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PME depletion

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PME = Post Male Ejaculation


After being non-masturbatory for a good 9 months I finally decided to let one go. Not one actually two... this was last night though. I had to go to kung fu today but I decided not to go because I felt weakness in my kidneys and also fear. My eyes and head (the fore) were also feeling weaker and have a feeling in my ears like a faint ringing.


I know it's kidney weakness because after I do this sexual vitality chi kung for my kidneys that's popular ie scooping the water in front on the ground from left to right with the left hand, picking it up and bringing palm faced out in front of the eyes moving right to left and then back down and repeating, all with the right hand on the lower right back with thumb tucked in enclosed palm. repeat for the other side. Well after doing this exercise I really felt my lower back being exercised, specifically where I thought my kidneys were.


Well if every time I ejaculate Im going to be feeling this then I'm sure masturbation is not for me. Even though everyone on this board says that one should masturbate, I think if I am feeling this every time I just cannot sacrifice the amount of energy. Unless I'm with a female, that might change things because it might actually be balanced but solo sexual practice leading to ejaculation is Always depleting, no matter what. Even if it doesn't lead to ejaculation it is still imbalanced with no yin to accompany the yang. This is frustrating ultimately because there must be some type of practice for balance to occur but if one is not able to do this in a balanced way then how is it one can achieve balance in the first place with something that requires a yin?


Well.. I didn't go to kung fu. I know what it's like to practice the day after having ejaculated and how it feels, the terrible loss of self esteem and energy, the real physical weakness and especially at the hips, the feeling of depletion and the real fear that occurs with weak kidneys.


Is there anything one can do after this occurs to lessen the weakness feelings?

Edited by Non

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Well first off I'd recommend that you make sure you aren't just fooling yourself. Sometimes when the mind thinks something hard enough, the body responds. You could very well be causing a feedback loop- you think you feel kind of tired, so you feel kind of tired, your mind hones in on the kidney area, you feel something back there, you are positive it must be the feeling of energy having been drained, you falsely attribute this to the masturbation, this reinforces your own thought that you have depleted your energy, it reinforces your own preconceived thoughts on masturbation, this makes you feel more tired, this increased focus on the area brings about more feelings........


And before you know it, you're resting at the bottom of a very sad, damaging slippery spiral which has taken you down down down to the very bottom of a very unhappy place somewhere in your mind. Some place that is so unhappy that you actually physically respond.


Now I don't know your specific situation. And I'm not an initiated guru that knows the energetic ramifications of masturbation, nor have I been trained in traditional healing and medicine traditions, so I really can't say anything other that, from my knowledge and from my experience, masturbating twice after a period of 9 months of inactivity is not going to kill your or significantly put you back development wise.


As Scotty put it in another thread, you lose a lot more energy worrying about it than might if you just did the act.

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