Liberation happens when a being recognizes nobody else has ever thought for them, and mindfully choose to appreciate the nature of what IS rather than suffering a personal fantasy of how they think it needs to be instead.    The universe offers some sensational phenomenon.  If a being chooses to receive the phenomenon with sincere gratitude or with sincere fear is the difference between liberation from suffering and suffering.    All suffering arises from a single beings choice in Now, all liberation arises from a single beings choice in Now.     Choosing to wait for some time   other than Now to choose to experience liberation is ensuring suffering until death.   Liberation can not be saved up for with weekly payments over time, it does not have a list of conditional prerequisites, it can not be purchased, it can not be captured or saved in a jar for later use.     It is a precious gift you can unstoppably and unbreakably choose to experience in Now, or not.    Unlimited Love,  -Bud
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