What my mom used to say to me , if I was getting picky , was that if I didn't like that color candy , then I didn't really need to get any at all.  And so , she would say, ' if you think the world is so bad , then leave it'.    Moreover , if the world handed everything to you on a platter , and all of it was sugar and spice , there truly wouldn't be anything for you to do , nor reason to do it. The world would be rendered useless boring and totally pointless.    If you think this is some kind of fake perspective.. consider the number of people that die right as soon they they retire. The rich and famous who burn themselves out, or consider the rich powerful exec, or brass , who goes to a madam for regular spankings.  The world must be understood to be benevolent in that it is NOT all heavenly sweetness , that one does NOT have a guaranteed road-map ,,  ( as handy as that might seem ) But , if you think benevolence is only served up an silver platter , and just as you like it ,, well you just aren't going to get this point in the intended manner. And you're going to think that everyone who takes the world as the package deal , that it is , calling it good just like that  - a bullshitter.   
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