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Posts posted by kvnmcwebn

  1. Uh... We have a lot in common including Michigan though I away moved years ago.

    My advice is just to find the best teacher possible regardless of the label on him, taoist, buddhist or catholic or whatever. When you find a teacher the other students will be your your sangha. You could approach it from the standpoint of learning meditation or tai chi chuan.

    The master I studied with in Michigan does not teach anymore.


    But here are some links of people and places that I have met/studied with / been.


    High level meditation instruction and good community of western students here:



    This guy is a good meditation teacher:

    And this guy is good though just watched him practice and never studied with him:


    Don't discount your catholicsm especially if you've spend so much time studying it. The beatitudes are a manual on cultivating and maintaining energy in a manner similar to the tao de ching, although a different kind of energy.