Yes - both.   Chia says ejaculation only. (The truth would be inconvenient for book sales)   The most damaging thing though is this pushing of sexualised Qi up to the head and heart. This creates a deviation called Poison Fire.
The damage starts from the ‘heat’ being pushed up to the heart and head (they need to be cooled - not heated for balance). Over time this causes mental issues - like over the top emotional reactivity or paranoia.
One of Chia’s top teachers was arrested after breaking into his own car at a police impound lot, retrieving a samurai sword and then going to a strip club to threaten a bouncer that had stopped him touching the strippers.   The full name of the deviation is something like ‘Poison Fire Taints the Heart’... this is when Qi that has been charged with lust from the ‘base’ water of the body, is pushed up and then taints the purity of the heart.
This is followed by a constant amping up of sexual deviancy... the feelings of love and joy become tainted by lust - so now one can only get pleasure from life through acting out of lusty desires.   This basically means an obsession with sex overtakes ones life. Very often this idea of lust tainting something pure is acted out through various deviant behaviours. Think ‘spiritual’ sex cults, dominating people, abusing minors etc.   This is quite a common and known issue in Asia. It’s happened obviously with Chia’s material - but there have been many others who developed ‘systems’ that can get them laid.
There are even some pretty old texts with similar methods that are known among the internal arts community to be early deviant paths - or even written for titillation rather than actual practice. Modern teachers take this stuff and show it as evidence that their ‘spiritual bj practice’ is most definitely legit...   Then there’s Chia’s ‘Million Dollar Point’ - basically pressing hard on the tubes at the perineum that would normally lead sperm out - but by pressing and shutting this tube, it leads the sperm into the bladder at the moment of ejaculation.   A few years of daily use of this point can irreversibly damage ones piping. After some time, sperm just starts to naturally enter the bladder - whether one is pressing the point or even engaging in sexual activity...
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