I know this body cannot run a marathon, so I don't entertain that notion. The mind doesn't taunt me because I've made that particular add-on work in my favor. I am a work in progress, but hey, its great fun ! So thanks thelerner for taking us away from physical pain and suffering. What great opportunities we are presented with to aid us on our Journey. Each one of us is a vital drop of water in the infinite Ocean of Consciousness. Namaste, gentlewind
  16. The Tao of Dying

    A couple of good documentaries both fit the subject matter of this thread nicely. The first video: Becki Hawkins, a hospice nurse and a chaplain, is the author of "Transitions: A Nurse's Education About Life And Death". She sat by the bedside of seriously ill and terminally ill patients for more than 30 years as an oncology and hospice nurse. During that time, she listened to patients describe various kinds of spiritual experiences, including near-death experiences. Becki shared some of her stories, including the lessons she learned from them, on Tuesday, October 9, 2012 with a small group of people that gathered at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Sedona, Arizona. Becki's presentation was co-sponored by NewHeaveNewEarth (NHNE) and The Mustard Seed Venture. Her presentation was part of an ongoing series of classes taught by David Sunfellow on near-death experiences. I've watched it twice and cannot rule out a third viewing ! The Afterlife Investigations - The Scole Experiment I've also watched The Scole Experiment twice, and again, a third viewing may be in order. Namaste, gentlewind
  17. question everything !

  18. The first world still happening

    Interesting video from former pastor, Ray Hagins, fits in with the thread nicely.
  19. The Tao of Dying

    No need to be fearful of my health situation sree, I am not THAT! My Consciousness is ecstatic. My body is perfect because it is 'what is'. I could shout and scream at the apparent unfairness of this physical status - it would only pull me further down into the abyss which would of my making. I am not this physical body - YIPPEE !!! Yes ! Cat, tis nice and refreshing to have you here, and Silent Thunder too. Namaste, gentlewind BLESSINGS to EVERYONE !!!
  20. The Tao of Dying

    Hi cat, I shall post a few more videos, the next one is PMH Atwater who herself has had three NDE's and is an author on the subject. Some new videos Namaste, gentlewind
  21. The Tao of Dying

    Conditioning at its finest sree ! Wear this for that and wear that for this ! The lady was perfectly attired, but your mind is telling you different due to its conditioning. I saw a pretty lady. Enjoyed the interview. I'd rather swim naked - perfect attire Where you are is perfect sree, because it is what you have written as scriptwriter. Reality, can't be argued with. Namaste, gentlewind
  22. The Tao of Dying

    What I have found sree is what I've been seeking all my (current) Life, and its closer than a heartbeat. I encourage folk to look within, to spend some time going within. I am here having a physical experience with all the challenges that Life bestows upon me, I have agreed to this in what some call a Soul Agreement, I am both inside my physical body and outside of it. You see when you seek you travel further and further away from YOU. This is why I don't like religion and call it mind control, because it takes away your authenticity; and you end up living a lie. I have come across some frighteningly mind controlled religious people who spew forth hatred, and I have met ecstatically happy people who live their lives naturally without any diversions. But where you are in your Life right at this moment is the perfect place for you to be for you have written the script. It isn't about developing a positive mental attitude sree - much easier than that, as PMA takes work and practice; its knowing your true self. You are a Conscious Being occupying a flesh vehicle. It is the conditioning of the Mind which we are all prisoners to. I am perfect. I am Love. You have chosen a different approach and in doing so have put limitations upon yourself - 'above my pay grade in this incarnation', you write the script sree. Your mind is in control. Question everything, every thought that enters your mind, every emotion and every feeling; you are not your Mind, not your thoughts, not your emotions and not your feelings - and not your body. I occasionally meditate and visualize my death, say at least twice a week. I want to make my bungy jump perfect ! Their is no fear of dying, never has been for me. Other people attach that labels to themselves and reveal how lost they are, others choose religion as a crutch to avoid the Mystery of death. Death is not a Mystery to me its a Beautiful Friend. Death is no longer the taboo it once was. Even on a UFO forum there is an active thread about death ! sree my natural state is that of Love, as is true of everyone. I am happy sree, that is my natural state. Its not about choosing but about 'knowing thyself', going within and just being - their is nothing to do. Its difficult to put in words, I can only point. But we are all eternal and infinite beings - we are pure consciousness. When you see Life from this Truth then the madness we see is sucked out of Life's happenings. Everything is perfect. It is our attachments to events and people which corrupt our true essence, it is the years of conditioning we are subjected to. Time to peel away the layers of conditioning. Babies dying is 'what is', and is perfect because this is where we are as a species; yes suffering appears to be everywhere - and it is each one of us who has contributed to this, thats why I say it is perfect. Don't confuse what I am saying sree - but see how each one of us is responsible by what we do/don't do. Sounds crazy to a lot of folk, sounds heartless even. But Reality cannot be argued with because it always wins ! We can create a reality were suffering ceases - we can. But we currently live according to the System, we go to school and are indoctrinated. We then, most of us, do a job we dislike. We drown in a sea of Illusion. For example the movie Avatar cost $237 million. How many starving babies would that feed ? This is only one example of how far we are from being a caring species, when such vast amounts of money can be found for entertainment and not for those who are starving and suffering. The film, music and sports industries are just three examples of where our responsibilities lie, shall we keep on feeding the Psychopathic Juggernaut by paying to see the latest Hollywood release etc. Don't moan at the state of the world because its perfect - its how we want it. We are the scriptwriters. Change can, and will happen. I believe their will be a revolution - of consciouness. A tipping point is on the horizon, but if we remain in our sleepwalking state.........................we are the scriptwriters, what page are you on ? Namaste, gentlewind
  23. The Tao of Dying

    A forum is pretty anonymous sree, its face to face where folk often are at a loss of what to say. Here there are no awkward moments, folk can choose to post or not for whatever reason. Ease back the throttle sree ! As for my wonderful association with cancer, it is based on Love; on each seperate occasion I Loved my cancer, no fear no blame. I live each day knowing cancer is a heartbeat away, or that a stumble to the ground may result in a tumor. This is my Life and I Love my Life, even the scar tissue and wire mesh wall in my abdomen. I Love my S Pouch who occupies most of my time. Through cancer I have grown so much and deleted unwanted downloads. I am patient, more Loving than ever, I laugh a lot and I try to help others. Reality never loses when we argue with it - 100% success rate has reality. We argue with reality we can become depressed, angry, ill and so on. Death can be beautiful in the case of a long suffering loved one being released from pain with a smile on their lips. Each case is different. A lot of people are open to discussing death than ever before. A positive change of consciousness. google paranormal forums/death. My wife is also ill, she has fibromalgia and digestive problems. We look after one another. But I am esctatic sree, truly I am - and its not the heavy duty painkillers ! We battle with the mind. Once that is defeated then all is One. Look closely at why you are not happy - look at your mind sree, its running the show ! Question your mind and every thought - its amazing ! If you allow it too. You choose to engage it. Namaste, gentlewind
  24. The Tao of Dying

    Am I to blame for having cancer and my S Pouch ! Ouch ! I'm so sorry sree ! Any other problems you'd like to blame me for !!! Have you looked at yourself closely ? Could it be you who are to blame ? Or maybe people just like reading without the need to comment. Vaina left the discussion but not due to me. sree, look closer. Will you realize the Truth ? Death is a beautiful Mystery. I know plenty of people who enjoy talking about death. Their are plenty of thriving forums where death is debated and discussed. Enjoying Life is one reason why we are here. Depends what the entertainment is for it to be a distraction. I enjoy looking at the Moon on a clear night, am I to believe this is a distraction ! You see you can't help it sree - once again the need to mention being entertained by a pretty lady ! Lustful ! You can draw your own conclusions. Namaste, gentlewind
  25. The Tao of Dying

    are we arguing sree ! we are dicsussing with a hint of debate ! then you are not learning ! you only truly learn from what you experience ! Jesus - sree, he's a fictional character ! Who happened to mix with.......prostitutes ! Jesus is hot stuff though - he's the Sun ! Its all about Sun worship. The bible is not a literal work of writing it is astro theology ! Talking snakes - I say !!! You know what saddens me about the orthodox religions, in this case the christian religion is the nonsense they push regarding hell. I have a lady friend who is frightened to die because she believes she's going to hell - a side effect of being a catholic. I walk the right path sree, its been very kind to me. When I was younger I was somewhat wild, but as I grew older I calmed down. I have no regrets. I don't need protecting - that is for the superstitous. I am as free as a bird. Heaven is obtainable in the flick of a switch. It really is. What we must be aware of is our mischevious mind. When we believe the lies it feeds us then were in trouble. You don't have to earn it sree - its your natural state of being, which we've been disconnected from due to the orthodox religions of the world. Their are people responsible for the current state of the world, they are under the spell of their lower ego and they need us to send them Love, Light, Healing and Empathy. The world is in perfect shape because we have all deemed it to be by our actions. Have you seen the film 'One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest' ? Well that is the world we live in ! A madhouse. The crazy makers - nice phrase ! When they exit their body they'll be going Home, Home is Eternal and infinite; these dudes need love and healing which they'll receive. No judgements or hell fire, they will suffer when they realize what they have done; but not in a hell fire way - that is pure hocus pocus. The Woolwich Incident is a staged event. But humans are capable of savagery beyond what any other animal is capable of. Rwanda is a prime example. As I keep saying sree, the monsters are in control. Obama, Cameron and their flock. Psychopaths. I've simply pointed out what you've posted sree. Are you lustful ? To be honest I am not bothered either way. Your life is lived the sree way. Mine is lived my way. You are under the control of your lower ego in this instance. I see a pretty woman with nice legs, and you see a tart; you have the problem because you have sexualized her. In the past I would have viewed her as you do now, but I have erased the corrupted download. Their are many downloads which we are bombarded with, many come from the TV and from cinema, others come from the music arena; and even the world of sport has such downloads. Who is right ? Well, as you chose option one you chose the right option for you, this is where you are. I've moved on. Its not about right and wrong. Again its a big topic, but for another thread. So are you a sleazebag sree ! Yes I have and they both agree that she has nice legs. My wife said if she had good legs she'd wear a similar skirt - and why not ! My daughter has cracking legs and does occasionally wear short skirts - but it doesn't make her a tart; although judging by what you've written previously she would be seen as a tart by you. Men are pathetic sree, and I too have been guilty in the past. I have learnt my lesson in that regard. Its the conditioning man - fight it, unless you like being a sleazebag ! Just to add a third lady's viewpoint, although she's no longer in the physical plane - she'd have said what a cracking pair of legs ! And my Mum was brought up in a ultra strict catholic family ! Its us men who are at fault. Wrong! This is just propaganda. I know quite a few Americans who don't deem themselves to be christian. And look at the actions of Bush and Obama who have a fetish for dropping bombs and instigating drone strikes; yes very christian. Invading countries for their own profit and for oil ! The three biggest terrorist organizations are the US, UK and Israel governments, the facts are undeniable; the three aforementioned governments call it democracy though ! As for the UK, church attendances have been in steady decline for years. More secular these days sree. Emigrants escape from persecution which is often US or UK instigated - Iraq for example. Another thread required for that though! hmm.....didn't know that Amsterdam had a Red Light district ! Even my 79 yr old mother knew that and she'd never been there ! Christian country with legal brothels - thats progressive christianity then ! Being christian means being mind controlled ! Another thread required ! Reminds me of the hookers for Jesus religious cult ! Game ! What game sree ??? Life is a ride, when you get the ride right its awesome. Namaste, gentlewind