Hi to all FP Practitioners,   I want to share two training tips:   (1)   The first is one that I had mentioned once before during the first couple months of this thread in 2010--around the same time that  "ridingtheox" recommended the same: and that is to practice the capstone Long Form meditation (taught on Vol.4 DVD)  two times back-to-back--as slowly as you can.  The  benefits of of continuous, uninterrupted FP Meditation is self-evident.  All you have to do is Just Do It.  I did two rounds of the Long Form this morning and on the second round, my postures were lower than ever, more relaxed than ever, and almost completely effortless--whereas the first round I ran into tension that caused breaks, kinks and hitches.  The second roundis always slower and smoother than the first round.  Of course,  I also recommend a third round.     (2)   Tip Number 2 is a very simple thing to do when you practice the seated "Monk Serves Wine" ("MSW") meditations that will make you more tangibly aware the distinctive, sublimely restorative Flying Phoenix Healing Qi that you are cultivating, increase your enjoyment of the fruits of your practice, and naturally allow you to appreciate the  awesomeness of the  FP Qigong system--and love its side-effects:    a.  Rather than doing your seated MSW Meditations on the floor or carpet inside or on grass outside or a yoga mat outside, do them  seated on one or two regular bedroom pillows with preferably down filling and cotton pillow cases.  (polyester filling is also okay, but down feathers is better) b.  Do one, or two, or three, or even four different MSW Meditations (7 rounds for each meditation)--in one sitting. c.  When finished, take the (one or) two pillows on which you were sitting and lie down on them (supine)--with the top pillow placed underneath your upper back and neck.     You will notice that the "heat" retained in your pillows (especially the top one)  is not ordinary body heat but a most distinctively comfortable, soothing, and penetrating type or "flavor" of energy.  Call it the  Flying Phoenix Healing Qi.  It's  light and deeply infusing.  Also try lying your head sideways on the warmest part of the pillow.    I discovered this lovely side effect (of a super-abundance of the FP Healing Qi outside of one's body) back in the early 1990's when I first learned FP Qigong from GM Doo Wai and practiced it more than any other student in our group.  But it's only been in the past year that I started doing a lot of MSW practice on a bed, sitting on pillows, and thus regularly experiencing this most pleasant FP Energy phenomenon.   I'm sure other FP practitioners have discovered this pleasant effect.  Please share your experiences if you have!  And state whether you think it's just body heat--or something else.   Sifu Terry
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