Hello Wen Yuen Gong, Yes, I am still practicing MoPai. Though my last (second) visit with John Chang was October 2006 at which time John Chang tested me and told me I was almost 40% complete for Level 1. I need to visit him again. My first visit was February 2005.   I made contact with Wang Liping in 2007. I met Wang Liping twice - February and March 2008. I have not yet trained with Wang Liping. Wang Liping has agreed to begin training me - this will begin soon. It will be authentic close training, not a public seminar.   At this time I cannot say what the differences are between Wang Liping and Mo Pai. But I am sure there are great differences in their approaches. I believe they are entirely different approaches.   There are also significant differences in how Sifu Jiang teaches vs. MoPai. Although I would say these two Pai have much more in common with each other than Wang Liping's Longmen Pai.   In my opinion, what is most unique about Sifu Jiang is his success in training his students to achieve true neigong. I personally met some of these successful students earlier this month. However, Sifu Jiang charges some serious money. And I wonder, even if Sifu Jiang's training was readily available in the US - the birthplace of modern capitalism - would there still be people on this forum complaining about money and demanding the training for free?!? Or trying to get pieces of the training over the internet? This is absurd. It is absolutely essential, in my opinion, to have a close relationship with a true master to succeed at this training.   In contrast, John Chang never charges any money. In contrast, John Chang, while he is an incredible neigong master himself, has not yet produced a successful student and the MoPai lineage has a long history of only 1 or 2 successful neigong achievers per generation - only of Chinese descent. This has been well documented in Kosta's books, by current MoPai students and is common knowledge at this point.   Wang Liping also charges significant money.   Money is the reality of China. China is very business oriented now. Chinese citizens have watched their country explode with commerce the last 10-15 years. There are so many business people in China who are extremely well-off. So the main focus and culture of Chinese society right now is making money! Yao Ming is making tens of millions of dollars in the USA playing basketball and from endorsements - Yao is a Chinese national hero. Now Yi Jianlian is in the NBA too. There are 7000 KFC restaurants in China with more opening every month. In China's towns and cities you no longer see swarms of people riding bicycles, you see traffic jams just like in America. So this has influenced all of China including the neigong masters - they are human just like everyone else. Modern China's culture is not the culture from the old Kung Fu TV series - that is mythology - Sorry Grasshopper. China's current culture is business and money.   Edward Richards