Each day, shortly after waking up, pressure begins to build in my forehead just above my eyes, and progressively gets worse until the end of the day or until I do something physical like walking, which only helps for the period it lasts, as energy in the face drastically increases once I stop. If I stand still and relax tension in the spine, my feet relax into the inner sole, legs bend inwards, my head is forced upwards, mouth open, and constant 'jerks' of the head to the left. Often there is a need to lift up my arms above my head which allows a little more movement, but I either end up back where I started or with arms above the head, nothing happening.. like so /o\ - always accompanied by incessant jerks of the head to the left side. Always the same. I'm often feeling an urge to keep my mouth open which implies some blockage somewhere too I believe, because the natural state when balanced should be mouth closed, tongue to the roof of mouth right?   This has been a recurring issue for the past year that I might have been able to identify. It appears my shoulder, neck and back muscles are physically misaligned and I simply can't seem to untangle them. No matter how many times I let the body follow the muscular movements, eventually I get stuck in awkward positions where nothing happens, and so I let go of whatever position I have ended up in and start over. By following muscular movements I mean I relax my upper spine to the point where the muscles move of their own accord, hands, shoulders, arms, head.. but it never seems to do anything substantial.. both because my awareness is not penetrating enough to truly allow movement to happen, so it is often mildly assisted, and because too much movement throws off my concentration and it becomes a long and arduous process of moving ever so slightly, stopping and regaining awareness of the whole body, letting go of personal will, then a little more movement and so on.. very difficult, doesn't really get anywhere.   I constantly feel so much slower than I know I am, difficulty grasping concepts, poor vocabulary recall... but I can think and learn.. it just takes so much longer than it used to. I believe I have 'qi in the head'? I have tried zhan zhuang, but this inevitably leads to either involuntary muscular movement as mentioned above, or I get very light headed and feel physically weak after ten minutes, with increased pressure in the head and feeling worse overall..   What should I do? What can I do? I cannot afford to ask for advice from the known kundalini/taoist teachers online as all this has made procuring any substantial income nigh on impossible. Where should I look, what practices would help? I appreciate any and all input. I am getting desperate.. Thank you all