Hi Dan,   Meditation, exercise and qigong certainly will help to maintain a healthy, positive outlook. Flying Phoenix Qigong in particular, because of its tangible, sublime healing energy, will keep positive message units flowing from one's body to the brain. (That's another way of saying physical pleasure and comfort). While regular FP Qigong practice will maintain higher energy levels--as many contributors to this thread of confirmed--one wants to get a handle on the behaviors, emotional or mental processes that cause depletion of energy. Effective psychotherapy will help one develop this type of self-control. But that is often very hard to find.   Yogically speaking, one of the best general handbooks written in laymen's terms on preserving one's energy is Carlos Castaneda's "The Fire Within" (I think the 6th book in his series written int he late 70's or early 80's). Castaneda defines the "impeccability of the warrior" as nothing but preserving one's energy for positive work.   Best wishes for your practice and health.   Sifu Terry