Green Tiger

Stillness-Movement in a flotation tank

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The other day I had my first experience in a flotation tank. For anyone who meditates, I would recommend trying this. Even if you don't meditate, you should try it. It was pretty awesome.


When I first got in, it was somewhat uncomfortable. It felt like floating revealed all the latent tension in my body. You begin to relax though, as you float.


I also noticed that breathing seemed somewhat . . . labored? At first my breathing felt awkward, so I tried doing some deep breathing exercises. After several minutes of breathing exercises it dawned on me that, "Hey, maybe this would be a good time to practice floating stillness-movement!" Almost as soon as the intention hit my brain, I felt more relaxed. By the end of the 90-minute session, I felt really REALLY relaxed. It felt like my spine had assumed a more natural curvature and my breathing eased significantly.


Two days later I still feel a noticeable difference.


If you do try a flotation tank, I would recommend you also get a massage after your float and basically clear your schedule for the rest of the day. Floating is really detoxifying and you might need some time after to just relax and let your body process.

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Many years ago I decided to add a float tank to my clinic. Installed shower in separate room and was getting ready to order the tank when something came up about the building I was renting being sold. Never got around to it again.


I would love to have a personal float tank. I would be concerned about using a public one with the high incidence of MRSA and other. High salt environment should be good but I would also want to see ozone and UV treatment of the water as well as wiping down of tank entrance, disposable foot mats, etc.

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