certainly 阳气道万物 yang qi flows to all things 《律书》 壮者之气血盛,其肌肉滑,气道通 when qi is powerful and blood plentiful..the qi ducts are passable 《营卫生会》 心系急则气道约 when the heart is hurried then the qi ducts are constrained 《口问》 阴阳气道不通,四海闭塞 when yin-yang qi ducts are impassable, the 4 seas are filled in《五癃津液别》 so the whole passage is: 精 也 者 This essence [Jing] –
氣 之 精 者 也 Is essence [Jing] which produces qi 氣 道 乃 生  the qi ducts in the human body originate in jing
生 乃 思  once originating this qi turns into thinking
思 乃 知 thinking becomes knowledge
知 乃 止 矣  knowledge reaches its limit
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