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Jade Emperor Palace

A little history of the Jade Emperor sacred virgin boy and the Knife Bridge

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1. Master Lee’s own experience and how to know being sacred virgin himself.

Master Lee himself originally was against / not a believer in Taoism. However, after being passed through all of the God/mysterious trials/ordeals, he was still not believing in the power of Taoism as well as Gods. Master Lee used 30 years to study, how to become the 6 Maoshan. He also has Tai Shang Lao Kun’s power. He is also proficient in reading Feng Shui, the Divine Triagram of card reading. . He also can solve mysterious things that cannot be solved by normal circumstances. Master Lee always offers to solve unseen events and spirits for people.


2. Master Lee learnt magic spell arts which belonged to He Menhe.


3. Sacred virgin disciples that Master Lee has.

The Queen Empress, Tai Shang Lao Kun, Zhong Tan Yuan Shuai, Zhao Zi Long, Jiang Jun, Hong Hai Er, Wealth Boy, Fa Zhu Gong, Guan Di Ye, Guan Yin, Xi Wang Mu.


4. The origin and the role of Knife Bridge.

The Knife bridge was originally the Maoshan sect arts. Few temples in Malaysia have carried the act of crossing the knife bridge. When a human carries out an unlawful act, he will inevitably be acquitted in Hell, being sentenced to receive all sorts of punishments, such as Mountain of Knives, the Sea of Fire, The knife bridge etc. For this year’s divine ceremony, the Palace has brought the knife bridge into the human world. These knives were made to slice up even a thin piece of paper.


The 18 knives represent 18 levels of Hell. In order to cross the bridge, Master Lee has to first lead the way, followed by the students of the palace and others who wish to cross. After crossing the bridge foot by foot, the bad things will be vanished, and is believed to bring good luck. Means, the knives will bring out every bad things ouf of a person’s body, can eradicate bad meeting with bad to-be-soulmates, as well as bad sickness and diseases. After crossing till the end, there will be a feeling where everything will have a new beginning in every person’s heart naturally.



*Not suitable for women with menstruation

*Men having sexual intercourse on that day itself

*No confidence and having doubts on the knives are not advisable to cross.


This is because, after the first step has been made onto the knife, you are not able to stop halfway. You have to continue your spiritual journey across all 18 knives.


5. The origins of the Jade Emperor God festival

The Jade Emperor God Festival falls on the 9th day of the Chinese New Year. Taoist temples hold ritual ceremony, known as "Jade". Those who participate in the ritual by the priests and Taoist believers have to offer sacrifices to the Jade Emperor, by eating Vegetarian food to be blessed for long life. The people of Fujian and Taiwan Province believe the Jade Emperor as "The Lord of Heaven". So, the ninth day of the first month is an important day to pay respect to Heaven Lord. The whole family has to fast, bath, burn incense, pray and in some places will have singing to entertain Heaven Lord. In the past, Northern China hold the Jade Emperor Festival. Their tradition is to carry the Jade statues to tour Villages and Street. According to history, December 25th of the lunar New Year is the day which Jade Emperor will visit the human world. On this day, temples, priest and believers should burn incense and pray to welcome the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor lives in Tai Wei Yu Qing Palace, which is the supreme imperial city which ever exists in celestial history.


6. Origins of the Jade Emperor Palace.

The Jade Emperor Palace was built in 2004. Previously was the NaZha temple. But since Tai Shang Lao Kun passed all his knowledge to Master Lee, and went through layer upon layer of difficulties and challenges, then only with official word from the Heaven that the Jade Emperor Palace was established. So now every year on the 8th day of the Chinese New Year night, there will be the Jade Emperor’s divine ceremony to celebrate the birthday.


7. These activities can bring benefit to the worshipers.


In addition to crossing over the knife bridge, people can cross the Well-being Bridge with lotus lantern candles to the front of the Goddess of Mercy (Guan Yin Pu Sa). The pure water sprinkled by Guan Yin will cleanse all misfortune and bad karma to bring good luck for the New Year. Then, we have a ceremony of climbing to the South Heaven Gate. This is where worshipers go to the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, with a pure heart, to be blessed with seal so that worshipers have more spiritual power and strength, to resolve the difficulties in life. Of course the last event which worshipers are most concerned about is Worshipers can receive blessing to take home fortune.


8. Activities for days after the Big Ceremony.

Master Lee will usually have reading cards using the Eight Divinatory Trigram for worshipers who wants to solve some life problems. The life reading is opened from Monday to Sunday. From 8pm to 12am. Worshipers only need to insert RM10 in Angpau to be placed inside a bronze ‘Wo’ in Palace. However, for those who have made a fortune is advised to imburse some oil, alcohol, kerosene, money to the Palace as a way of giving back to the Palace.


9. For other matters.

The Palace welcomes any generous worshipers to help establish a unique Jade Emperor Palace in Malaysia.

The Palace Address:

Cheras Jade Emperor Palace (In the Garden on mountain)






With sincerity,


Edited by Jade Emperor Palace

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