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Whats your opinion on the "5 Tibetan Rites"

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It looks to me as a lame, beginners-style work-out when compared to other yogas. I know a few Tibetan and Indian yogas from lineage sources, and it seems the 5 Tibetans are sort of like the beginner version when you haven't developed the core muscles and flexibility yet. Sort of like what a physiotherapist would give as an excercise routine to a couch potato, not an athlete. The exception is the spinning posture, which is a bit different. Of course, I know of many simple practices that are yet very powerful, so I don't judge based on complexity or difficulty. Whats your view?

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I used to use them before i discovered a Hatha Yoga Class. I believe if you take it for a core intensity workout, its probably pretty good.


Have you heard of the "secret 6th rite?" Its a pc and abdominal clenching bandha exercise for pushing the energy upwards.


I do like the spinning, just for fun.


I prefer slow hatha yoga for muscles, and tantra/ kundalini for guiding the energy upwards.


"IF you bend a bow too far it will break"

-Lao Tzu


I prefer to cultivate more peace in my exercise routines, although I do some intense Taichi at times.


Love and Light


Edited by phore

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