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Posts posted by wu_wei

  1. Definitely take care in such actions as mentioned above. As you become sensitive to the inner energies it is possible to see how pumping actions in many areas will create movement of energies - but this application is more along the lines of Western Medical approaches to energy - focused non-wholistic stimulation for a specific result - regardless and unaware of the repercussions to other systems and supporting systems that are not involved naturally in the processes you are pulsing into your focused practice. Quality natural unforced unfoldment of these refinements is by far the quickest way because it is also reinforcing and fostering the communication between yourself and the great vehicle you reside in. All the short cut methods are enticing but result in a longer road and often a great separation from the communion of spirit in body by fostering a notion of mind over body and subjugation.


    Agreed. I am NOT a fan of those methods. Not needed.



    ok, thanks for the input. i was trying it out because it was suggested by a friend that teaches kundalini yoga but i wasn't feeling a real resonance with those practices in general. i'll back off and just keep going with GoT until the workshop.

  2. No need to artificially stimulate as Stillness-Movement allows this in a natural manner and at a totally different vibration level. So, in answer to your question, our practice would supplant the other one. Non-forced = allowing to happen naturally instead of forcing one thing while ignoring other things.

    o.k. thanks Michael

  3. i've been practicing a particular kundalini kriya (a meditative exercise) that consists if repeatedly pumping the belly at the area of the lower dantian (right below the navel). this kriya is designed to stimulate the rising of the kundalini in a gradual manner by starting at 3 minutes per day, adding a minute every day or so, and gradually increasing the length of time up to 31 minutes.


    my question is, is the above considered a "forced method" or will it interfere with S-M practice?

  4. The qigong sets build upon each other energetically. If someone is learning them on their own from DVDs, it would definitely make sense to have GOT I well in-hand before starting to learn GOT II.


    At a Stillness-Movement workshop, though, these two sets are taught the same day. Because the information and energy delivered at a workshop is so densely packed, a student who goes home and practices every day will retain enough to be able to practice both GOT I & GOT II.


    Make sense?


    gotcha. thanks.

  5. A couple of questions:

    I've heard Michael talk about how the only incompatible methods with S-M are "forced methods". Can someone explain what a forced method is and give some examples???

    Also, I just received GoT II and SECA... on it, he recommends doing GoT I for a few months prior to GoT II or SECA. What is the reason for this? I'm assuming that the moves are more powerful but what exactly could occur if one proceeded ahead of time (not that I'm going to... just curious :) ) ?

  6. My hair has grown back.


    (Seriously! Got video evidence and everything. I think it is just a fluke, though, so please don't be under the misconception that Stillness-Movement is a hair-growth solution...)


    I have lots of odd occurrences now -- curious synchronicities, people giving me free stuff or buying things for me, people being drawn towards me when my shielding is inadequate, people simply not noticing me when my shielding is cranked up (people walking into me and being startled that they somehow missed the 6'3" 225-pound guy standing right in front of them, waitstaff taking everyone else's order and then realizing they somehow skipped me, that sort of thing).


    That sort of stuff is kinda fun and amusing but nothing I put much weight on. What I do value, though, is the pervasive sense of patience & calmness the system cultivates.


    This is a feedback mechanism in its own right, I think. Three foundational guidances from Master Wang are remain calm, be a good & moral person, and practice you qigong every day. Well, when you do this, it is self-reinforcing. I have always been a fairly level-headed and unexcitable person but practicing Stillness-Movement has transformed that -- I am now more in touch with emotions (a result of heart-center activation, I suppose) but I also radiate calm. I have had quite a few people -- coworkers, neighbors, family members, etc. -- comment on both my apparent serenity and the calming influence I seem to exert, and several have explicitly asked me what's going on. Attempts at explaining tend to generate glazed expressions, though.


    I have written about this before -- it is all about vibrations. We are awash in a sea of vibrations and we generate our own. As we raise our vibrational frequencies and as we become better at listening, we become better at noticing the interactions between the ripples we create and the ripples we encounter. As we become more attuned to the will of the light, we become better at using our intent to affect these resonances -- and as our energy grows stronger, we begin to glow. People notice.


    (This isn't the explanation I generally give to the mundane inquirer, mind you -- I tell them that I practice qigong, and then have to try to explain "qigong" (often ending with something to the effect of, "it's kinda like a combination of tai chi and meditation"))


    So I think the greatest "personal growth" for me has been a profound improvement in my ability to take things more in-stride while at the same time being able to project calmness to others. This is truly a blessing to me and to others and it is a direct result of practicing Stillness-Movement. That's certainly not to say that other practices or systems don't or can't have similar effects, but I have not personally encountered anything else which is so powerful or so efficient.


    Don't know if that's the sort of thing you were after, but...



    wow. yes, thanks for that response. i really love hearing how practices such as this create such change. now i'm even more anxious to get started... but i'll try to keep calm in the meantime ;). congrats on the hair growth haha :)

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  7. Hi All,


    I've been lurking here for a while, mostly reading and soaking in all the info I can find on S-M Neigong... I've meditated for years and dabbled in qigong but never found a system that fit. I've had interest in healing (I'm a massage therapist), Taoism, Shamanism, and energy cultivation practices.

    After reading about S-M and the remarkable stories of healing, as well as reading Michael's book and practicing some GoT, I felt in my gut that I needed to pursue S-M and so I'm anxiously awaiting the next workshop...

    I am still curious though about how those of you that practice S-M have seen changes manifest in yourselves and your lives... I've heard a lot about the healing and energy aspects but was wondering if I could coax some to share about the personal growth that the system has given them...


    Thanks in advance

  8. Lots of discovery and opening and releasing going on, wu_wei. This is a natural part of the system (as with many other systems) and isn't something to worry about. It also isn't something that you need to "power through." Always follow your instincts. If you feel like taking a day off, that's fine! Or just do 20 minutes one day instead of an hour. Whatever feels right.


    Resume your practice the next day (or whenever) and don't pay too much attention to physical sensations as they are generally just a distraction (other than pain, of course! Nothing in the system should cause pain so this would be a sign that you are doing a movement incorrectly (like torqueing your knees, for instance -- don't do that!)) Soon, you should fine that emotional baggage (as well as physical issues) start to drop away.


    Are you doing just the Gift of Tao movements or also the sitting/standing Stillness-Movement? Have you been to a workshop? (Screen names make it hard to recognize fellow students sometimes...)



    Just the sitting standing SMQ. Just ordered GOT DVD... I haven't been to a workshop but want to go soon. I've just pieced together the practice from what I read in Michael's book...


    I do have some physical pain symptoms that seem like fascial unraveling..... also sometimes I move very little... Not sure if I'm doing it "right" but something is happening....


    Thanks Brian for your reply.

  9. One other thing... I know that sitting in full lotus on Earth helps one absorb yin qi, but how do i get yang...? Am I correct in thinking that it is yang that I should first fill the lower dantien with?

  10. Hello to all, this is my first post. Brief background, I'm not knew to Taoist practice or philosophy, but I've never made a serious attempt at it... I recently started intense martial arts training and have come to realize the time is right. I've started researching and have come up with some basic information but would appreciate any info fill-ins and tips...

    Here is what I'm starting with:

    1) Full Lotus is best for mediation (building qi in dantien), but I'm unable to get in this position (barely able to get in half lotus)... What is the best way to work towards this? Are there any specific techniques/ stretches?

    2) I've started meditating outside so as to absorb yin energy from the Earth... Currently I'm focusing on my Dantien.... I've read discussions concerning focusing on emptiness... is emptiness focusing better than dantien focusing for qi building.... I'm trying to work through the first two or three levels of JC's approach... I've only read part of one of his books..

    3) Are there any books, movies, informational sites that are very comprehensive in helping me understand the essentials (other than this site) ?

    That's it for now. I would really appreciate any tips and info. Thanks!