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WP 1.5 is approaching

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Soon the new release of word press should be out: The 1.5


I have been using WP myself in the last months and while the version .12 had some problems, the 1.2.2 was ok. And very good.


Word press have been better and better consistently lately and it has tons of plugins done by anybody.


Right now we have 4 different training logs, and there is no reason why they shouldn't become more. But is always confusing to follow them, as comments mix with the posts, or you cannot see a page with only the posts, but not the comments.


So I suggests that as soon as WP 1.5 becomes an official release (and have been thoroughly tested) we implement it for our blogs. So we can have rss feeds of the blogs we are following, and can read the rest.


My two hacks.



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Just to let everybody know that the first discussion board using tags instead of a hierarchy threads have just appeared. Now we only need to let it have so much success that the people from phpBB will want to install some elements of it too.

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