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Everything posted by gentlewind

  1. What are you watching on Youtube?

    This was an excellent podcast. Love Graham Hancock, and for some reason when he swears it makes me chuckle. Its not as though I've never heard a 'posh' bloke swear. The inspiration that is apparently Bill Donahue. Love this dude !!! Namaste, gentlewind
  2. Seatbelts

    we will evolve away from our need to feed upon the misery that is war. its only a matter of when. it will happen. no more politics or religion, or education systems which suck the life force from us. Namaste, gentlewind
  3. Hey everybody and those out-of-body

    Welcome A wonderful forum is this. Namaste, gentlewind
  4. Spiritual Warfare

    a lot of our spiritual battles are self inflicted. Mind. Question it. Namaste, gentlewind
  5. The Tao of Dying

    Do you like the 'night shift' sree ! I do enJoy listening to the dawn chorus. Bliss. Namaste, gentlewind
  6. The Tao of Dying

    Of course it is beyond our comprehension and the result is what you see unfolding before your eyes. We are a mess, a big huge monstrous mess(but its still perfect). So much is beyond our comprehension like how war doesn't result in peace. But, we must soldier on and attempt to discover the full facts, this is part of our Journey. I threw a couple of 'puns' in just for you sree Live from the Heart, make decisions based on Love. Spend time looking within. Laugh often. Smile at trees, say hello and even hug a tree. I have. Wonderful. We are All One. Family. We just haven't comprehended this. Meditate on the art of dying. Visualize those loved one's you want to see. Be prepared, but not stressed. Just Be. Namaste, gentlewind
  7. Seatbelts

    As a biker, albeit a 'retired' biker due to ill health. Well, seat belts were never an issue ! But of wars were banned then the Military Industrial Complex wouldn't be very happy. Neither would the bankers be, what about their profits ! You can't ban wars. We can hope though. Man makes hell when he makes war. All future wars should be fought by politicians only. When will the 'ordinary man' realize he is but a 'dog' to his masters. Namaste, gentlewind
  8. I want to overthrow the System.

    The System has many tentacles but no organic French fries the System disguises childbirth amongst the dancing flies Spew forth its rancid waste don't mention faith the System hates that word it prefers an obedient herd Sorry folks, it just popped out of me - the above verse, lets not be perverse !!! I am not a number - you bloody well are. Am I ? Time to cry ! The System has spoken. Namaste, gentlewind PS Blame the meds I'm on......
  9. Spiritual Warfare

    can I add my hippy & viking ditto........................... You should have seen me as Mozart, but thats digressing................. hey ho off we go.........................BOOM.......ahem, VANISH........................ Namaste, gentlewind
  10. Pleased

    ah, hello RuDao - any relation to Ru Paul ?!?! Welcome, tis a great forum, I'm newish and love the place. Namaste, gentlewind
  11. Hey everybody,

    and a warm and bless filled welcome from me Namaste, gentlewind
  12. How many people experience god?

    We were talking about this today, about how much we don't know about Life, and today we spoke mostly about death and dying; how we are still mostly in the dark about this. I was fortunate to have a Near Death Experience, so I am ready for my return Home - not in a morbid way, hope I'll still be here for a few more years ! Good to be prepared though. Their is a thread in General Discussion if you would care to join us there. Namaste, gentlewind
  13. How many people experience god?

    Hmm, may check that out. Thanks Leir The Fox, and hello ! Namaste, gentlewind
  14. The Tao of Dying

    OK dr sree Each 'case' is different. Their isn't a set manual sree. Some come back and live exemplary lives, others may not; this is the human race after all. Wouldn't expect it any other way. I don't play poker. I wasn't trying to give you false hope of my engaging in this poker game you want so badly, it triggered a memory in which I defeated a pesky christian. As for self confidence how about self deluded As for poker players, I knew some back in the early 80's who would take you to the cleaners sree ! They were good. Namaste, gentlewind
  15. The Tao of Dying

    Reality Unfolding, unarguable. Perfect. It is 'what is'. We are That Is, in miniature form, experiencing 'what is' and being 'what is'. We attach our ideas and arguments for and against living in such a way Never knowing the full facts. It is beyond our comprehension. Namaste, gentlewind
  16. The Tao of Dying

    Have a wonderful time Silent Thunder, and thanks for your contribution. You've added to the thread and I am learning more from you ! Namaste, gentlewind
  17. The Tao of Dying

    ^^^I prefer the term Source as the term/word g_d has been defiled by they clergy.^^^ But, yes I love this ! Agreed. Absolutely ! When this is remembered by each soul on this planet then we will be in for an amazing ride. I have experienced this state a few times and words cannot convey the Eternal Beauty of this. My pleasure Namaste, gentlewind
  18. The Tao of Dying

    You wanted some evidence regarding the Russian man's story and you still have a gripe !!! You now want more information - sree, go and Google whatever further information you want. So the guy comes back, and then he became a christian priest. He is where he needs to be. Without knowing more details about him, his upbringing and religious tendencies etc, I can only guess as to why he swallowed the religious propaganda. Maybe he had been to church as a child, or had friends who were christian. Maybe he still has past life issues connected to a life/s as a christian. Somewhere in his infinite Consciousness was something connected to christianity, and due to the event of him dying his Consciousness latched onto it - a reaction to the shock possibly ? The power of conditioning). So an explanation has been offered. You are now reminding me of someone from my distant past ! Funny enough he was an annoying christian whom I defeated in an argument about reincarnation) Namaste, gentlewind
  19. The Tao of Dying

    The Russian man - 'dead for 3 days'. Namaste, gentlewind
  20. The Tao of Dying

    Yes! I found him very interesting and inspirational cat, will watch this again for sure. Again ! Another Truth. A remarkable experience. This happened to a Russian gentleman, I read about this in one of PMH's books. I can picture the medical examiner's face ! Bet a good comedy could be made from some of the NDE's experiencers ! Laughter is such a wonderful 'drug' ! Have you seen the film, 'What Dreams May Come' with Robin Williams ? A cracking film, and I like Robin Williams. Yes. I can totally understand this. It took me over three months to recover from my NDE. I had to re-adjust, I went from the beautiful and vibrant colors of Home to the drab black and white colors of this physical realm. Namaste, gentlewind
  21. The Tao of Dying

    It can be very painful. One of my medications is specifically to thicken up my output, without this it would be very watery which would lead to dehydration and a stay in hospital. Some of the other medications also help to thicken it up, so I have to keep a close watch on the medications I'm taking otherwise I'd end up constipated ! Why worry about what is beyond your control ? Its a waste of energy and utterly futile sree. How bad it can get - really bad sree, really bad. I went to hell. Contemplated suicide. This thread is an opportunity for us all to contribute our stories, ideas and opinions. I am not feeding you anything spiritual sree, I am merely sharing my thoughts. You take what resonates and dismiss what doesn't, their is no poison on offer. Have not you used this thread as an opportunity to expound on matters of a spiritual nature, like the buddhist 9 realms of hell for example; I prefer to steer clear of any religion, because it detracts from the authenticity of the individual. People become addicted to the dogma and ritual as addicts do to heroin, it becomes their crutch. Wow dree, love that line - 'An imperial attitude, on your part, in public discourse is not helpful. An imperial attitude, on your part, in public discourse is not helpful. I have answered your questions have I not ? Nothing avoided. As an American - why even say that ? Programming that is why. We all believe in the freedom to question - except politicians ! The American revolt - was all planned, but thats another story. The bankers love war as it enhances their profit margins ! Everything I have written about the medical side of my journey is 100% true, cancer is not something to lie about. The spiritual side of my journey is based on my experiences, but I am not saying it is the Truth. My bowel cancer was due to my genetic illness which I discovered in 2003, not down to a careless lifestyle. I've never been a 'fan' of 'fast' food and have never been a big fan of alcohol, although I do enjoy the occasional Belgian beer ! I drink about three bottles a year ! So I guess I'd qualify as being tee total ! What I will say is that anyone who bleeds from the back passage should seek medical help, plain and simple. Don't put it off even if you are embarrassed by it ! Namaste, gentlewind
  22. The Tao of Dying

    This is an excellent interview and one I'll be watching a second and third time. One of my favorite lines is - 'you don't have to be dead to have an NDE'. A video well worth watching. Off topic, but I feel I must share. I was watching a presentation in which this line was said, 'Imagination is an organ of the Soul'. Nice. Namaste, gentlewind
  23. The Tao of Dying

    I agree. This can be difficult to understand. When I say what is happening in the world is perfect, I am referring to - Life Unfolding, Reality. Some mystics call it the will of g_d. Not everyone can see this, and some think I am saying that the suffering which the individual undergoes is perfect - nope ! The Unfolding of It is what is perfect. Reality has happened. It is where we are as a species. I don't like/want any living being to suffer. Namaste, gentlewind
  24. hi

    Welcome Dan ! Namaste, gentlewind
  25. The Tao of Dying

    I eat less than ever, so thats not it. Problem is having no large colon and only an S Pouch(and it is an awkward shape). I am medication to thicken my output, their are side effects to the medications I take; so with a combination of the shape of my pouch and the over thickening of my output. So a 5 hour stint is not because I enjoy the solace of the 'throne' but because of the aforementioned details, the shape though is a big part of the problem. And yes sree, there is a large deposit - what would you expect for a 5hr 'dump' ! That should answer detective sree's interrogation over why I spend so much time on the 'throne' !!! Accuracy sree, are you trying to call me a liar ? If so come right out and say it. I am telling the truth, and how you choose to respond is your responsibility. As for a friend sree, you are not. You are someone I engage with when I come to this forum. You appear to be questioning my honesty, which is rather poor form as us British like to say. I tell my story and hope it may be of some use to people, and if anyone is worried about bowel cancer(if you are bleeding from the back passage make sure you go see a doctor)they can PM me. I will try to answer any questions relating to bowel cancer - in confidence. It took me ten years of bleeding from the back passage before I saw the doctor, and if I'd left it any longer I'd not be here now. So please if you are bleeding seek medical advice urgently. Namaste, gentlewind