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Everything posted by el_tortugo

  1. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Revisiting Dune and finding little nuggets.
  2. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    Autobiography of a Yogi! This was one of the first books I read on eastern philosophy or religion. I recently listened to the audio version. Great book. It in fact jump started me back to practice. This pandemic has got me tripping out and nostalgic, reviewing life and revisiting all sorts of things.
  3. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    This one is interesting and along similar lines: A War Of Witches: A Journey Into The Underworld Of The Contemporary Aztecs by Timothy J. Knab https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/586401.A_War_of_Witches_
  4. Inner smile practice: Problem of authenticity

    To my knowledge, the inner organ smile practice is a small part of the Small Heavenly Cycle that was broken off by Chia and given a silly name.
  5. Your opinion on Damos neigong?

    I've only recently found his youtube channel. I haven't taken any of his courses or read any books or articles, but I've listened to a bunch of his "chats" on youtube. I don't hear anything wrong or unreasonable. Seems worth checking out for sure.
  6. "Daily cultivation practice journals for The Dao Bums. Would you like one too? All you need to do is ask."


    I wasn't sure where to ask about reactivating my old journal "alchemycal_monkey." It's old and embarrassing, but it can be fun to revisit and update. 




  7. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Reminds me of Cecil Rhodes for some reason. I don't know much about Otto, but versions of the quote are everywhere.
  8. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    I've been pondering this one from different perspectives:
  9. perpetual newcomer

    It's been a long time! So glad to see this is all still happening! I look forward to learning what has been going on with folks and learning about updates to the forum itself.
  10. Weird Web Radio

    I find Wachter's stuff very intuitive and aligns well with practices I've done naturally. Great confirmations and ideas for new directions. Great stuff!
  11. Alan Moore on Art and Shamanism

    Great documentary!
  12. has not set their fart

    1. el_tortugo



  13. Eating Flesh Pros and Cons

    I shall have to become a wheat berry. I hope that I will be sprouted.
  14. What are the right questions?

    Great question. There are some great results available when you google, "powerful questions."
  15. Buddhism and Taoism....

    This book blends the two in a way if you like to check it out . . . Tao & Longevity: Mind-Body Transformation (Paperback) by Wen-Kuang Chu
  16. Buddhism and Taoism....

    "When we talk about the tantric world, we are talking about this visual, auditory, sensory world, which has not been explored or looked at properly. Nobody has bothered to actually experience it. People just take it for granted. We may have been interested in our world when we were little children, but then we were taught how to handle it by our parents. Our parents already had developed a system to deal with the world and to shield themselves from it at the same time. As we accepted that system, we lost contact with the world. We lost the freshness and curiosity of our infancy a long time ago. And now, although the world is full of all kinds of things, we find that in communicating with the world we are somewhat numb. There is numbness in our sight, numbness in our hearing, numbness in all our senses. It is as though we had been drugged. The reality of the world- the brilliance of red, the brightness of turquoise, the majesty of yellow, and the fantastic quality of green- has not been seen properly. We have been indoctrinated, or we have indoctrinated ourselves. The point of tantra is to reintroduce the world to us. A direct relationship between teacher and student is essential in Vajrayana Buddhism. People cannot even begin to practice tantra without making some connection with their teacher, their vajra, indestructible, master." Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
  17. Who's a taoist who's not a taoist

    I wonder what you are if you think that you are some form of a Tao Bum?
  18. How do you self- soothe?

    Yes, This is the most consistent self soothing that I engage in, I practice daily and it is a pleasing, relieving, soothing and effortless exercise. I highly recommend it!
  19. Can anyone recommend good Tai Chi DVDs?

    If you can, I would really suggest to arrange training at this school in Denver. http://www.enetworkmarketing.com/tangshoutao/tangshoutao.swf Maybe even a couple times a month or something.